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1、,Running the Programme 执行课程,Identifyneeds确认需求,Design theprogramme设计课程,Set objectives设立目标,Select methodsof measurement选定评估方法,Measure thechange in performance评估行为 /表现上的改变,Run theprogramme 执行课程,The Training Cycle 训练循环图,Participation 参与,Must involve no risk to participants让参加者觉得没有风险 They must be able to

2、 do the task他们必须有能力完成任务 The task must be clearly explained任务必须解释清楚 It must be fun必须有趣,Start With Please Expressed in Your WordsPLEASE 六句诀,P articipation is essential您的参与最重要L et us have the benefit of your experience请让我们分享您的经验 E ncourage others to contribute鼓励身旁的人发言贡献A sk questions if you are unsure不

3、清楚的尽量发问S uspend judgement until all the evidence has been heard未到最后关头不要下判断E njoy the opportunity享受这次的机会,Group Issues 议题,Getting started - warmups 暖身运动 Seating arrangements 座位安排Group composition 分组的组成 Tasks assignments 作业 Leadership 领导 Monitoring group work 监督分组进度 Using spokespeople, recorders & obse

4、rversDealing with problem participants 如何对付 问题学生,Seating Arrangements 座位安排,Fishbone 鱼刺型 U-shape U 字型 Dining 进餐型 Avoid classroom if you can 尽量不要像教室的排法,Maximise your eye-contact让你的眼光可以和最多数人接触,U -Shaped Gives Most FlexibilityU 字型最有弹性,Good eye contact 眼光接触方便 Space to move有空间可移动Easy splits into subgroups

5、容易分小组讨论,Fishbone If Space Is Tight 鱼刺型适用於较狭小的空间,Still allows you room to move down the middle 仍有空间移动到学员的中间 Easy breakout into sub-groups容易分组,Use Dining For a Lot of Subgroup Work 进餐型适用於很多分组讨论的课程,Where you dont have to present a lot of material from the front特别是在你不用在前方present的时候,Group Composition 分组,

6、Watch having too great an experience gap between participants. 不要让组内成员的经验差异太大If you do , you need to 不得已的时候, 你必须 equalise the group a lot让每一组实力均等 get the more senior people to help you寻找其中的资深人员帮助,Group Composition 分组,Stranger groups require much more work from you up front陌生的团队, 需要你的全力辅助Work group t

7、raining can be very effective in producing change平日就一起工作的团队, 能有效的创造改变,Effects Of Size On Learning Group 人数的影响力,# ofChangingMembersCharacteristics2-6Little structure of organisation required. Leadership fluid7-12Structure and differentiation of roles begins. Face to face interaction less frequent12-2

8、5Structure and role differentiation vital. Sub-groups emerge. Face to face interaction difficult25+Positive leadership vital to success. Sub-groups form. Greater anonymity. Stereotyping, projections and flight/fight occur.,MORECOHESION更和谐,MORETENSION更紧张,Buzz Groups 噪音小组,Group of three to five tackli

9、ng a task每组三五人Energise (named because of noise they make)精力较完沛Low risk, threat-free participation低风险,无威胁Provides diversity of views能有不同的见解Flexible - can rotate and rearrange弹性大 - 可以随时重组,Buzz Groups 噪音小组,Be prepared always to state分组时必须告诉他们Why they are doing the task (WIIFM)为什麽要做这件事What you want them

10、 to do对他们的要求How they should do it怎麽做How do you want the feedback用何种方式回报,We Use Buzz Groups a Lot 小组大用,They are particularly useful if you are teaching in participants?second language有参加者使用外国语文上课时特别有用 - it gives them a break from your language给他们一个用自己语文喘息的机会 - it gives the more proficient ones a chan

11、ce to catch up the less proficient - which increases learning & retention from both sidesThey equalise participants and hide the originators of any idea把所有的参加者放在平等的地位,隐藏出主意的人是谁? - Useful in some cultures to make negative feedback seem less rude 在某些文化,大家觉得提负面意见是没礼貌的 -Often a good thing to use at the

