1、4/16/2019 The Oxford 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 1/16百度首页登录 意见反馈下载客户端g3581g4EA5 g4374g41DF g3FF6g4EC1 gD2Eg2877 g2E15g4683 g1BB7g14C3 g4364gA57 g47F7g435D gD60gD2E | g8D0g795VIP百度文库教育专区外语学习英语学习首页 分类 精品内容 申请认证 机构合作 频道专区 百度智慧课堂 百度教育VIP TheOxford30dThe Oxford 30The keywords of the Oxford 30have been carefully l
2、c by a group f languaeexperts nd expriend teches a the wordswhich shoul reciv prioiy in vocbulaystudy because of thei imrtae andeflnes. The slcion is bsd o three critria.Te words which ocur most frequentlyiEnglish are inluded, baed h iformationi te Britsh Nationl Corpus and te OxfrdCorpus Colecti. (
3、Acorpus i elcronicalyheld clin of writen or spok texs, oftenconsitg of hudrs f milns f wrds.)Howevr, being fequentithe corpusalone is t nug or a word o qualify s kyword:it may be that e is used ver frequentl,bu onl i nroly defin a, such asnewspaers or scietifc articls. In orde toavoid including ths
4、resied ws, winclude as keyword only thos ord hic arefrequent cros a gefdiferentypesof tx.I other word, kyrs ar bh frquen dused in a vriet of cntex. In adito, the listincldes om ry imporat wors wichappen t be usd fequenly, evn thougtey are very failarto st users of Eglis.These includ, o exmple, wrds
5、r part ofte body, words usd in travl, an wods whicare useful for explaig ht you mean enyo do nt knw the xac wrd fr sothig.These words wer idntifed by conulting apanel of ver vety xprts i the filds ofteaching ad langua study.The words of the Oxford 30are shown i themain sectin ictonary in large prin,
6、and wih a key smblimeditlyfolwing. On th CD-ROM th kwords areshwn i red. The ost useful pats f thentries (particular pr sch, meanigs,phrasl verbs nd iom) are arkd with asmal key mbol. The ntis fo eyorsoften have xtra ifraio in th fm fre xpls o use, special oes xplaingsynonyms or relatd word, r hlful
7、ilutrain. This means that e kywordsake a exclent rig point for expanigyour vocbulary. Wih st keyds, thre isfar mre t lern about hm than e fitteanig in h try: ften es words haveany eaigs, ave larg faily f ordsderived from the, or ae usd in a vriety ofpatterns. Al of is mns that ech on f hekeywords re
8、pay cloe tudy.The list covers Britsh and American Eglish. It i arrangd to empsiz th oectionbetwe words, that words wich ar verycloselyrelated(includingverbendgin-lyand posi stari ithun-)are roupdtgether. Sme bsic prase are lso included.Proper nas (nam of opl, lc, et.beginnig with a cpital etr)and nu
9、mbrsare ot included in h min list.Asparte list of wrds ich are important forlgu udy, but le ipotnt i evydife folws the main list. Kwig hs worsil hlp you uderand more f te infma-tio given i the ntis, espcialy rgardig thewrds ramar d rgitr (whet it s fo-ml, inforl, etc.)In rder t ak he dfintios in thi
10、sdictioary esy to undrsad, we ave writenem using th keywd of th Oxford30.All words used in ormal einio tex arekeywords, or are the list f lagua studyterms. Numbers nd pror nmes re alo used defintios. Whe it has b csry t aspecials erm whic i not i the Oxford30,the word is how i smal capitls,d in blue
11、 on te CD-ROM. If you d not knowte meaig f is ord, lok it up i hedictionry: it wil help yu t understand tdefiniti ha you ar iners i, will probabl be useful wod to learn because it wil rlatd t he igl wordyou loked up.4/16/2019 The Oxford 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 2/16TheOxford30dadvertisment (lsoad, vr) n.a
12、dvice n.is .afir n.ect v.afion n.afrd v.aid aj.after pe.,conj.,adv.no n.afterwards (spcilyBrE)(NAmEual ftewad) v.gin dv.agist pre.e n.agd adj.agency n.agt gresiv adj.aod.agre v.mnt n.ahead adv.aid n.,. vair n.aicft n.airport alarmn.,v.ing adj.aled j.cohl n.allic adj.,n.alive j.aldt.,pron.,adv.low v.
