1、轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站1IntroductiontoRailTransportation(Chinese-Englishedition) FindOutMore3.1 火车票购买途径Thewaysofbuyingtraintickets第一种:直接拿着你的有效身份证到火车站或者火车站代售点购买。第二种: 在 “ 1 2 3 0 6” 火车站官网购买, 铁道部火车票网上订票唯一官网, 选择 “ 登录”或者 “ 注册” 。 登进后, 选择 “出发地” 、 “目的地” 及 “出发日期” , 选择 “查询” , 查看车次信息和车票状态,有票选择“预订”,付款购买火车票。第三种:可以通
2、过第三方网站或者 app 购买,比如支付宝、微信等,在“首页”上选择“火车票机票”选项卡,在相关选项卡下选择要乘坐的车次,点“立即预订”,填好信息,最后付款,拿着身份证到火车站取票。第四种:直接用手机拨打 95105105 火车票订票电话, 或可以直接拨打 12306, 然后按提示操作,记得在 24 小时内付款,否则订单会取消!Way1:BuyyourticketsatrailwaystationsorauthorizedticketofficeswithyourvalidID.Way 2: Buy your ticket from the official website https:/ o
3、r 12306ChinaRailwayapp. Log onto thewebsite after registration, chooseyour departing city,your destination and the departing date, then search for train and ticket information.Booktheticketifitisavailableandcompletethepayment.轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站2IntroductiontoRailTransportation(Chinese-Englishediti
4、on) FindOutMoreWay 3: Buy your ticket via third-party website or app, such as Ali-pay and Wechat.Press the Train & Air Ticket tab on the home page, choose the right train, book yourticket, fill your personal information, pay for it and collect your ticket at train stationswithyourIDcard.左图为支付宝购买火车票界
5、面,右图为微信购买火车票界面TheleftpictureisticketpageofAli-payandtherightoneistheticketpageofWechat.Way4:Bookyourticketbycallingthehotline95105105or12306,andthenfollowthevoiceprompts.Remembertocompletethepaymentwithin24hours,ortheorderwillbecancelled.95105105轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站3IntroductiontoRailTransportation(
6、Chinese-Englishedition) FindOutMore3.2 火车票改签规则 Rulesofreschedulingtraintickets例子1 . 小明买了 9:00 从北京西站发车的火车票, 但他 9:10 分才起床, 如何办理当日车票改签?如果 小明没赶上车, 未使用现金购票 且未取出报销凭 证,可在家通过 12 30 6 网站(含手机A P P 和小程序)自助办理当日车票“云改签”。2 . 小红购买了 23:30 北京西站回老家的火车票,没赶上车,2 3 : 5 9 前她可以改签吗?可以, 但若当日 2 4 时之前没有其他列车或者当日其他列车没有余票时, 无法成功办理
7、改签。3 . 李雷使用有效身份证件购买了回家的学生火车票,没赶上车,可以在线改签车票吗?学生票、儿童票、残疾军人票等优惠票种均可以在线办理车票改签。Situations:1.Xiao Ming buys a ticket on the train which will depart from Beijing WestRailway Station at 9:00 am. But he gets up at 9:10 am. How can he reschedule histicket?轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站4IntroductiontoRailTransportation(
8、Chinese-Englishedition) FindOutMoreIf Xiao Ming doesnt catch the train, he can log on to the official websitehttps:/ (or China RailwayApp or mini program) to apply for changinghis ticket for a new one on the train of the same day providing that the original ticketisnotpaidbycashandhehasn tcollectthe
9、reimbursementvoucher.2. Xiao Hong buys a ticket on the train which will leaves from Beijing WestRailway Station at 23:30, but she misses it. Can she reschedule her ticket before23:59?Yes, she can. But she cannot successfully change her ticket if there are no othertrainsortherearenoremainingticketsfo
10、rothertrainsbefore24:00onthesameday3. Li Lei buys a students train ticket to get home. He doesn tcatch the train. Canhereschedulehisticketonline?Discount tickets such as students tickets, childrens tickets and disabled soldiersticketscanbechangedonline.3.3 武汉乘坐地铁的方式 WaysoftakingsubwaytrainsinWuhan1、
11、 武汉通购买武汉通 , 在武汉通里充值一定金额, 进站出站都可以直接刷武汉通, 出站时自动扣款。九折优惠!购买武汉通:地铁站自动充值机等站点;充值方式:一是地铁站自动充值机;二是手机网上充值。2、 直接买 票在地铁站购买单程票,地点选择目的地附近的地铁站,出站时把车票投入闸机口。支付方式:现金或手机支付3 、 Me tr o 新时 代 A P P新开通的乘车方式, 直接下载 APP, 然后注册登录绑定 开通, 领取二维码, 在进站出站的时候扫描二维码即可,出站时扫描二维码后自动扣款。轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站5IntroductiontoRailTransportation(Ch
12、inese-Englishedition) FindOutMore4、 2021 年中 旬可用 支付 宝 和微信乘 坐武汉 地 铁1.WuhanTongTransportationCardWhen you buy Wuhan Tong Transportation Card, you can deposit a certainamount of money in it. You can swipe the card directly when you enter and leave thestation, and the payment will be deducted automatical
13、ly when you leave the station.10%off!Where to buy Wuhan Tong: the customer service center or the automatic rechargemachineinsubwaystations.How to recharge: the automatic recharge machine in subway stations or yourmobile.2.TokenWhen buying a token at the subway station, choose the subway station near
14、 yourdestination.The tokenshallberecycledattheturnstilebeforeyouleavethestation.Payment:Incashorpay foryourticketbyyourmobile.3.MetroAppDownload the metro app in your mobile and complete a real-name registration.Scan the QR code on your mobile and the fee will be deducted from the paymentmethodsthat
15、youpreviouslyregister.4.AlipayandWeChatInmid 2021,AlipayandWeChatcanbeusedtopay forthesubwayinWuhan.轨道 交通概 论(中英 双语) 轨道驿站6IntroductiontoRailTransportation(Chinese-Englishedition) FindOutMore3.4 电子火车票来啦! HerecomestheE-ticket!中国铁路总公司宣布:电子客票将再全国全面推广!意味着我们要告别纸质火车票啦!再也不怕因为取票耽误上车时间了!乘客可直接手持二代身份证等有效身份证件通过进站
16、口和验票闸机直接乘车, 真正实现“一证在手, 全国通行” , 此外, 全国多数一、 二线城市将开通刷脸进站服务, 没带身份证也不怕坐不上车,真正的“刷脸”乘车。China Railway Corporation announced that e-ticket will be fully appliedthroughout the country, which means it s time to say goodbye to paper train tickets!There is no need to worrying about being late for the train any longer because ofcollectingthepaperticket.Passengers can check in and board the train with their valid ID card. In addition,most of the big cities in China will launch the facial identification system, andpassengerscantakethetrainwithouttheirIDcard,byjust “swiping ” theirfaces.