12、end of a session where you are asking for any questions - normally you might not get any, in buzz groups you will通常适用於每一段落结束前,询问是否有任何问题分组时,比较容易取得问题,Cross Over Groups 跨组,PRO 好处 :Excellent for mixing people and information quickly 容易把不同的人混合 Simple to organise 好安排 Participants enjoy it 参加者喜欢 Avoids nee

13、d for plenary discussionCON 坏处 :Can lead to confusion about learning outcomes 可能产生困惑 Can break up absorbing discussions如果人员太相异,可能无法尽情讨论,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2,A3,B3,C3,Snowball Groups 滚雪球,PRO 好处 :Good for encouraging creation of well integrated ideas鼓励点子的产生Allows individuals to

14、 think for themselves before discussing允许个人在考虑前先作思考Generates full and lively discussion in plenary 在总结的段落可以产生完整生动的结论CON坏处 :Breaks up cohesive feeling in some groups可能破坏某些组别中原有的和谐Takes time to unfold须时较长Can get boring if repeated discussion of same points如果一再重覆会很无趣,Write down a list of problems on se

15、lected topic2 minsShare their list with each other5 minsShare lists and classify15 minsPropose a set of solutions and agreed intentions20 minsPlenary session report back20-30 mins,Whole group,Role-plays 角色扮演,Allows acting out of real-life situations in a protected environment 可以有一个隔离的环境中,模拟真实生活的情境 C

16、an learn from videotapes of your performance 可以从录象中学习了解自己的表现 Can learn from what others see, hear and feel which they then feedback to you 可以从别人回馈的反应中了解自己 Can be done in smaller groups with an observer instead of a camera 可以在极小的组别中进行,可用观察员代替录影 Allows the rare opportunity of role reversal 可以提供角色对调的机会

17、,Buzz-off Role-playAn Everyday Story Of Agency Life,IntroductionThe brief for these role-plays has been kept to the minimum. Please agree between the two of you the details of the account and the situation to expand the briefPlease do not put together an extreme end of the world scenario (e.g. If th

18、e work isn done, we will lose the account worldwide and 1,000 people will be fired)The role-play is about trying to negotiate needed priority in a common enough situation,SituationAccount Service1.You have a lot of work on and are very busy.2.You have a panic on your account.3.You need about three h

19、ours work from your specialist partner to produce an answer to satisfy your clients?needs.4.You expect a great deal of resistance.Specialist Department1.You have a lot of work on and are very busy.2.The account is always in a panic and you never get enough time to do good work.3.Yet again your accou

20、nt service partner is coming to you to ask you to drop everything to help out.4.Other accounts are much more satisfying to work on.,Requirements,1.Preparation (5 minutes)Think about how you would approach the situation. Look at alternative ways of approach. What sort of arguments and responses are y

21、ou likely to expect from the other side.2.Reverse Role-play (10 minutes)The real life account person plays the Specialist role. The real life specialist plays the account service role. Try to negotiate to agreement in 10 minutes.3.Review Reverse Role-play (10 minutes)Discuss the role-play and what y

22、ou have learned. What might be other approaches which might be more successful.,Requirements,4.Second Role-play (10 minutes)This time reverse roles and replay. i.e. The real life specialist plays the specialist role etc. Try to negotiate to agreement in 10 minutes.5.Review Second Role-play (10 minut

23、es)Discuss the second role-play and how it differed from the first. Be prepared to discuss what you have learned with the rest of the group.6.Plenary Session (15 minutes)Sharing the learning amongst the whole group.,Games & Exercises 游戏,Are directed towards specific learning goals针对特定的学习方针 Are struc

24、tured有组织 Give high participant involvement参与度高 Can be made competitive可能有竞争性 Generate data for participant analysis 让参加者有资讯可供分析 Need debriefing - processing the data to make the experience meaningful需要一个回馈的段落,确保学习的经验有意义,Rosemary River,Rosemary is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to mar