13、all right adj.,v.,exclmtionalyn., v.allied aj.ost v.alne adj.,.alog pre.,adv.nside rp,.ud adv.alphbet n.alphabeical dj.tilyav.alredy av.also .ter v.alnatie n.,adj.altertivly v.houg conj.alttr ad.ways v.a.m. (NAE also A.M)br.amaze v.ing adj.azed j.ambitio n.bulance amog (lsoamngst)a,an indefitearticl
14、ebov.adeadj.bilty n.ale dj.unbl aj.aot dv.,pre.bveradvar v.bsenc n.atadj.bsolue j.absltly adv.absor v.ue n.,.academic adj.centn.pt v.aceptable dj.unctl aj.aces n.cidet by accintaccidetal dj.inly av.accomodtion n.panyv.crdig t pre.acout n.,v.acrae dj.acuratly av.cuse v.ahi .cievment n.acid n.knowledg
15、 v.acquir v.sa.,pre.act n.,v.ion take ctionciv dj. atiely av.civ n.actor, actres n.acualdj.tuly v.ad iadertismentadpt v. .aditon n.i additi (to)aditonal dj.res n.,v.adquat dj.adequately av.adjust v.admiration n.admie v.it .adopt v.adult n.,adj.advnce ,v.d aj.in avnceadvantgn.tkdtfan ia, ananlyse (Br
16、E)(NAmanlyze) v.anlysi n.anciet adj.and conj.anger n.langry adj.il v.animal n.ankle ivrsay n.announce v.ay .noying adj.aeul j.annualy adv.another t.,pron.answ n.,v.anti- prefixanticipate v.anxiy n.ous adj.anxisly v.y det.,pron.,adv.o (alsoanybody) pron.anything pron.aywa dv.ner.apart adv. from (also
17、 asidefro especilyinNAmE)p.apartent n.(especialyNAE)apologize (BrE als -i) v.apent dj.apparely av.apeal n.,.r v.appearance n.aple n.lication applyv.apoint .appointment n.apreciate v.oh .,n.apriate dj.ovl n.apre (of) v.vingadj.roximt j.apiaely adv.April n.(br. Apr.)are argue v.argument n.aris v.arm n
18、.,.arms ed adj.arest v.,n.il arive .ow n.art article n.fial dj.artciy av.is n.artitic adj.aspre.,v.,conj.hamed adj.aside v.i from apt ask v.lep adj.fall aslepaspect n.si v.asitance n.sit ,adj.asociae v.sitd withasociaon n.sume v.aurt p.amoshern.t n.ac v.thed aj.ack n.,v.tempt ,.attempted aj.aten v.a
19、ttentio n.payetiontiud n.attorney (especialNAmE)atrct v.attraction n.ive adj.audienc n.August(abr.Aug.)aun n.author ity n.automatic adj.automatically v.autumn n.(especialyBrE)avilbl adj.erg j.,n.avoid v.wkeaj.r n.,.ae adj.wy v.aful adj.awfully v.awkardj.ly adv.bay n.back,adj.,v.,.4/16/2019 The Oxfor
20、d 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 3/16pre.amount ., v.use v.ig adj.amused j.take advantage ofadventuren.advertis v.ing n. army n.around av.,pre.arrange.mnt n.background n.bacwas (also backwardespecilyiNAmE)v.backard j.TheOxford30dbacteria n.bad dj.gobadbadly v.bad-tempered adj.bag n.baggage n.(especialyNAmE)bak
21、v.balance n.,v.ball n.ban v.,band n.bandage ,v.bank n.bar bargin n.barrier base n.,v.d onbasic aj.bsily dv.basi n.bath atrom n.bey l n.bay be v.,uxilaryv.ach n.beak ar v.beardn.t,v.beautiful adj.y v.ty n.because conj. ofpre.become v.d n.bedro n.befn.er bfo pre.,conj.,adv.eginv.iig n.behalf.:on ealfo
22、sb, sbhlf(BrE)(NAmEin behalfosb, in sb lf)ehav.beaviour (BE)(NAmEbehavior n.hind pe.,adv.beliefn.bliv .bel n.long v.belw pre.,adv.ltn.beyond pre.,adv.bicl (alsobike) n.bid v.,n.g adj.bil n.bin n.(BrE)biolgy n.ird bith n.givebirth(to)birtday n.scui (BrE)bit n.(especialyrE)abite v.,n.tr adj.biely v.bl
23、ack j.,n.ade n.blame v.,ank adj., n.blly v.ind aj.block n.,v.blnde aj., n.,o n.blow v.,ue adj.,n.bor n., v. ardboat n.body il v.bomb n.,v.neok n.,.bot borde n. v.boring adj.boe j.born: be born v.bow v.bos n.thdet.,pron.r v.botle n.om,adj.bound j.:bountowl n.box yn.boyfriend n.brain n.branch brand n.
