1、男性性激素测定,从保列治的应用开始,看山是山,看水是水看山不是山,看水不是水,Company Logo,Company Logo,+DHT,Company Logo,Company Logo,Company Logo,5-ARIs,Company Logo,5-ARIs,serum DHT 70% with finasteride . 95% with dutasteride. prostate DHT concentration is reduced to a similar level (85-90%) by both 5-ARIs.,Company Logo,5-ARIs,leading
2、 to prostate 18-28%PSA 50% after 6-12 months of treatment,Company Logo,5-ARIs,improve IPSS 15-30%, Qmax 1.5-2.0 mL/s,Company Logo,5-ARIs ED,Company Logo,5-ARIs,Contributes to high Gleason grade PCa,Company Logo,Company Logo,5-ARIs,serum T 23%-24% during the 4-year study periodPlacebo with a slight i
3、ncrease of 1% to 6% in the,Company Logo,前列腺内,Company Logo,性功能,Company Logo,性功能,Company Logo,Company Logo,DHT T,potential negativecardiovascular events, and depression,Company Logo,Morales a Wang C, et al. Investigation, treatment, and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males: ISA, ISSAM, EAU,
4、EAA and ASA Recommendations. Eur Urol 2009; 55:121-130,迟发性性腺功能减退症定义,迟发性性腺功能减退症(Late-onset hypogonadism, LOH):一种与年龄增长相关的临床和生物化学综合征。其特征为:具有一定临床症状;血清睾酮水平降低;对机体多种器官、系统功能有不利影响;严重影响生活质量。,Shalender Bhasin,. Testosterone Therapy in Men with Androgen Deficiency Syndromes: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practi
5、ce Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 25362559, 2010,雄激素缺乏的常见症状/体征,LOH各国指南及诊断标准,雄激素,Company Logo,游离睾酮,与白蛋白结合的睾酮,与性激素结合球蛋白结合的睾酮,生物活性睾酮,无生物活性睾酮,总睾酮正常值:12-35nmol/L,睾酮的存在形式,Company Logo,F+T,Finasteride+oral testosterone undecanoate 7天对T和DHT没明显变化,Company Logo,T luts,studies have demonstrated that the
6、 prostate can increase involume by approximately with the addition of testosterone,which is thought may be enough to decompensate a signifiantlyobstructed bladder,Company Logo,Th European Association of Urology guidelines warnthat androgen deprivation therapy(ADT) is contraindicated in men with seve
7、re LUTS (IPSS21).,Company Logo,激素的测定,血液中甾体激素的测定可采用光谱分析法 (包括紫外分光光度法和荧光分析法 )色谱法 (包括高效液相色谱分析法、气相色谱与质谱联用分析法、胶束电动毛细管色谱法)、免疫学分析方法(包括放射免疫测定法、化学发光免疫测定法 ) 磁分离酶联免疫测定法。,Company Logo,FT测定,在纯度和温度严格控制下 平衡透析法测定 是生理学上评估血清 FT最经典的方法,Company Logo,Vermeulen公式计算,www.issam.ch FT或Bio-T计算器,Company Logo,www.issam.ch游离睾酮或生物活
8、性睾酮计算器,游离睾酮或生物活性睾酮,检测方法平衡透析法过于复杂临床推广难类同方法不准确故不推荐,Bio-T测定,硫酸铵盐沉淀SHBG-T,再测定Bio-T从而评估FT,Company Logo,酶免法,酶免法测得FT仅占0.23%相差8-9倍,Company Logo,Summery,设想 ,评估一男性的激素情况应该 多维度(T、DHT、DHEA等) 细分解(TT、FT、Bio-T等),Company Logo,?,mans LUTSis appropriately treated there is no longer a contraindication to TRT,Company Lo
9、go,However, about 25%30% of patients do not experience any improvement in theirurinary symptoms and another 5%7% developed worsening symptoms and may ultimately require surgery 8. It should be noted that resistance to therapy with finasteridemay occur through silencing of the 5-R type 2 gene by DNAm
10、ethylation, leading to a state in which approximately 30% of patients do not express 5-R type 2 in the prostate,Company Logo,Company Logo,Table,Higher levels of serum free testosterone are associated with an increased risk ofaggressive prostate cancer among older men.,Company Logo,5-ARIs,Thismay exp
11、lain some of the noted symptoms such as anxiety,depression and suicide in patients who have been treatedwith finasteride,Company Logo,5-Rs,was 23% 95% confidence interval 11.1% to35.6%, 25% 95% confidence interval 14.6% to 34.7%, and 12% 95% confidence interval 2.1% to21.7% in the lower, middle, and upper testosterone tertiles, respectively; Fig. 1).,Company Logo,Thank You !,Add your company slogan,