1、GREAnalyticalWritingArgument,John Chu,参考资料,Argument新旧变化,242 174,8 Assignments OG P25,写作基本要求, 字数:30分钟 300 - 400字 (100字来源于题目) 评分标准 P184 抓住要害攻击 攻击语言可以不专业,写作步骤与时间分配, 快速审题 (2分钟) 重点把握: Conclusion, Recommendation, Prediction Evidence: Statistics, Examples, Facts Assumption,分析材料, P38.4. Conclusion: choose A
2、damsEvidence 1: 工作人数Evidence 2: 收入的两倍Evidence 3: 平均房价Evidence 4: 十年与去年的销售差别Assumption: 更快更好,分析材料, P75.88. Claim: build the next new store in PlainsvilleEvidence 1: 以前的经验Evidence 2: 销售处于历史最高点Evidence 3: 会员/满员Evidence 4:预见新生代Assumption: 盈利,写作步骤与时间分配, 开头段(5分钟) 归纳所给论证的结论假设和证据 指出其犯有严重逻辑错误,写作步骤与时间分配, 开头段(
3、5分钟) 第一句:指出原论证的结论或主张第二句:重复其重要论据第三句:表明自己对原论证的判断,写作步骤与时间分配,P195P198,写作步骤与时间分配,开头段模板 1,In this argument the author concludes that . The conclusion is based on (the result of a survey) . In addition, the arguer asserts that . However, the statement alone does not constitute a logical argument in favor o
4、f its conclusion and fails to provide compelling support making this argument sound.,写作步骤与时间分配,开头段模板 2,In this argument, the arguer recommends that . To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that . (In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that .) A careful examination of th
5、is argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.,写作步骤与时间分配, 正文段落(17分钟) 移动光标,先写出每个正文段落的主旨句按照错误出现的自然顺序或是错误的大小进行攻击,在已经写好的主旨句下展开全面分析,完成正文段落。,写作步骤与时间分配, 正文段落(17分钟) 要求:Unity,一段一个错误, 小错可以合二为一 Coherence, 段落开头要有主旨 主旨句前要有信号词,例题, P198,逻辑错误与经典句式,1. 证据不足或缺失P97.137P86.113,逻辑错误与经典句式,P97.137,In addition,
6、the speakers recommendation relies on the assumption that the amount of homework assigned to students is the only possible reason for the comparative academic performance between students in the two districts. Perhaps ,逻辑错误与经典句式,P86.113,First of all, the mere fact that many other companies benefited
7、 greatly from the course does not necessarily mean that Acme will benefit similarly from it. Perhaps,逻辑错误与经典句式,1. 证据不足或缺失It does not take into account the possibility thatThe arguer fails to rule out the possibility thatThe arguer fails to provide any sufficient evidence to support the assumption th
8、atThe arguer ignores/neglects other relevant factors concerning,逻辑错误与经典句式,1. 证据不足或缺失,The fact that_ does not justify the assertion that _.The arguer relies on incorrect / irrelevant data.The fact that _ does not necessarily ensure / imply that _.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,P69.74,First, the memo provides no
9、evidence that the results of the either of the two surveys are statistically reliable. For example, suppose newer students tend to be content with the all-female policy while students who have attended Grove for a longer time would prefer a co-educational policy. If a disproportionate number of the
10、surveys respondents were newer students, then the survey results would distort the student bodys opinion as a group.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,P69.74,With respect to the alumni survey, perhaps fewer alumni who donate substantial sums to Grove responded to the survey than other alumni did. If so, then the su
11、rvey results would distort the comparison between the total amount of future donations under the two scenarios. Besides, the memo provides no information about what percentage of Groves students and alumni responded to the surveys; the lower the percentages, the less reliable the results of the surv
12、eys.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,P70.76,The author provides no information concerning the base amount of the survey. The statistic would be not representative and, thus, make the conclusion unconvincing if the number of people surveyed does not cover the majority.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,The statistical evidence of
13、 the survey upon which the argument relies is too vague to be informative.,Lacking more specific information about base amount, it is impossible to assess the reliability of the surveys results or to make an informed recommendation.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,From the survey quoted in the argument, however,
