1、信息检索课程报告项目名称: 地基处理技术研究学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 水利工程 学 院: 港航院中文:地基处理技术研究查新项目名 称英文:Research on Foundation Handling Technology一、 查新目的及范围查新目的:立项查新范围:国内外 二、 查新项目的科学技术要点(1)通过查阅国内外文献,了解国内外在地基处理技术方面的历史与发展现状。(2)查阅国内在地基处理方面的技术,比较传统技术与新技术的区别与联系。(3)查阅国外在地基处理方面的技术,比较传统技术与新技术的区别与联系。(4)比较国内外地基处理技术的相同点与不同点,比较各自优缺点,了解各技术特点。三、
2、 查新点与查新要求查 新 点:通过比较各技术适用范围以及各技术的优缺点,分析各技术创新点。查新要求:希望查新机构通过查新,证明在所查范围内国内外有无相同或类似研究。四、文献检索范围及检索策略(一)文献检索范围国内 数据库:1. 中国学术期刊数据库 19942012.52. 中文科技期刊数据库 19892012.53. 中国科技经济新闻数据库 19922012.54. 中国学术会议论文数据库 19892012.55. 中国学位论文数据库 19892012.56. 中国科技成果数据库 19892012.57. 中国专利数据库 19852012.58. 中国计算机文献数据库 19892012.59.
3、 国家科技成果网 19782012.510. 中国科技论文在线 20002012.511. 互联网相关中文网站国外数据库:1. EI(美国工程索引) 19682012.52. CSA(剑桥科学文摘) 19802012.53. OCLC FirstSearch(联机系统) 19922012.54. EBSCOhost(全文数据库) 19752012.55. ProQuest Science Journals(科学期刊) 19862012.56. SpringerLink(德国斯普林格数据库) 19732012.57. Elsevier SDOL(荷兰 Elsevier 学术期刊) 1995201
4、2.58. PQDD(北美博士论文) 19982012.59. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library10.The ACM Portal (The ACM Digital Library)11.Wiley InterScience (Computer Science)12.科技信息搜索 http:/(二)检索策略检索词:1. 地基处理(foundation handling) 2. 发展与现状(development and present conditions) 3. 展望 (look into foreground)检索式:A. 1 and 2 and
5、( 3 or 4 )B. 1 and 2 and ( 3 or 4 ) and 5五、检索结果运用以上检索策略在以上国内、外数据库中检索到与该委托项目相关的文献共计 20 篇。摘录如下:(1) 【题 名】地基处理技术的发展与现状【作 者】康旭元 【机 构】山西铁龙基地与基础工程有限公司 山西 太原 030024【刊 名】山西建筑 2005年 01期【文 摘】概述了地基处理技术的概念、分类及方法,重点综述了我国地基处理技术的发展历程与现状,提出了地基处理技术的最新动向,并对其前景进行了展望。(2) 【题 名】地基处理技术的发展【作 者】刘亚东【机 构】内蒙古自治区水利水电勘测设计院 呼和浩特 0
6、10020【刊 名】内蒙古水利 1999年 02期【文 摘】概述了地基处理技术的概念、分类及方法。重点综述了我国地基处理技术的发展与现状和最心动向,并对前景作了展望。(3) 【题 名】地基处理技术现状与发展趋势【作 者】王可,张磊【机 构】河南省平顶山工学院 河南平顶山 467001【刊 名】工业技术 2008年 22期【文 摘】本文概述了地基处理技术的发展与现状,指出了地基处理技术的发展趋势,对其前景作了简单的展望,其目的是使对地基处理技术的发展有一个更全面的了解和认识。(4) 【题 名】浅谈建筑工程中常用地基处理及加固方法【作 者】肖仲琰【机 构】内蒙古工业大学【刊 名】内蒙古科技与经济
7、2002年 07期【文 摘】本文对建筑工种中常用的几种地基加固方法作了介绍,并给出了每种方法的适用条件为实际工程中选择合适的地基加固方法提供了依据。(5) 【题 名】浅析常用地基处理技术【作 者】王志宏【机 构】秦皇岛市抚宁县建筑工程质量监督站【刊 名】中国科技信息 2008年 11期【文 摘】本文在参阅有关文献的基础上,结合多年实践经验,对浅层地基常用技术作了综合性介绍,供实际工程中采用。(6) 【题 名】谈地基处理常见技术及发展【作 者】白文彪,马健【机 构】河北理工大学建筑工程学院 063009 圣帝国际建筑工程有限公司 063000【刊 名】山西建筑 2008年 06期【文 摘】首先对
8、目前我国常见地基处理技术的原理和适用场合作了简单的介绍,然后探讨了地基处理技术的发展情况,为地质条件不好或软弱地基处理技术的选择提供了依据。(7) 【题 名】对软土地基施工中灌浆加固法运用的几点认识【作 者】郑贤君,刘艳辉【机 构】黑龙江海华城市规划技术中介服务有限公司【刊 名】建筑施工 2008年 10期【文 摘】灌浆加固法是工程地基加固最常用的方法之一,该方法利用气压或液压配以填充渗透和挤密方式,把能凝固的液浆均匀的注入岩土层中,驱走岩石裂缝中或泥土颗粒间的水分和气体,并以其自身填充,待硬化后即可将岩土胶结成一个整体,可以改善持力层受力状态和荷载传递性能,从而使地基更加坚固。(8) 【题
9、名】排水固结法在软粘土地基处理中的应用【作 者】周锋川,王丽芳【机 构】中煤第一建设公司第十工程处 056001 邯郸钢铁集团设备制造安装公司 056015【刊 名】邯郸职业技术学院学报 2008年 03期【文 摘】排水固结法是现在地基中设置竖向排水井,然后利用建筑物本身重量分级逐渐加载,或是在建筑物建造以前,在场地先行加载预压,使地基发生沉降,同时强度逐步提高的方法。本论文结合工程实际说明排水固结法可以处理软粘土地基。(9) 【题 名】地基处理技术综述【作 者】唐颖栋【机 构】浙江省环境工程有限公司 浙江 杭州 310007【刊 名】低温建筑技术 2007年 04期【文 摘】介绍了已有建筑地
10、基加固技术的原理,并重点探讨了工程中常使用的地基加固技术的特点、施工要点和适用范围等。以推广地基加固技术的更广泛的应用。(10) 【题 名】软土地基处理技术概述【作 者】王振信【机 构】地下工程与隧道研究所 【刊 名】设计与施工 1999年 03期【文 摘】本文从工程观点,介绍了软土的范围划分、地基处理的基本概念以及软土地基处理的目的和应用范围。(11)Title: Foundation treatment case sudy of Fill area nearby buildings in Shanghai soft soilAuthor: Zhan, Jin-Lin; Shui, Wei-
11、Hou; Chen, Guo-Dong; Liang, Yong-Hui; Hong, Chang-DiSource: Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v 32, n SUPPL. 2, p 310-313, August 2010Abstract:Have a whole study about large-scale field tests of landfill near buildings in soft soil in Shanghai. Through the different
12、 stages of fill research and analysis, we study the additional settlement of building and the negative friction on the PHC pile. We study the interrelationship among height of the filling, the shaft displacement of pile, shaft horizontal earth pressure on the pile. The distance is obtained within wh
