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1、目录第一章 论文英文摘要写作第二章 英语论文摘要常用句式与表达方法第三章 论文摘要写作第一章 论文英文摘要写作论文的摘要一般在一百到两百字左右,大论文(如四五万字的毕业论文)也可一页(七八百字)左右,要说明论文针对解决什么问题(即意义) 、方法、如有实验则说明实验基本方法,研究的条件下所得出的一个至几个结论,最后一句总结结论在给定适用范围下的结论和推广意义。比如,某条件下的某事情很重要,然而对某条件下的某参数的测定准确度不高,本文通过某方式在某条件下测得某结果,准确度达到多少,在某限定范围内,本方法可以有何种效果。关键词一定是实词,一般是用来概括你的论文所涉及的一至多个领域,以及你认为重要的研

2、究方法。比如,一篇关于水处理的论文关键词可以是:饮用水、紫外消毒、有机物,这就可以了,当然具体的用词涉及到你的论文内容。英文摘要写法(转)作者:网络互联 文章来源: 一、概述文章摘要是对所写文章主要内容的精炼概括。美国人称摘要为“Abstract”,而英国人则喜欢称其为“Summary” 。通常国际刊物要求所要刊登的文章字数,包括摘要部分不超过 1 万字。而对文章摘要部分的字数要求则更少。因此,写摘要时,应用最为简练的语言来表达论文之精华。论文摘要的重点应放在所研究的成果和结论上。国际会议要求的论文摘要的字数不等,一般为 200 字-500 字。而国际刊物要求所刊登的论文摘要的字数通常是 10

3、0 字-200 字。摘要的位置一般放在一篇文章的最前面,内容上涵盖全文,并直接点明全旨。语言上要求尽量简炼。摘要通常多采用第三人称撰写。科学书籍、论文和学术报告一般都附有内容摘要,这样可以节省读者的时间,使他们不必读完整个文章就能够了解它的主要内容。书籍摘要,一般放在封二或封三;论文和学术报告的摘要,一般放在正文前面。摘要应做到简明扼要,切题,能独立成文,使读者能准确地了解书籍的要义。写摘要时,最好用第三人称的完整的陈述句,文长一般不超过 200 个词。摘要分陈述性的(Descriptive)和资料性的(Informational)两类。陈述性摘要只陈述书籍或文章的主题,不介绍内容。资料性的摘

4、要除了介绍主题外,还应介绍文章的要点和各个要点的主要内容。它可以包括三个组成部分点明主题,解析文章或书籍的目的或意图;介绍主要内容,使读者迅速了解文章或书籍的概貌;提出结论或建议,以供读者参考。二、常见句型常见的摘要句型有:1)This paper deals with.2)This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc).3)This essay presents knowledge that.4)This thesis discusses.5)This thesis analyzes.6)This paper provide

5、s an overview of.7) This paper elaborates on .8)This article gives an overview of.9)This article compares.and summarizes key findings.10)This paper includes discussions concerning.11)This paper presents up to date information on.12)This article covers the role of chemicals in.13)This paper addresses

6、 important topics including.14)This paper touches upon.15)This paper strongly emphasizes.16)This easy represents the proceedings of .17)This article not only describes.but also suggests.18)This paper considers.19)This paper provides a method of .20)This paper introduces an applicable procedure to an

7、alyze.21)This paper offers the latest information regarding.22)This paper is devoted to examining the role of.23)This article explores.24)This paper expresses views on.25)This paper reflects the state of the art in.26)This paper explains the procedures for.27)This paper develops the theory of .28)Th

8、is article reviews the techniques used in.29)This paper investigates the techniques and procedures to.30)This article is about.31)This essay is related to .32)This paper concerns.33)This paper gives an account of .34)This article tells of.35)This paper tries to describe.36)This paper provides an ana

9、lysis of .37)This paper reports the latest information on .38)The author of this article reviews.39)The writer of this paper discusses.40)The writer of this essay tries to explore.41)The aim of this paper is to determine.42)The purpose of this article is to review.43)The objective of this paper is t