14、we find no sign of such procedure for random sampling, and have good reasons to doubt if the sample is representative enough to reflect the general _ as a whole.,逻辑错误与经典句式,2. 数据错误,The statistical result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguers assumpt
15、ion.,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括 以偏概全,P59.52,The survey concerning the situation of the first five floors does not cover that of the floors above the fifth while low water pressure might be an acute problem.,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括 以偏概全,P89.119,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括 以全概偏,P64.63,The arguer proclaim that since as many as
16、 40,000 children below nine suffered injuries, psychological stress and insufficient study time, the prohibition of sports games among children under nine in Parkville is a must. However, the situation in Parkville may be distinct from that in other places. If the local children do not have a heavy
17、academic burden and psychological pressure from parent figures, it is unjustifiable to forbid the sports competition.,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括,The argument assumes that what is true of group of people taken collectively is also true of any individual within that group.The arguer assumes that what is true o
18、f a group as a whole is necessarily true of each member of that group.,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括,The arguer attempts to extract a general principle from a specific case._ draws a hasty conclusion, based on inadequate evidence about_The argument uses a few exceptional cases as the basis for a claim about wha
19、t is true in general.,逻辑错误与经典句式,3. 急于概括,The argument attributes a characteristic of an individual member of a group to the group as a whole.,逻辑错误与经典句式,4. 模糊概念,If the Clearviews housing costs in the year before last year is excessively high, even if they decline sharply, they can be still higher than
20、 the housing costs in other cities.,P57.48,逻辑错误与经典句式,4. 模糊概念,The author will have to explain what can be called “foolish objections” since the phrasing is, with all likelihood, a manifestation of prejudice and ignorance.,P111.168,逻辑错误与经典句式,4. 模糊概念,Any further linkage of these two phenomena requires
21、more evidence and is not justified by the data so far available.Comprehensive analysis is necessary to identify the actual cause of_.,逻辑错误与经典句式,5. 错误类比,The mayors argument rests on the unsubstantiated assumption that Hopewell and Ocean View are sufficiently alike in ways that might affect the econom
22、ic impact of a new golf course and hotel.,P70.77,逻辑错误与经典句式,5. 错误类比,The arguers recommendation relies on what might be a poor analogy between Omni University and Humana College.,P56.45,逻辑错误与经典句式,5. 错误类比,The argument fails to take into account the possible differences between A and B that are relevant
23、 to the conclusion.However, the problem is that the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.,逻辑错误与经典句式,6. 时间变化错误,时间表达 two years ago, last year,during the past years 标志词:trend, tendency, continue, remain, stay,逻辑错误与经典句式,6. 时间变化错误,过去的情况在今天和将来保持不变P67. 70,逻辑错误与经典句式,6. 时
24、间变化错误,The author claim that 将来, because 过去/现在. This assumption is unwarranted because things rarely remain the same over extended period of time. There are likely all kinds of difference between 过去 and 将来. For example, 将来; however, 过去. Any of these scenarios, if true, would serve to undermine the cl
25、aim that _.,逻辑错误与经典句式,7. 非此即彼,a.单纯考虑事物的一个方面而忽略其他可能导致完全不同结果的方面,P41.12,P95.132,逻辑错误与经典句式,7. 非此即彼,b.收入、成本与利润,P51.35,P56.45,逻辑错误与经典句式,7. 非此即彼,The author is presenting a false dilemma by imposing an either-or choice/fallacy between two courses of action that need not be mutually exclusive.,写作步骤与时间分配, 结尾段
26、(3分钟)按照已准备好的模式和句型快随完成指出作者的论据不能支持结论指出假如要支持结论还需那些信息,写作步骤与时间分配,结尾段模板 1,In conclusion, the argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen the assertion that , the author must provide evidence that .,写作步骤与时间分配,结尾段模板 2,In sum, the author has failed to provide adequate evidence to support his claim that . Before I can accept it, the author must supply clearer evidence that .,写作步骤与时间分配, 检查(3分钟)快速扫描全文注意平常写作的常见错误第三人称单数,