13、ich the filling can have some influence on the negative frictional force of the pile and the lateral soil pressure, and also the major stratum. A safety distance is obtained save impact on the nearby pile foundation from the influence of the height of fill and thickness of weak soft layer. Based on
14、the different characteristic of influence on the nearby structure foundation, the additional settlement of the nearby structure foundation and the horizontal thrust of the pile foundation are treated properly by two different in-situ monitoring cases of foundation treatment.(介绍了软土中桩的受力情况,分析了软土地基需作出的
15、处理)(12)Title: Foundation treatment at the Tadami dam siteAuthor: Lian, Feng; Gong, Xiao-Nan; Xu, Jie; Wu, Rui-Qian; Li, Yang Source: Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, v 30, n 3, p 859-864, March 2009; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10007598; Publisher: Academia SinicaSource: International Water Power a
16、nd Dam Construction, v 43, n 11, p 35-36, Nov 1991; ISSN: 0306400XAbstract: Because of adverse geological conditions on many of Japans islands, foundation treatment is an important consideration at present for the Japanese dam engineering profession. The construction of the Tadami dam, on alluvial d
17、eposits, posed several challenges which were overcome by the use of innovative measures. A special bentonite concrete was developed, with approximately the same deformability as the surrounding deposits, but designed to provide the necessary permeability; this material was used for the construction
18、of a diaphragm cutoff wall.(评论了在日本不良地质对建坝的影响以及地基处理所用的方法)(13)Title:Experimental research on soft foundation treatment by blasting ramming dynamic consolidationAuthor: Lian, Feng; Gong, Xiao-Nan; Xu, Jie; Wu, Rui-Qian; Li, YangSource: Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, v 30, n 3, p 859-864, March 20
19、09; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10007598; Publisher: Academia SinicaSource: Journal of We Semantics, 2004, 1(2): 187-206Abstract: Blasting ramming dynamic consolidation is a new foundation treatment method which combines explosion effect of strip dynamite with surcharge to change the structure of soft
20、soil installed with drainage in advance. In this process, the excess pore water pressure surges, dissipates and the consolidation of the soil is accelerated under the surcharge. Experiments are carried out in Heshun-Beijiao highway to prove the effect of this method. Based on settlement data, design
21、 parameters are calculated; and results show that the explosion effect of the experiment is equal to 3.2 m surcharge. The vibration problem caused by explosive ramming is also analyzed. (介绍新的地基处理技术爆破撞击强夯地基处理方法)(14)Title: Study on foundation treatment thickness and treatment method for collapse loess
22、 with largethicknessAuthor: Huang, Xuefeng; Chen, Zhenghan; Fang, Xiangwei; Zhu, Yuanqing; Guo, Jianfeng; Wei, Xu Source: Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, v26, n SUPPL. 2, p 4332-4338, December 2007; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10006915; Abstract: Found
23、ation treatment method, treatment thickness and residual collapse settlement of collapse loess with large thickness are hot issues in engineering design in loess areas. Based on the collapse characteristics of collapse loess with large thickness, research work in three aspects related to collapse lo
