1、A330 座椅操作,头等舱&公务舱座椅操作GAMECO TRAINING,头等舱,客舱布局,外观尺寸,救生衣储存,安全须知牌位置,人工超控手柄,阅读灯,按压灯头顶部可以调节灯的亮度.,手提控制板-可以控制音量、转换频道及呼叫乘务员,液晶显示器,旅客控制组件,按压旅客控制组件上的按钮可以调节座椅一直到平躺,再按可以收回,腰部按摩系统,按压并保持旅客控制组件上的lumbar out电门,系统可以自动的按程序给腰部按摩直到旅客松手。,两侧的座椅扶手操作,1. 提起前部电门 2. 用力压扶手3. 压下扶手直至其锁在最低位,升起扶手,1. 提起前部电门 2. 用力压扶手3. 扶手自动升起,放出小桌板,提
2、起盖板提起触发电门小卓板自动升起桌板升起直到垂直旅客人工打开小桌板到平放位置,警告:小卓板升起时,不要用力拉,否则会损坏机械机构,TTL灯,警告:确保在滑行、起飞和着陆时,护板下的TTL(滑行、起飞和着陆)绿灯点亮。 以保证座椅在以上状态下回到收回正常位置。(TTL位置),TTL 电门,注意:如果绿灯不亮,按压扶手上的TTL电门可以让座椅自动回到安全的 TTL 位置,手提电脑插座,供给旅客手提电脑充电如果正在充电,蓝色的PC灯会亮注意:当滑行、起飞和着陆时。乘务员要确保该灯熄灭 !,Mechanical Overrides机械超控,(1) Press both sides of the ove
3、rride lever cover to get access to the manual override levers. 按压超控盖板的两边,以拆下人工超控的盖板从而接近超控手柄(2) With the seat in the TTL position, operate the legrest lever and make sure that the legrest can be moved freely to an extended position. 当座椅在TTL位置时,用legrest脚部托板超控手柄,可以操作脚部托板上下移动(3) Operate and tracking lev
4、er and the remote latch release pull and munually move the seat in a forward direction. 操作tracking轨道手柄,以人工把座椅前后移动。,(4) Operate recline lever and make sure that the backrest can be moved freely to a reclined position. 操作recline背靠手柄,可以自由的移动座椅靠背(5) Unlock and operate both dropping sidearm latches and c
5、heck that they lock in lowered position. 操作扶手锁电门,可以让扶手下降到和坐垫平齐(6) To return the seat to the TTL position, operate the recline lever and move the backrest to the upright position. Operate the tracking lever and manually move the seat rearward until the TTL latches engage. Check that the taxi, take-of
6、f and landing (TTL) light on the backshroud assembly is illuminated when the seat reaches the TTL position. 操作以上的机构可以让座椅回到TTL位置绿灯亮(7) the legrest lever and move the legrest to its stowed position. 操作脚部托板,确保托板回到收回位置,注意:座椅在TTL位置,人工超控拉出座椅无效,必须先拉住座椅左下角的TTL超控钢索环才行拉住钢索环操作超控手柄往前拉座椅,有何疑问?,公务舱,客舱布局,总体尺寸,救生衣储
7、存,人工超控手柄,阅读灯,1) 转动阅读灯灯头可以打开阅读灯.(2) 连续的转动灯头可以调节灯光的明暗,安全须知及控制面板位置,液晶显示屏,旅客控制组件,腰部按摩系统,按压并保持旅客控制组件上的lumbar out电门,系统可以自动的按程序给腰部按摩直到旅客松手。,按压PCU旅客控制组件上的电门可以调节座椅放平,人工放出小卓板,TTL灯,注意:当座椅在正常位置时,座椅下部绿色的TTL灯会点亮taxi, take-off and landing (TTL) (滑行、起飞、着陆),TTL电门,注意:当滑行、起飞、着陆时,乘务员看不到灯亮,可以按压PCU上的TTL电门,自动让座椅回到安全的正常位置,
8、手提电脑插座,供给旅客手提电脑充电如果正在充电,蓝色的PC灯会亮注意:当滑行、起飞和着陆时。乘务员要确保该灯熄灭 !,Mechanical Override机械超控,(1) Press release the push-lock latch on the front of the override lever cover to gain access to the manual override levers. 打开超控手柄接近盖板(2) With the seat in the TTL position, operate each legrest lever and ensure the l
9、egrest can be moved freely to an extended position.当座椅在TTL位置时,用legrest脚部托板超控手柄,可以操作脚部托板上下移动(3) Operate each seatpan lever and ensure the seatpan can be tilted up. 操作seatpan座椅盘手柄,可以让座椅盘向上倾斜 (4) Operate each recline lever and ensure that the backrest can be moved freely to a reclined position. 操作legre
10、st脚部托板超控手柄,可以操作脚部托板上下移动(5) To return the seat to the TTL position, operate the recline lever and move the backrest to the upright position. Then operate the legrest lever and move the legrest to its stowed position 操作以上机构,让其回到正常的安全位置(TTL),注意:在收回脚部托板前,要先拉钢索并人工收回脚部托板,否则会损坏托板机构。legrest拉钢索推托板legrest操作,有何疑问?,Thank you,