1、1. NO.52. abuck 曰:3. 1、论文主要解决的问题是什么? 2、这个问题重要吗?为什么? 我为什么要读这篇文献? 是否有人做过? 自己会怎么设计方法来解决? 3、A 通过图表,你会得到什么结论? B 图表说明什么问题?能否说明该问题 自己要得到这张图会用什么方法? 作者用的是什么方法? C 你能够重新画出这张图,用自己的语言表达吗? 4、作者采用什么方法来解决这个问题?假设是什么?理论依据是什么? 这些方法是否符合论证命题的需要? 通过这个方法,你觉得大概能得到怎样的结果? 是否有能得到更好结果的方法或更加简单的方法? 他为什么这样设计试验?是怎么想到的?有什么创新?你为什么没有
2、想到? 5、A 这些设计能否满足需要?为什么?这种方法有什么缺陷或进一步需要阐明的地方? 结果分析统计方法有什么缺陷 B 这些试验是如何组织起来的,之间的逻辑关系是什么?每项试验都有什么意义?哪些是 必要的?哪些是不必要的? C 如果是我得到这样的结果,我会得到什么结论? 6、A 文章的结论是什么?和你想的差异在哪里? B 结论可靠性如何?对原来的结论有什么支持或变化? 你如何评价? C 讨论中是如何从已知的知识得到结论的 7、A 试验结果是否支持文章的结论 问题、设计、方法和讨论的逻辑关系是什么,作者是如何达到目的的?有哪些哲学思想和技巧? B 还有哪些不确定采用的是推测的地方?为什么不确定
3、?我能否进一步确定?C 文章是如何描述结果、如何解析图表趋势,论据如何组合,如何表达自己的观点? 8、和同类文献,有什么共同点和不同点? 9、和以前的文献,作者思路上有什么变化,下一步是什么?我能否有进一步改进或者加入? 10、别人还有哪些地方没做?要是我接着此方向继续做,哪些是在我所在工作条件下可以做的,哪些必须要做,哪些别人肯定比我做得更好更快? 看 introduction 回答问题 1 和 2 看图片 回答问题 3A 看结论和 abstract 回答 6A 再看图片 回答 3B 和 3C 图片和结论相结合 回答 6B 和 6C 阅读 abstract 和结果 回答问题 4、5A 和 5
4、C 比较结果和结论 回答 7 比较以前的文献 回答 6B 和 9 比较同类文献 回答 8 回答 7B 和 10 最后全部问题过一遍 4.5.To work on an IMPORTANT problem. To do a GREAT research. At the beginning of my research, I tried to read as many papers as possible and tried to get all details of papers. After several weeks I was got stuck.There are so many pap
5、ers and so many topics and some many problems.I did not know what I should read more and what I should focus on. In fact, I found that I did not know how to do research. My most urgent problem was to learn how to read papers. Then I spent two days to learn it. I searched on the website and got lots
6、of good advices on this topic. I appricated all the help to me. These suggestions from different people have different emphasis. According to my understanding of these suggestions, I summarised these ideas and listed them as following to guide my ongoing research. Whenever reading, always keep in mi
7、nd “Know what you want, and then get it and no more“. -It is better to keep your own mind free and to not let the thinking of others interfere with your own free thinking. -You need to keep up more to find out what the problems are than to read to find the solutions. -The reading is necessary to kno
8、w what is going on and what is possible. But reading to get the solutions does not be the way to do great research. -Dont give yourself very much time. “figure out what this papers about“ within the 30 minutes. Just do it; you will figure it out. Just imagine youre a reviewer whose plane is landing
9、in twenty minutes, and you have to decide whether this paper is crappy or good! Pass One: Whats the point? (5 minutes) 1. Read title carefully and think what I will do under this title if I was the author for 5 minutes. 2. Read abstract, skim section headlines, introduction and conclusion. Answer th
10、e following questions: 1. Whats the problem? 2. What is the benefit to solve this problem? 3. What have been done on the problem? 4. Why are others work inadequate? 5. What is the authers solutions? Under what assumptions? 6. Why is his/her solution better than others? Whats the limitation? Pass Two
11、: Whats the evidence? (15 minutes) only when you believe it deserves a carefully reading Whenever reading the details, always keep in mind “Do NOT miss the BIGpicture“. Dont assume that understanding each phrase will enable you to understand the whole idea. Answer the following questions: 1. Whats t
12、he new solution? 2. How does the author evaluate the solution in terms of argument or an experiment/simulation? 3. Does the conclusion follow logically from the observations? 4. Do I think it is true? Can I convice someone else that it is true? 5. Is there any more conclusion or alternative conclusi
13、on? 6. Does the conclusion still hold for some special cases? 7. How should the work be followed up by the author? by myself? Pass three: Make the idea your own.(10 minutes) Reflect on the paper. Follow the idea back to its origin and rediscover it foryourself. Skim the paper back and forth if necessary. 1. Write down a outline in your own words in 3-5 sentences. 2. How do you apply their approach to your own work? 3. Write down your questions when you go along. 6. 东西挺多,我觉得每一点对我们都很有帮助,希望大家看后有不同的收获!