1、中国腹透发展现状与挑战,余 学 清中山大学附属第一医院,中国腹透发展现状中国腹透未来发展,内容提要,广州CKD的患病率: 12.1% 北京CKD的患病率: 11.3%上海CKD的患病率: 11.8%郑州CKD的患病率: 13.5%,Chen W, Yu XQ. et al. NDT 2009;24:1205-12 Zhang L, Wang H.et al. AJKD, 2008 ;51(3):373-84 Chen N, Fan Q. et al. NDT 2009;24:2117-23 Liu ZS, .et al. Chin J of Nephrol. 2008; 24(8):524,C
2、KD是中国重要的公共健康问题,150,000 dialysis patients in China,中国ESRD患者数量快速增长,中国腹膜透析的需求增加,人口数量激增,特别是老年群体比例增加CKD患病率高, 越来越多的ESRD患者随着经济的发展,医疗保障覆盖更多透析患者有限的资源和基础设施(空间,设备,技术人员)家庭透析逐渐普及和接受,腹膜透析在中国的优势,安全,方便以及容易掌握有益于远离透析中心居住的患者中国大多数人民居住在农村大部分县级医院没有血液透析设备适合患有具传染性疾病的患者,ESRD患者:100多万HD:20万PD:2.3万,中国透析登记资料,中国不同透析方式现状,20062010
3、中国腹透病人数*,*由于目前尚未得到全国腹透病人的数据,此数据仅为百特工作人员的推测数据,中国腹透的发展情况,Dialysis modality choice varies widely around the world,9,USRDS ADR 2008 Table 12.d,全球各地不同透析方式构成,卫生部腹膜透析专家组会议,腹膜透析方式的政府支持,卫办医政函2011549号颁布, 文件中详细阐述了提高我国腹膜透析水平,扩大腹膜透析覆盖面的管理要求制定了逐级开展腹透培训,提高医疗机构腹透治疗能力的路径部署了按照腹膜透析标准操作流程进行系列培训的实施办法要求各省级卫生行政部门在制定医疗质量考核
4、和医院评审、评价指标时,腹透液费用不计入药品收入,按照医用耗材进行统计,“关于做好腹膜透析相关工作的通知”,卫办医政函2011549号,卫生部办公厅, 2011年6月13日,腹膜透析数量与腹透质量同步提高腹透临床和腹透科研齐头并进不同级别医院腹透中心共同发展,中国腹透未来发展的方向,USRDS Annual Data Report 2007,不同治疗年限的腹透病人生存率均显著提高,Jessica Kendrick and Isaac Teitelbaum, Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1123-1131, 2010,影响患者生存率的因素,中心规模50 与50 比较,腹透病
5、人临床预后较好,HD = hemodialysis; pt-yr = patient-year; RH = relative hazard; CI = confidence interval; ref. = reference value a p 0.05 b Demographics: age, sex, and race; Clinical: Index of Coexistent Disease score, diabetic status, and body mass index; Laboratory: albumin and creatinine,Laura al: PDI, Vo
6、l. 29, pp. 285291,中心规模与腹透患者临床预后密切相关,退出率DOR%,治疗持续时间TOT(月),Big is Beautiful in PD! -Prof. Peter Blake,* 百特中国数据,腹透中心的规模与治疗质量成正相关*,腹透临床和腹透科研齐头并进,中国腹透未来发展的方向,2012.2.311009,Rapid increase in PD patient number at SYSU,Patient Survival for Prevalent Patients,Data from SYSU PD registration system,Technique S
7、urvival for Prevalent Patients,Data from SYSU PD registration system,KPI Approach in SYSU 2010,Johnson,DW, et al. ISPD ACM 2010,8:2-3,The role of TGF-/smads in the mechanism of peritoneal fibrosis,Nie J, Yu XQ*. . Perit Dial Int. 2007; 27(5):580-8. Nie J,Yu XQ*. Kidney Int. 2007; 72(11):1336-44. Sun
8、 YY, Yu XQ*. Am J Nephrol. 2009;18;30(1):84-94. Liu QH, Yu XQ*. Peri Dial Int. 2008, 28:S88-95. Wu J, Yu XQ *. Inflamm Res. 2009; March 7 Epub ahead of print.,The Regulating Mechanism of TGF-/Smads on EMT,Wang XY, Yu XQ *. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008,1782:51-59. Nie J,Yu XQ*. Biochim Biophys Acta. 20
9、09 ;1792:122-31. Mao H,Yu XQ*. Am J Physiol - Renal Physiol. 2008;295(1):F202-14.Zhang HY, Yu XQ*. Nephrology. 2009; 14(3):302-10 Zhou Y, Yu XQ*. JASN 2010; 21:598-609Zhu FX, et al. Am J Pathol 2010;176:650-9.Zhou Q, et al. J Biol Chem. 2010 ; 285(51):40019-27,Clinical Research Program in PD,Preserv
10、ation of Peritoneal function Preservation of residual renal function Prevention of CVD in PD patients Bio-maker for the early diagnosis Satellite Center for out of Guangzhou,The Ongoing Program in SYSU,ACEI, ARB and combination in the preservation of peritoneal and RRF.Restricted diet protein plus k
11、etoacid in the preservation of peritoneal and RRF The molecular mechanism of pathogen in the PD related peritonitis and preventive strategy for the relapse peritonitis.,An Excellent PD Team,不同地区腹透中心共同发展,中国腹透未来发展的一些思考,Higher dropout of PD patients in Suburban,2008.6.,Majority of patients live in subu
12、rban areas,Data from 2008,Satellite center,27 doctors and nurses trained in our center,PD satellite Center Program in Guangzhou,This program was supported by the Baxter Clinical Evidence Council (CEC) grant 2008,Background for PD satellite center,50% patients need to go to the different areas in Gua
13、ngdong province for follow upThere exist some problems in those regionsSmall scale and havent had a PD teamPoor PD technique and center management Weak/poor training, teaching and follow up programHigh peritonitis and dropout rates, poor patient survival,Purpose of the program,To establish advanced
14、PD satellite centers in Guangdong province with well education and training system Using standard PD program in patients training, education and follow-up proceduresTo set up a good model to improve PD outcome (i.e. patient and technical survival) and QOI,PD Satellite Center Running Procedure,The PD