24、brave dj. n.break v.,on adj.breakfstn.bright adj.brily v.briliant dj.g v.broad j.broadly adv.adcst,n.broken ibrekthr n.brown adj.,n.us n.,v.ble budget n.build v.ing n.bullet bunch n.burn v.burnt adj.burst v.y .bus n.h busines n.busiesman,wo n.y dj.but conj.butter n.button buy v.buyer n.by p.,adv.bye
25、xclmtioncabr.icetinet n.cabl ke n.calulat v.lion n.call v.,n.be calledcalm aj.,v.,n.lly d.cameran.p ,v.cing n.ampai can modalv.,n.annotculd odalv.ancel v.cancer n.andidate andy (NAmE)cap n.ble (of) adj.capcity n.il ,adj.captin n.urev,.carels adj.arelly v.carpet n.o cary v.case n.inas (of)h cast v.,n
26、.le cat n.h v.category n.aus ,v.CD n.ceas v.ilngn.celbrate v.lion n.cel n.lphone (alscluar phone) .(epilyNAmE)cnt n.(abr. c,t)cetimetr (BrE)(NAEcntietr) n.(ab. )centrl adj.(BrE)(NAmcentr) n.century n.o rcetai dj.,pron.rinlyav.uncerti dj.certifcaen.hain n.,v.cr aima, chrwon n.alleng,n.v.camber hance
27、n.cangev.,hannel n.capter aracter n.characteristic adj.,n.carge,v.in chargeofcarity n.art,v.chase v.,n.atp dj.cheaply av.at v.,n.cek .,h n.cerful adj.lyv.4/16/2019 The Oxford 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 4/16belt n.nd v.,n.bet adj.benh pre.,adv.fit n.,v.beside pr.t v.,n.being betr,best god,welbeween pre.,av.
28、breakfast n.bre rath n.bev.rting n.bed v.,brick n.dge brifadj.elyv. capturev.,n.ar n.card n.boardn.re n.,v.tak care (of)cre foa n.creful adj.arefulyv. cherfulyadv.s n.chemical dj.,n.stn.i (BrE)cheistry n.que (E)(NAmE chek) n.chest n.wv.TheOxford30dchiken n.ifadj.,cild n.hin cip n.olate n.hic cose v.
29、p .churc n.igarette cinma n.(espcilyBrE)cirl n.cirumstance n.tze n.iy civl adj.laim .,n.clap v., n.lass n.clic adj.,n.lassrom clean adj.,v.lar j.,.cearly advlrk n.clev adj.lik .,n.client lima n.clib v.libing n.clok n.se/klUs,NAmEoU/adj.closelyadv.l /klUz,NAE/v.closed adj.lt n.(especialyNAmE)cloth n.
30、cltes n.oinglud club n.mabr.icentimetrcoach n.al coast n.acode n.fe coinn.ld adj.,n.colyv.lcomedy n.frt ,v.coable dj.frtly av.uncomfortable dj.coand v.,n.e ,.corcial dj.mison n.,v.coit v.ient n.coit mon adj.in ccoonly adv.uictemiion n.counity n.pa core v.mpaison n.coet v.pion n.coetive adj.mplain .c
31、otn.le dj.,v.copltlya.mlex dj.coplicat v.lied aj.coputr n.neae v.coetraion n.pt n.nv.,coernd aj.ig pre.conert n.lude v.conlsion n.ret adj.,codiio duct v.,n.ofere ide confit adj.idenly v.cofie v.id adj.confirmv.lict n.,.confr v.fuse .conig adj.fsed j.couio n.liconstat dj.ly av.construct v.ion n.consu
32、lt v.umer n.ac ,.contai v.er n.contmpoary dj.et n.conts ex n.cotit cntiue v.oosadj.tily v.conrac n.,v.tst ,.conraing adj.tibute v.coriio n.ntl n.,v.i cotrl (of)unde ntrlcontrled aj.uncool dj.coveint aj.nio tn.coveinal dj.nrstio n.cove .nic v.cok v.,n.ig er (BrE)coki n.(especialyNAmE)col dj.,v.pe(wit
33、h) .copy n.,v.re con n.crect adj.,v.oly st n.,v.coage tn n.cough v.,ig n.could canunil n.cot v.unter n.counytrside n.couny n.lcraft n.ash ,v.crazy adj.em n.,j.creat v.uren.di creit card n.im n.criinal dj.,n.is n.crip adj.iteion n.crial dj.critism n.ze(BrE also -ie) v.cop n.rs ,v.cowd n.re adj.con n.
