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类型高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 u3p2 learning about language.ppt

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    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 u3p2 learning about language.ppt

    1、Unit 3,Leaning about Language,1 Complete the sentences with words below.,backgrounds nation citizens tolerance Aboriginal homelandsmigrants respect,Discovering useful words and expressions,The majority of Australians are _ from many different _. In fact, the only _ whose ancestors have lived here fo

    2、r more than 200 hundred years are _ people.,citizens / migrants,citizens,nations / backgrounds,aboriginal,Most Australians believe that having people from so many different _ creates _ and _ and makes Australia a stronger _ and a more interesting place to live.,respect,nations / backgrounds/ homelan

    3、ds,tolerance,nation,2 Read the paragraph below, paying particular attention to the underlined words, some of which may be new to you. Try to work out the definitions of these words and write them down in the second column. Then check your answer using an English-English dictionary and write the dict

    4、ionary definitions in the third column.,The first migrants arrived in Australia after a long voyage on small sailing ships. Life was very tough at first because they did not have adequate equipment or food. One of the first things they did was to dig the soil and sow vegetable seeds. However,it wasn

    5、t easy to grow enough food for everyone and in the first few years they faced starvation.,Despite all the hardships of those early years, many of the migrants succeeded inbuilding a good life for themselves. In theearly days, There were not nearly as many women migrants as there were males, so many

    6、of the men remained bachelors. Many dreamed of having a wife who would share their life,and work alongside them as they built houses and established farms. Within a reasonably short time some had established large sheep farms and began to export meat and wool back to England.We know a lot about thes

    7、e early years of European settlement because most Migrants corresponded with their,families at home and many of their letters still survive. These early settlers owed their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.,a person who goes from one place to live in another ( also immigrants),enou

    8、gh,put seeds in the ground so they will grow,difficult or unpleasant condition of life,an unmarried male,communicate by writing,to need to pay or give sth. to sb. because they have givenor lent sth to you,3 You will find it easier to learn English words in clusters. Read aloud the following words an

    9、d write down as many words related to them as possible. Compare your lists with a partner.,Example: rain, rainbow, rainfall, rainy, raindrop, raincoat, rainforest, rainwater,tax: taxation, taxed, taxable, taxman, taxpayerhome: homework, homely, homeland, homeless, homemaker, homecoming, homesickrust

    10、: rusty, rustproof,time: timely, timing, timekeeper, timer, timepiece, timesaving, timetable, timelessnight: nightly, nighttime, goodnight, nightclothes, nightclub, nightfallautonomy: autonomous, autonomouslydefend: defense, defender, defenseless, defendant, defensive, defensibletolerate: tolerance,

    11、 tolerant, toleration, tolerantly, tolerable, tolerably, tolerability,nation: national, nationality, nationalize,nationally, nationalist, nationwidecity: citizen, citizenship, citywide, cityscapebirth: birthplace, birthdate, birthday, birthplace, birthmark, birthrightassociate: association, associat

    12、ive, associatedreserve: reservation, reservedway: pathway, roadway, waylay, wayside, wayworn,1 Read through this paragraph and underline all the predicative.,A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he was a good jumper, the zoo authorities increased the height of the fe

    13、nce around him, but, the next morning, the kangaroo was out of his enclosure again.,Revising useful structures,So the keepers solution was to build an even higher barrier. However, the next morning, the result was disappointing- the kangaroo was not in his enclosure. The authorities, being desperate

    14、, increased the height of the fence again and again and it was soon over forty meters high.,A camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, “How high do you think theyll go?” The kangaroo said, “ Thats a good question. It seems to me, theyll just keep going higher until somebody remembers to shut

    15、the gate at night!”,2 Underline the predicative in this conversation and then practice it with a partner.,KIM: The meat seems to be shrinking!SAM: Maybe theres too much fat in it. KIM: What can I do?SAM: Its probably the wrong kind of meat for a barbecue. The best thing is to cook it slowly.,KIM: Yo

    16、u know, it smells strange too.SAM: Is it rotten? Lets smell. Hey! This isnt steak! KIM: So, what is it?SAM: Where did you get it?KIM: It was in the bottom of the fridge.SAM: Oh, no! Thats the dogs meat!KIM: Are you sure?,Homework,Write an article about the reasons why people want to travel in Australia.,Thank you.,

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