25、ry a rich foreigner, Geoffrey. In order to wed him she has to cross the water. She has no means of transport but Sinbad has a boat so she asks him to ferry her over. Sinbad agrees, but only on condition that she have sex with him. Rosemary refuses and asks Fred to help her. Fred is sympathetic but s

26、ays he can help.,Rosemary is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to marry a rich foreigner, Geoffrey. In order to wed him she has to cross the water. She has no means of transport but Sinbad has a boat so she asks him to ferry her over. Sinbad agrees, but only on condition that she have s

27、ex with him. Rosemary refuses and asks Fred to help her. Fred is sympathetic but says he can help. Finally, Rosemary agrees to Sinbad bargain and has sex with him. Sinbad then ferries her across the river. When Rosemary is united with Geoffrey she confesses what has happened. Geoffrey refuses to mar

28、ry her. Dennis then offers to marry her, though he tells her he doesn love her.,Rosemary River,Brief,Agree in your teams the answers to the followingquestions and be prepared to report back yourconclusions to the whole group in 20 minutes.Who behaved most creditably and why?Who behaved least credita

29、bly and why?What should Rosemary do now?What is this story really about?,Puzzles 谜语,Stimulate curiosity and creativity激发好奇的创意 Serve as icebreakers破除冰封气氛 Provide fun, excitement and a change of pace有趣、好玩,可改变步调 Point up that learning need not be dull and dreary指出学习不用是枯燥烦人的,Happy Birthday,Can you produ

30、ce 8 pieces of cake with only 3 cuts of the knife?,Good Questions To Ask In Processing Experiential Learning 帮助反省学习过程的好问题,What was the purpose?How did we do against the objective?What did we learn from this activity?What did we learn about the learning process?What did we learn about others?What did

31、 we do well?What are the areas for improvement?Why did we do what we did?,More Good Questions 更多好问题,What can we apply this to the job?How is this similar to the back-home setting?How is this different to the back-home setting?If this something we can work on? If so, how?What is our action plan to br

32、ing it back?,The Participant From Hell 地狱来的访客,Dealing With Problem Participants 如何处理问题学生,Assume that they are not necessarily aware of how disruptive they are being假定他们并不自觉自己有多讨厌Treat them as a challenge, not a headache把他们视为挑战,而不是头痛Show patience展现耐心Avoid arguments and put downs避免与之争论或贬低对方Wherever po

33、ssible let the group deal with them尽量让大家一起应对他的状况,Question and Answer 答客问,The transition to the close of the session段落结束前的过场Often dreaded通常蛮令讲师害怕的either no questions at all可能一片死寂or many hostile questions或有一串不怀好意的问题Signal your objectivity - distinguish fact and your opinion显现你的中立性 - 把事实和你的意见区分开来Dont t

34、ry to defeat someone who disagrees 不要攻击拥有不同意见的人,Q&A Opportunities 答客问的机会点,Clarify to the group向大家澄清议题Learn from the group向大家学习Show 显示you know your stuff you believe in your stuff 你了解并相信自己教的内容 Re-inforce what you have said强调刚才自己说的重点,Act as if you enjoy it要让人觉得你很喜欢这个部分,What Happens If You Get No Quest

35、ions? 没人发问怎麽办?,Natural responses 自然的反应Phew! Il get out of here quickly (and alive)哈! 我这次可以全身而退I always knew I was brilliant我就知道自己很聪明Ask yourself Why问问自己为什麽struck dead?大家受挫,疲累至死terminally confused?非常困惑, 无法发问?boared & wanting to escape?烦透了, 只想快点离开现场?,What Happens If You Get No Questions? 没人发问怎麽办?,If m

36、aterial is very new/complex or you feel that the group has had to work hard to keep up如果课程很新/复杂, 或你感觉这些学生必须做苦功才能跟上进度split into subgroups to review, then ask for questions分成小组讨论一下, 再请他们提问,Q&A Process 答客问的过程,1. Signal - hand, eyes信号 - 举手, 眼神2. Listen to the entire question听完全部的问题3. Repeat/rephrase que