34、ruial dj.cel j.rush v.cy,n.t abr.icentculural adj.ultre n.cup upboardn.curb v.ure .,n.curios adj.rioly v.ulv.,n.curlyadj.urent j.,n.currenly adv.urtain n.curve ,v.d aj.custom n.cter n.usosut v.,cyle n.,v.ling dad n.dailydj.damagen.,v.p adj.dance n.,v.dancing dancer n.danger ddj4/16/2019 The Oxford 3
35、000 - 百度文库https:/ 5/16colapse v.,n.lgu colect v.lion n.coleg colur (BrE)(NAmcolr n.,v.lued ()(Ecolred)aj.column n.mbiatio n.coine v. .congratultions n.es n.conct v.eion n.conscius adj.uncoscios j.cosequnen.nrvati adj.cosider .niderable adj. cosily v.nideration n.cosit fv.couple n.acourage n.urs ofcr
36、secourtn.usin ve .,cord aj.veing n.cow n.rack ,v.caed aj.dangerous adj.r v.dak dj.,n.t n.dae ,v.daughter n.dayn.dead dj.afaj.deal v.,n.withdear adj.det n.TheOxford30ddebat n.,v.debt cade n.deay ,v.Dcmbern.(a.Dc)decide v.ison n.declare v.delin n.,.decorate v.dei n.corative adj.des .,n.dep adj.,v.depl
37、y .fat v.,n.deenc (BrE)(NAmdefens)n.defend v.i .definte adj.dily v.defintio n.degr lay n.,v.delibert adj.liely v.delicat dj.deligh n.,v.lited adj.delivr .deliy n.demand ,v.onstrae ti n.deny v.partment n.deur ped(o) v.deposit n.,.depr v.sing adj.depre j.depth n.deriv .descibe v.ription n.dest n.,v.de
38、red adj.desv.deign n.,v.diagrm n.diamond diary n.ictoary n.die v.dying adj.dit n.fernce n.dit adj.difernly v.icult adj.difly n.dig v.ner n.dirct adj.,v.diely .dirction n.ier dirt n.iy adj.disble j.diadvantge n.sagre .disrmnt n.appear v.point .disappointing adj.pointed j.disappointment n.diaproval n.
39、ise(f) v.diaproving adj.disaste n.dic (alsodisk, espcialyinNAmE)n.disciple n.out discver .dioy n.discus v.ion n.disease gust v.,n.dising adj.gusted j.dish n.onest adj.disly v.k n.dislev.,n.dimis .dog n.lar domestic adj.doin v.dor n.tdoubleadj.,et.,adv.,n.,vdoubt n.,v.wn ad.,pre.downstirs v.,adj.,n.d
40、owad (also downwardespecialyinNAmE)adv.dordj.dozen n.,et.Dr (BE)(alsor. NAmE, BrE)abr.idctdraf n.,adj.,v.drag v.drama n.dramtic adj.dramatically v.draw v.ing n.draer m n.,v.dres ,.d aj.drink n.,v.drive .,ig n.driver op.,n.rug dstore n.(NAmE)rum n.dnk adj.ry j.,v.due adj.todull adj.dump v.,n.during r
41、ep.dust n.,v.duty DV n.each det.,pron. otr (alsone aother) pron.efct n.ive adj.efctily v.in adj.eficetly v.ort n.g abr.e n.ithr det.,pron.,adv.elbow n.lderly adj.elct v.lion n.elctri adj.lil j.elctrity n.lonic adj.elgat j.lme n.elvator (NAmE)ls d.elwhere adv.mail (lsoe-il) n.,v.ebarrass v.barrassing
42、 adj.barrassed j.embarrassment n.rge v.ency n.oti eminal dj.otily av.ephasi n.mize (BrE also-i) v.epi n.loy v.unempled aj.loy n.epler loynt n.unemplet epty adj.,v.nble v.ecountr .,n.urage v.encomnt n.d n.,v.in the ndedig n.nmyerg n.4/16/2019 The Oxford 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 6/16desirn.,v.dek sprate dj.