10、o explore.破题用语,一般有:The author of this article reviews (or: discusses, describes, summarizes, examines) somethingThis article reviews (or: reports, tells of ,is about, concerns )something.This article has been prepared (or: designed, written).The purpose of this article is to determine something.The

11、problem of something is discussed .结论和建议,一般有以下几种写法:The author suggests (recommends, concludes )that.This article shows that.It is suggested that.The authors suggestion (or: conclusion )is that The author finds it necessary to .三、分类举例1)陈述型论文摘要。陈述型论文摘要(Descriptive Abstract )一般只说明论文的主题是什么,多半不介绍内容。例 1AB

12、STRACTThis article extends Lehand and Pyle(1997)model to include the possibility that manager may exploit cooperate wealth through transactions with affiliated companies and/or individuals. The results of our model show that the amounts of wealth exploitation are affected by several factors. They ar

13、e inorderly managerial stockholding, the severity of penalty, the managers risk attitude, firms expected future cash flows, and the variance of future cash flows. Whats more, the relation between managerial holding and the amount of wealth exploitation is not separate. Wealth exploitation rises with

14、 management share holdings before the break point. When managerial holding exceeds the break point, any further increase in the management holdings will decrease the amount of wealth exploitation例 2ABSTRACTThe effect of price limit on the stock return, volatility and the structural change is analyze

15、d through a generalized autoregressive conditional heterscedasticity (GARCH)model. The interaction between stock returns and its volatility is permitted in each price limit regime. While the stock return does not go up when the price limit goes down from 5%to 7%.The stock volatility, on the other ha

16、nd, is substantially different across three regimes. The higher the price limit, the larger is the volatility. In end the GARCH model does not suffer from the structural change when price limits change.例 3ABSTRACTThis issue presents a complete survey on the integrin, immunoglobulin, and selection fa

17、milies cellular expression patterns on endothelial, resident cells and graft infiltrating cells in human stomach, heart, and lung transplants. It describes the patterns of cellular expression and inducibility in different pathological conditions of the graft. It also discusses the implications for t

18、he organ specific appearance of inflammatory reactions in human stomach, heart and lung transplants as for immunosuppressive and therapeutic interventions.例 4ABSTRACTWe classified firms financing decisions into four categories: internal financing banking, bank loans, convertible bonds and preferred

19、stocks, and new common shares.This paper uses pooled cross-section and time series data. When the adjusted data is used, we find that B/M has explanatory power to stock returns for the new-issue category; C/F for the internal financing category.The size variable is also significant in all categories

20、. However, the sign is not consistent. The convertible category has reverse size effect and others have size effects. As for the E/P variable, we dont find any additional explanatory power to stock returns for any category. The use of different definition of size hardly changes our results. 例 5 Cont

21、act Problems in the Classical Theory of ElasticityCONTACT PROBLEMS IN THE CLASSICAL THEORY OF ELASTICITY by G. M. GladwellThis article gives an account of contact problems in the classical theory of elasticity. It begins from fundamental principles and aims to offer information on recent development

22、s on this subject that the reader can take advantage to widen his horizon of contact problems.例 6 Use of Engineering MetalsABSTRACTThis article shows us the importance of metals in our daily life, especially in machine building and engineering construction. Metals that are used in industry are calle

23、d engineering metals, of which the most widely-used is iron. Therefore, production of iron is very critical to the development of a nation.例 7 Pure and Applied ScienceABSTRACTIn this article, the author holds that pure science is fundamentally concerned with the development of theories establishing

24、relationships between the phenomena of the universe. On the other hand applied science, is directly connected with the application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs in the life, and to mans increasing control over the environment, thus leading to the development of new tec

25、hniques, processes and machines. It is evident that many branches of applied science are practical extensions of purely theoretical or experimental work. It shows to us that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.2)信息型论文摘要。信息型论文摘要(Informational Abstract)与陈述型论文摘要相比,略有不同。