15、 center in Sun Yat-Sen University initiated and running this programEach satellite PD center need to have full-time PD doctor and nurses, and, use the same program for training, education, follow up and for all treatment protocols. All the centers report their work to the Sun Yat-sen university PD c
16、enter every month and join the regular meeting every 6 monthsRegular site observation and feed back our comments,Regular data collection,Incidence patients and causesPD adequacy and analysisNutritional statusComplication incidencePatient- and technical- survivalPatient drop-outs and reasons,Summary
17、of the satellite PD center,12 PD centers joined this program26 doctors and 32 nurses trainedPD pts increased from 1010 to1860,Clinical data of PD patients,Some Indexes have shown improvement,The future plan for this program,Expand our experience in the PD satellite center ProgramTo conduct more mult
18、i-centeric clinical research in China.To expand this program to South China or other provinces where they needed the most.,交流与合作,积极参加国际会议和学术交流选择国内外先进中心学习邀请国际专家来中心指导与国外专家共同探讨:Workshop开展多中心的临床研究,2009年苏黎世大学学术交流会特邀讲座,2009年瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院学术交流会,2009年 参加医院赴美国UCLA大学学术交流,与前任ISPD主席加拿大Oreopoulos教授留影,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡学院 Jonas
19、 Axelsson,ISPD 前主席美国John burkart,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院Bengt Lindholm,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院Peter Stenvinkel,余学清教授作为中国大陆代表应邀作大会学术报告 9篇学术论文被选为大会宣读(占大会口头报告的1/10)4项大会旅行资助(travel grant)奖励(占大会总资助的1/6),Oral Presentation at ISPD(2010),PD高峰论坛和800庆典,ISPD主席S Davies参加PD800庆典,国内外著名专家参加PD 800 庆典,医患共同高歌“明天会更好”,余学清教授与参加庆典的嘉宾亲切交谈,谢 谢 !,9、
20、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。22.9.722.9.7Wednesday, September 07, 202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。0:01:550:01:550:019/7/2022 12:01:55 AM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。22.9.70:01:550:01Sep-227-Sep-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。0:01:550:01:550:01Wednesday, September 07, 202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。22.9.722.9.70:01:550:01:55September 7, 202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。2022年9月7日星期三上
21、午12时1分55秒0:01:5522.9.715、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。2022年9月上午12时1分22.9.70:01September 7, 202216、行动出成果,工作出财富。2022年9月7日星期三0时01分55秒0:01:557 September 202217、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。上午12时1分55秒上午12时1分0:01:5522.9.79、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。22.9.722.9.7Wednesday, September 07, 202210、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。0:01:5
22、50:01:550:019/7/2022 12:01:55 AM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。22.9.70:01:550:01Sep-227-Sep-2212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。0:01:550:01:550:01Wednesday, September 07, 202213、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。22.9.722.9.70:01:550:01:55September 7, 202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年9月7日星期三上午12时1分55秒0:01:5522.9.715、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。202
23、2年9月上午12时1分22.9.70:01September 7, 202216、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2022年9月7日星期三0时01分55秒0:01:557 September 202217、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。上午12时1分55秒上午12时1分0:01:5522.9.79、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。22.9.722.9.7Wednesday, September 07, 202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。0:01:550:01:550:019/7/2022 12:01:55 AM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。22.9.70:01:550:01Sep-2
24、27-Sep-2212、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。0:01:550:01:550:01Wednesday, September 07, 202213、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。22.9.722.9.70:01:550:01:55September 7, 202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年9月7日星期三上午12时1分55秒0:01:5522.9.715、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2022年9月上午12时1分22.9.70:01September 7, 202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022年9月7日星期三0时01分55秒0:01:557 September 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。上午12时1分55秒上午12时1分0:01:5522.9.7,Lorem ipsum dolor sit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blanditut cursus.,感谢您的下载观看,专家告诉,