37、stion Why?重复问题, 或用不同的再说一遍?,Why Repeat/Rephrase 为什麽要这麽做,Ensures everyone has heard the question确定所有人都听见/懂问题 Gives you time to think给自己思考的时间 Chance to remove hostility去除故意的机会 Regains control for you重新掌控状况,Q&A Process 答客问的过程,1. Signal - hand, eyes信号 - 举手, 眼神2. Listen to the entire question听完全部的问题3. Rep

38、eat/rephrase question 重复问,题, 或用不同的再说一遍?4. When in doubt make them talk有疑虑时让他们多说话5. Look at others看看别人的反应,Q&A Process 答客问的过程,6. Find merit in the question从问题中找到优点7. Try to connect it to your presentation想办法和你的内容连结8. Answer the question to the best of your ability尽量回答9. Dont necessarily ask for the qu

39、estioners 不一定寻求发问者认可10. End up by looking at someone else - get a new question目光转向别人做为答问的结束 - 找新的问题,Q&A Practice in Subgroups 练习,You have just finished a session on BrandStewardship to a junior multi-discipline group. You ask for questions.你刚上完一堂品牌管家的课, 现在要开始问问题了.,Training Methods 训练方法,Lecture - Ver

40、bal Presentation By Trainer 演讲/讲授,covers a lot of groundlarge numbersno interruptionscomplete control over content,Advantages,passive learningno questions / feedbackno use of trainee experiencecant progressively evaluate,Disadvantages,Lecture/Discussion - Lecture Followed By Large Group Discussion 讲

41、授/不分组的讨论,As for Lecture, plus:more motivation to listenallows for questions / feedbackdiscussion can be controlledcan reinforce key points of lecture,comment hoggersselected participationyou dont know what non-contributors think,Advantages,Disadvantages,Modified Lecture - Lecture Mixed With Student

42、Activity, e.g. Individual Or Small GroupWork 改良式讲授 - 讲授和学员活动的混合 - 各人或小组的活动,As for Lecture /discussion, plus:trainees contribute from own experiencetrainees learn from sharing experiencestrainees control more of contentgrater participation,trainer may have difficulty controlling discussionmay require

43、 additional help to facilitatecould run out of time if groups are too enthusiastic,Advantages,Disadvantages,Forum -Large Gathering With Participants Expressing A Range Of Ideas 论谈-许多人聚集一处, 每个人带来不同的idea,immediacystimulatingmany viewpointshigh involvement in a short time,comment hoggersdifficult to co

44、ntrolmay be superficial,Advantages,Disadvantages,Exhibit - A Display Of Materials Of Aid Learning 展示性自修法,realinterestingcomplements theory,limiting for large groupsrequires space,Advantages,Disadvantages,Field Trip - A Planned Tour 参观,practicalexperientialfirsthand observationindividual learning,tim

45、e and costidentifying important itemslogistics,Advantages,Disadvantages,Simulation/Games - Experimental Learning Concepts And Principles Where Students Discover 摸拟/游戏,increasing understanding of principleshigh involvementfun,lazy studentsmay be viewed as childish,Advantages,Disadvantages,Debate - An

46、 Organised Argument Between Persons With Opposing Points Of View 辩论,clear focusshows opposing viewsenhances listening skillsany number can view,polarised (rigid) approach to issueslimited participationdepends on speakers?abilitiesdestructive rather than idea building,Advantages,Disadvantages,Group D

47、iscussion - Structured Exchange Of Ideas And Knowledge 分组讨论,high participationcross fertilisationallows for questions / feedbackfosters idea building,some find threateningpooling of ignorancecomment hoggersdeviation from subject,Advantages,Disadvantages,Buzz Groups - Leaderless Small Groups With Set Mission And Time Limit 噪音小组,high involvementnon-threateningenjoyablefeedback to trainermany ideas quickly,possible lack of depthcan lose direction if not monitored,


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