1、让课堂活起来The lion and the mouse教学案例案例背景牛津英语 4AM2U3 中的故事The lion and the mouse是围绕“朋友之间互相帮助“这一主题而展开的。文本比较简单,也没有出现太多的新授内容。起先,考虑到执教班级学生对语言的感悟能力较弱,语言的整体表述能力不够强,于是我按照课文形式将整篇故事呈现在学生面前,学生学得比较枯燥,学起来也不带劲,课堂效果不尽如人意。课后我进行了反思:对于学生,我的顾虑太多,不能放手让他们自己表现,缺少对学生的信任。学生围绕我的思路进行思考的机会远远多于摆脱我的束缚自由思考的机会。因此我决定重新再构文本,通过创编对话的形式,提供
2、给学生思维、巩固和运用新语言的机会,为学生能力的递进提供平台。在设计自我介绍、对话表演等环节时,我将教学重点放在拓展以及情感的体验上,与日常生活相联系,开拓学生思维,使故事的发展情节更具有连贯性和趣味性。在其他班级执教时,我首先从座位入手,通过图片、实物、电教媒体等手段将学生置身于真实的语境中,在轻松愉悦的氛围中自然习得。案例描述本篇课文要求学生通过故事明白“朋友”的真正含义。一、 “朋友”的第一层浅层次的含义“play together”是通过一个调查活动揭示:IWarm up.Sing a song: Make new friends.This song is about friends,
3、 today well try to find what does real friends mean.II. Lead-in.1. Do a survey: Go out to ask your classmates What do you like to play? If you have the same hobby, please hug each other and say Were friends, we like to play _ together.2. Show the slide Friends means Play together.通过唱歌、调查活动让学生自己总结出来,
4、并埋下伏笔,知道朋友还有一个更高层次的含义,希望通过故事能找出这层含义。二、在新授 The lion and the mouse 这个故事时我设计了一些课文中没有的故事情节,并且让学生自由发挥创造,共同编出这个故事。III. Learn the story1. Those are your old friends; do you want to make new friends? There is an animal; he wants to make friends, too. Lets guess who he is.2. This lion wants to make friends w
5、ith other animals. You know, we must introduce ourselves before making friends, if you are the lion, how will you introduce yourself?3. Is this lion always happy? Look!(1)How is the lion now? (sad)(2)Why is he sad, do you know?(Because he has no friends.)(3)He has no friends, he is very lonely. If y
6、ou are lonely, what can you do?(Make new friends)4. Thats a good idea. So the lion writes a poster to look for friends. Lets listen to it, what does the poster say?(1)Listen to the poster.(2)What do you think of this lion?(3)Be the proud lion, read the poster for the lion.(4)If you are the small ani
7、mal, will you make friends with the lion? Why?3、教师只是课堂中的主导,学生才是课堂的主体。当我抛出几个线索型的问题后,剩下实质性的内容就交由学生来完成了。5. No one wants to be the lions friend, but theres one animal, he wants to be the lions animal. What do you think of this animal?(1)Lets guess who this brave animal is.(2)How does the mouse introduce
8、 himself? (individual-chorus)(3)The mouse is so brave that he wants to be the lions friend, but what does the lion say? Be the lion and the mouse.(pair work)6. The lion is so proud that he will never believe one day he needs the mouses help.(1)One day, the lion is walking in the forest, what does he
9、 see? (He sees a rabbit.)(2)He wants to eat the rabbit, what does it say? (Be the lion.)(3)He is chasing the rabbit happily, but he doesnt see a hunter is chasing him. The hunter wants to catch the lion. Now the lion is in the hunters net. What will he say? (Individual-chorus)7. Congratulations, Lio
10、n! You have a good friend now. How do you find the friend? Can you act out the story now? (In groups of three)四、通过思考,强化情感目标。IV. Post-task1. After reading this story, can you tell me what a real friend means?2. Do you ever need help? How does your friend help you?实际的课堂效果证明如果老师将整个故事都一五一十地告诉学生,然后让学生照搬老