24、ess was conducted. Firstly, the principles of foundation treatment for collapse loess under overburden pressure with large thickness were expounded. Secondly, combining various sorts of buildings, the controlling standard of foundation treatment thickness and the residual collapse settlement were su
25、ggested. Thirdly, the applicabilities for whole treatment, local treatment of foundation and multiple treatment methods were discussed; and some successful examples for various treatment methods were introduced.(介绍了地基处理方法、治疗厚度和残余沉降的崩溃与厚度大崩溃)(15)Title: Study on field detection and monitoring test for
26、 a project of large area soft foundation treatmentAuthor: Zhang, RonglanSource: Advanced Materials Research, v 163-167, p 3757-3760, 2011, Advances in Structures; ISSN: 10226680; ISBN-13: 9780878492060; DOI: 10.4028/ Conference: 2011 International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, ICS
27、BM 2011, January 7, 2011 - January 9, 2011; Publisher: Trans Tech PublicationsAbstract: To accord with the requirements of large area soft foundation treatment project,did the construction field monitoring and detection test including surface subsidence,pore water pressure,deep horizontal displaceme
28、nt,cone penetration test, vane shear test,and so on,make an effective and timely assessment with the construction quality and the reinforcement effect of foundation treatment project. (2011) Trans Tech Publications. (介绍了大面积的软基处理的方法)(16)Title: Soft foundation treatment by blasting toe-shooting method
29、Author: Cui, Wei; Yan, Shu-Wang; Zhou, Hong-Jie; Feng, Shou-ZhongSource: Baozha Yu Chongji/Explosion and Shock Waves, v 25, n 1, p 64-69, January 2005; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10011455; Publisher: Explosion and Shock WavesAbstract: The blasting toe-shooting method is a new technique for soft founda
30、tion treatment. The mechanism of blasting toe-shooting method used in mountainous area is studied. Based on the basic theory of soil mechanics and explosive mechanics, the formula of charge weights in relation to the parameters of the charge and the soil is given. Furthermore, the construction techn
31、iques and testing method for the blasting toe-shooting method are obtained according to the analytical results and the observed data. The final test results show that the blasting toe-shooting method can satisfy the requirements of the bearing capacity and deformation of embankment foundation.(介绍了通过
32、爆破处理软基的方法)(17)Title:Geology and foundation treatment at Indias Parbati II hydro projectAuthor:Madan, M.M.Source: International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, v 10, n 1, p 73-77, 2003; ISSN: 13522523; Publisher: Aqua-Media International Ltd.Abstract: Parbati Stage II, the second project of a 2070 MW
33、 three-plant cascade development, is currently going ahead in a remote Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh, India. This 800 MW project faces a number of challenges, being built at a high elevation and involving about 48 km of tunnelling in an area of complex geology, and with stringent environmenta
34、l conditions in view of the proximity of the Great Himalayan National Park. Moreover, it involves an 85 m-high concrete gravity dam on the Parbati river at Pulga and the diversion of the water through a 31.37 km-long tunnel.(简单介绍了在印度地质和地基处理的方法)(18)Title: Treatment of weak foundation based on the cas
35、t-in-place expanded pile of construction wasteAuthor: Liu, Huaqiang; Fan, XiaoyiSource: Advanced Materials Research,v 243-249, p 2759-2761, 2011, Advances in Civil Engineering andArchitecture;ISSN:10226680;ISBN-13:9783037851258;DOI:10.4028/ There were better economic and social benefits which the co