26、它除了介绍论文的主题外,还应介绍论文的主要观点以及各观点部分的核心内容。这种形式实际中相对少见。显然,这种形式的摘要较陈述型摘要长得多。例如:例 1 Probable Development of Agricultural MechanizationABSTRACTThis article reviews the past achievements in agricultural mechanization and aims to predict the developments in the immediate future. It is widely acknowledged that t

27、o cope with greater crop output, it is necessary to make use of more powerful equipment that is capable of more extensive work within the limited time. The main problems are discussed under the following headings.1) General Trend of Mechanization2) Mechanization of Crop Farming3) Mechanization of An

28、imal HusbandryThe article concludes that further progress of agricultural mechanization depends on, to a great extent, the development of mechanical industry, which should be spurred and encouraged.例 2 Cultural Factors in Translation and Their TransferABSTRACTThis thesis attempts to apply general kn

29、owledge of linguistics, anthropology and translation to the research of cultural factors in translation and their transfer.The thesis concludes a brief introduction and four chapters. The introduction presents the specific topic and raises several related issues. Chapter One is devoted to the relati

30、onship between language, culture and translation. Chapter Two focus on the categorization of cultural factors in translation. Chapter Three talks about three topics: translatability, major translation methods of cultural factors, and the transfer of some important cultural subcategories. The last ch

31、apter gives an analysis of some inappropriate translations and draws a general conclusion for the whole thesis.例 3ABSTRACTInternationalization and liberalization of business activities have become two of the most significant phenomena for the successful operations of contemporary enterprises. At pre

32、sent, the prevalence of national protectionism and the establishment of regional economic communities have further enhanced many firms to take part in overseas investments in order that the tariff and non-tariff barriers of the products could be reduced or eliminated.Yet, companies operate in differ

33、ent countries with different political, legal, economic, and social cultural surroundings might have different management styles and strategic operating patterns. Traditionally, the Japanese and the US management patterns are two of the most important reference models for the operations of domestic

34、enterprises. Thus, to promote the success of business internationalization activities, it would be very helpful for the domestic firms in Taiwan to evaluate the similarities and differences of the characteristics of business operations for the US and the Japanese firms especially on management style

35、s, organizational structures, and business performances. Through a series of personal interview and mail survey, this study concluded the following findings:(1)Firms with different investment origins (i.e., Taiwanese, American, and Japanese firms) tended to operate differently on constructs of coope

36、rate objectives, organizational structures, competitive strategies, and management performances.(2)For cooperate objectives, Japanese firms tended to emphasize organizational development objectives through educating and activating human resources, while American firms favor financial objective such

37、as improving cash flow and profitability. For organizational structures, American firms achieved higher levels of delegation authority and operation formalization than those of Japanese and Taiwanees firms. For competitive strategies, American firms tended to emphasize product differentiation and co

38、st leadership strategies while Japanese firms favor process innovation and product differentiation strategies.(3)Firms selecting process innovation and product development strategies tended to emphasize both organizational development and sales growth objectives .These firms tended to be very sensit

39、ive on the potentials of industry development. In addition, firms adopting cost leadership strategies tended to emphasize sales growth objectives. In a word, these firms seemed to exercise higher levels of formalization and standardization of business activities.英文摘要的写法来源: 百度百科这里要讨论的主要是中文科技论文所附的英文摘要

40、,其内容包含题名、摘要及关键词。GB 771387 规定,为了国际交流,科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文应附有外文(多用英文)摘要。原则上讲,以上中文摘要编写的注意事项都适用于英文摘要,但英语有其自己的表达方式、语言习惯,在撰写英文摘要时应特别注意。1.1 英文题名 1) 题名的结构。英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun phrase)最常见,即题名基本上由 1 个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。例如:The Frequent Bryophytes in the Mountain Helanshan(贺兰山习见苔藓植物);Thermodynamic Characteris

41、tics of Water Absorption of Heat Treated Wood(热处理木材的水分吸着热力学特性)。短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。题名一般不应是陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义;况且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突出。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句可有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。例如:Can Agricultural Mechanization Be Realized Without Petroleum?(农业机械化能离开石油吗?) 。 2

