1、人教课标高二 选修 6Unit 2,Unit 2 Poems,1. Listen to the tape and close your eyes, then tell us your impression on each poem.,2. In a group of four discuss which poems you like best and why. For each poem you may want to talk about one or more of the characteristics below.,Poem A (Tang poem):This poem has be
2、autiful imagery that conveys deep feelings. There are many things that this poem makes the reader think about: light heartedness and heavy heartedness, it contrasts morning and night, and creation and destruction.,Poem B (adverb poem)number of lines:rhythm: rhyme:repetition: certain part of speech:,
3、two sets of four lines,regular strong beat,four pairs of rhyming lines,hungrily is repeated at the beginning of each line regularly,the adverb hungrily starts each line,Poem C (song )This is a love song rhythm: rhyme: repetition:,regular strong beat,two pairs of rhyming lines,first two lines are repeated at the end of the song,Poem D (cinquain )Number of lines:Topic:Poem E (haiku)Number of lines:Number of syllables:,five,sunshine,three,17,Homework,When you read each poem, what did it make you think about or feel?,Thank you!,