36、nstruction wastes were the raw materials of weak foundation treatment. The cast-in-place expanded piles of construction waste showed the advantages of the dynamic replacement and compaction replacement. In the paper, the mechanism, design, construction technology and inspection of weak foundation tr
37、eatment were studied. The result showed that the cast-in-place expanded piles of construction waste not only could save the cost in the waste transportation, but also decrease the cost in the foundation reinforcement and avoid the land contamination. (2011) Trans Tech Publications.(处理软弱地基的桩钻孔灌注技术)(1
38、9)Title: Simulation of treatment of soft clay foundation by FEM methodAuthor: Wei, Ning; Qian, Ping-Yi; Zhang, Bo; Cheng, Xiao-JunSource: Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, v 24, n SUPPL. 2, p 5789-5794, November 2005; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10006915
39、; Publisher: Academia Sinica.Abstract: Tailing dam No.1 of Wushan copper mining is located in Jiangxi province China. The first stage of the tailing dam is the rock-fill dam on the soft clay foundation. The treatment of soft clay foundation and the schedule to build rock-fill dam are interpreted bri
40、efly. With the development of calculation techniques, the numerical method for consolidation problem has been widely used in engineering practice with satisfying results. Based on soil parameters gained from experiment, back analysis is used to adjust those parameters. By using nonlinear elastic rhe
41、ology constitutive model and Boltzman inheritance method, the soft clay foundation of tailing dam treated by plastic board is simulated by finite element method (FEM). Comparing numerical results with observation by the displacements of the foundation, those calculated results have a good agreement
42、with those observed results(介绍了基于有限元的模拟软粘土地基的方法 )(20) Title: Discussion of projects of handling soft soil foundation reinforced by DJM piles based on settlement controlAuthor: Hu, Chun-Lin; Wang, Mao-Li; Li, KunSource: Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, v 27, n 6, p 969-972, June 2006; Language: C
43、hinese; ISSN: 10007598; Publisher: Academia SinicaAbstract:Combinating the typical engineering geology characteristics and the typical example, the method of calculating settlement of handling the soft soil roadbed by DJM piles are discussed; and on the basis of settlement control and analysis, the
44、project of design use DJM pile to handle soft soil roadbed was chose optimally, especially the pile length choice and pile distance choice are discussed. And the different design schemes based on settlement control were analyzed and compared; some physically and very beneficial conclusion are drawn
45、for using DJM piles to handle the bridge head roadbed .(介绍了软土地基的加固方法)六、查新结论地基处理的对象主要是软弱地基和特殊土地基,这类地基的使用主要面临强度、压缩沉降、不均匀沉降和地基承载力及稳定性问题,在地基处理技术的发展过程中,各技术得到不断地完善,针对不同的地基,处理技术已经相对成熟,同时,新的地基处理技术也在实践应用中得到发展。针对该课题内容,参照用户提供的检索词,使用上述检索策略,利用国内外数据库进行了查新检索,检索了国内外数据库多个及互联网等相关网站,共检索到相关文献 20 余篇,其中密切相关文献 20 篇。经阅读分析比
48、7)和(8)介绍了排水固结法和灌浆加固法在软粘土中的应用。文献(9)和文献(10) 提到了建筑地基加固技术的种类众多,而且还在不断发展,随着地基加固设计理论和施工技术的发展,还将会出现新的加固方法,以及软土地基的处理。只有掌握了地基加固的原理、施工方法以及适用图层,就可以在设计中针对不同场地的具体情况,灵活采用地基加固方法。文献(11)介绍了软土中桩的受力情况,分析了软土地基需作出的处理。文献(12 评论了在日本不良地质对建坝的影响以及地基处理所用的方法。文献(13)介绍新的地基处理技术爆破撞击强夯地基处理方法。文献(14)介绍了地基处理方法、治疗厚度和残余沉降的崩溃与厚度大崩溃。文献(15)介绍了大面积的软基处理的方法。文献(16)介绍了通过爆破处理软基的方法。文献(17)简单介绍了在印度地质和地基处理的方法。文献(18)处理软弱地基的桩钻孔灌注技术。文献(19)介绍了基于有限元的模拟软粘土地基的方法。文献(20)介绍了软土地基的加固方法。经查新检索,在国内外公开报道文献中,已有一二十种地基处理技术在国内外得到了广泛的应用,地基处理技术已经发展的相对成熟。但在垃圾土地基处理中存在的地基沉降问题还没有形成一种有效地解决方法,国内外文献涉及的也较少。