43、deperaly av.spite pr.deroy v.destuctin n.ail n.in detaildetailed dj.trminatio n.deee v.trid j.devlop v.lment n.devic n.ot v.ded aj.displayv.,n.dioestanc diinguish v.stribute .diiion n.strict n.diurb v.sturbing adj.dive v.ision n.divrce,v.d adj.do v.,uxilryv.undo .doctor n.(ab. D, NAmEDr.)document n.
44、ear n.arlyadj.,v.rnv.eath n.as ,v.et n.,adj.,v.asrn j.ey adj.sil v.eatv.conmic adj.eyn.dgn.edition r n.educate v.d aj.education n.engaev.agd adj.i n.engier iing n.enjoy v.able dj.ejoymnt n.nrus adj.eough et.,pron.,adv.nquiry(alsoinquiryespc NAmE)n.urv.ent .rain v.etig adj.nrainer n.etimt TheOxford30
45、denthusiasm n.itic dj.entire adj.tirly v.enev.tanc n.ery nvlope n.eirment nvioal dj.equal adj.,n.,v.quly .equipment n.quivalt adj.,n.ero n.scpe .,n.eialy dv.sy n.ential dj.,n.sily av.etablish v.sae n.etimt ,v.c. (ful form etctera)eron.vn adv.,adj.eig n.vt enualy dv.vr dv.ey et.vron (alsoevrybody)pro
46、n.evrything pron.wer adv.evidc n.il aj.,ex- prefixact adj.exly v.agrate .exd aj.am n.examinatio n.ie v.exampl n.clent adj.exp rp.,conj.expctaion n.pense exiv adj.xperienc n.,v.edaj.imt ,.expert n.,adj.plain v.expltio n.plde v.explore .plsin n.export v.,se .exprv,adj.sion n.extd v.nsio n.extive adj.n
47、t n.extra dj.,adv.oiry adj.extrme adj.,n.ly v.ey n.face n.,v.ilty fac n.tor facy n.fil v.aiure n.faint dj.ilyav.fair dj.ily av.unfir dj.aily v.fith n.aiful adj.fithflyv.Yours aithfuly(BrE)fal v.,n.all oerfals dj.me n.favourite (BrE)(NAmEfavorite) adj.,n.fear n.,v.fathr n.eue,v.Fby (ar.Feb.)fedel adj
48、. n.fed v.l .feling n.low ,adj.female j.,n.ncn.fstival ech .fvr n.ew det.,adj.,pron.affield n.ight v.,fiing n.igure ,v.fl n.il v.film n.,.inal adj.,n.fily v.inance n.,.fiancial dj.ind v.fid out shne adj.fily v.iger n.finsh v.,ied adj.fir n.,v.set fire tofirm n.,adj.,v.ily v.first det.,ordinalnumber,
49、adv.,n.at firstfish n.,v.iing n.fit v.,adj.folw v.lwing adj.,n.,pre.fod n.ft n.obal fr pe.oc n.,v.freast ,.oign dj.frest n.ovr(BE also fr evr) adv.forget v.fri .ok n.frm ,v.oal adj.frly v.oe adj.frmrly v.oula n.frtne oward (lso foards) av.forardj.un v.fodation n.rame n.,v.f adj.,.,adv.rely v.fdom n.
50、rez v.frozn adj.equtfquely v.resh adj.flyv.Friday n.(abr.Fri.)fridge (BE)ind n.make frinds (with)fridly aj.unfrieldj.fridship n.igt v.frienig adj.ight j.from pre.4/16/2019 The Oxford 3000 - 百度文库https:/ 7/16excption n.hage v.,in xcn(for)excit v.ing adj.exct j.imet n.exclud v.ling pre.excuse n.,v.ti ,