42、) 题名的字数。题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制。例如,美国医学会规定题名不超过 2 行,每行不超过 42 个印刷符号和空格;美国国立癌症研究所杂志 J Nat Cancer Inst 要求题名不超过 14 个词;英国数学会要求题名不超过 12 个词。这些规定可供我们参考。总的原则是,题名应确切、简练、醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,题名词数越少越好。 3) 中英文题名的一致性。同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。例如:工业湿蒸汽的直接热量计算,the direct measurement

43、 of heat transmitted wet steam。英文题名的直译中译文是“由湿蒸汽所传热量的直接计量”,与中文题名相比较,二者用词虽有差别,但内容上是一致的。 4) 题名中的冠词。在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。例如:the effect of groundwater quality on the wheat yield and quality其中两处的冠词 the 均可不用。 5) 题名中的大小写。题名字母的大小写有以下 3 种格式。 全部字母大写。例如:optimal disposition of roller chain

44、drive 每个词的首字母大写,但 3 个或 4 个字母以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写。例如:the deformation and strength of concrete dams with defects 题名第 1 个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。例如:topographic inversion of interval velocities 目前 b.格式用得最多,而 c.格式的使用有增多的趋势。 6) 题名中的缩略词语。已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词语,才可用于题名中,否则不要轻易使用。1.2 作者与作者单位的英译 1) 作者。中国人名按汉语拼音拼写;其他非英语国家人

45、名按作者自己提供的罗马字母拼法拼写。 2) 单位。单位名称要写全(由小到大),并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。前段时间一些单位机构英译纷纷采取缩写,外人不知所云,结果造成混乱。FAO, WHO, MIT 尽人皆知,而 BFU 是 Beijing Forestry University,恐怕只有“圈内”人知。另外,单位英译一定要采用本单位统一的译法(即本单位标准译法),切不可另起炉灶。1.3 英文摘要 1) 英文摘要的时态。英文摘要时态的运用也以简练为佳,常用一般现在时、一般过去时,少用现在完成时、过去完成时,进行时态和其他复合时态基本不用。 一般现在时。用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、描述结

46、果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等。分别举例如下:this study(investigation) is (conducted, undertaken) tothe anatomy of secondary xylem(次生木质部) in stem of davidia involucrata (珙桐) and camptotheca acuminata (喜树 ) is compared. the result shows(reveals),it is found thatthe conclusions arethe author suggests涉及到公认事实、自然规律、永恒真理等,当然也要

47、用一般现在时。一般过去时。用于叙述过去某一时刻(时段)的发现、某一研究过程(实验、观察、调查、医疗等过程)。例如:the heat pulse technique was applied to study the stemstaflow (树干液流 ) of two main deciduous broadleaved tree species in July and august,1996.需要指出的是,用一般过去时描述的发现、现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律、永恒真理的,而只是当时如何如何;所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。 现在完成时和过去完成时。完成时少用,但不是不用。现在完成

48、时把过去发生的或过去已完成的事情与现在联系起来,而过去完成时可用来表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的事情,或在一个过去事情完成之前就已完成的另一过去行为。例如:Concrete has been studied for many years. Man has not yet learned to store the solar energy. 2) 英文摘要的语态。采用何种语态,既要考虑摘要的特点,又要满足表达的需要。一篇摘要很短,尽量不要随便混用,更不要在一个句子里混用。 主动语态。现在主张摘要中谓语动词尽量采用主动语态的越来越多,因其有助于文字清晰、简洁及表达有力。the author sys

49、tematically introduces the history and development of the tissue culture of poplar 比 the history and development of the tissue culture of poplar are introduced systematically 语感要强。必要时,the author systematically 都可以去掉,而直接以 introduces 开头。 被动语态。以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于那件事是谁做的,无须一一证明。事实上,在指示性摘要中,为强调动作承受者,还是采用被动语态为好。即使在报道性摘要中,有些情况下被动者无关紧要,也必须用强调的事物做主语。例如:in this case, a greater accuracy in measuring distance might be obtained. 3) 英文摘要的人称。原来摘要的首句多用第三人称 this paper等开头,现在倾向于采用更简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。例如:to describe, to study, to investigate


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