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1、To Remove the Dependency of Culture in TCM TCM Study in the fields of Philosophy and Science,中医学的文化依存性解蔽 在哲学和科学之间的中医学研究,程 伟 张 浩 黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨,Cheng Wei & Zhang HaoHeilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang, Harbin 150040,中医药学何以值得高度关注 Why TCM is remarkable,中医学是否科学,是中医学界内外久盛不衰论战不休意见常常尖锐对

2、立的话题。Whether TCM is scientific or not is a controversial topic which has been disputed in a long time in community.就多元文化视角下的中国科技史研究这一主题来说,中医问题值得深入讨论。 The issue of TCM is worthy to be discussed in the view of multicultural background of history of science and technology in China.,中医药学何以值得高度关注 Why TCM

3、 is remarkable,中医学在临床医学领域有不可替代的重要价值。TCM is incomparable in clinical medicine.但其丰富的实践经验与其古朴的传统理论之间存在着复杂的内在关系。There are complex relations between the rich clinical experience and classical traditional theory.中医学理论以其特有的方式把握着某种尚未被现代科学研究说明的规律性的东西,其潜在的科学价值不容忽视。TCM have some regularity which hasnt been pro

4、ved by modern technology yet in unique way, and the scientific value of TCM cannot be ignored. 对中医科学性的质疑往往与中医理论的民族化的表达形式有关。The dispute in the science of TCM always focus on theory of TCM.,一、自然哲学形态理论的不彻底性The Un-thoroughness of theory about the Natural Philosophy Form,中医学的基本理论核心概念并非生命现象、疾病现象专属的确切概念The

5、 basic theory of TCM is not specific conception of Life and Diseases.其理论框架、逻辑结构、推理方式受制于其理论核心阴阳五行的学说体系The theory frame, logic structure and reasoning methods are confined by the core of TCM.,实际经验虽被系统化说明,但其各个组成部分之间并不存在严格的逻辑关系,常常只是在有限的范围内言之成理Though the practical validity has been proved systematically,

6、 there is no strictly logic relationship among constituents. Usually the practical experiences only are reasonable in limited field.,作为自然哲学的理论体系,中医理论解释生命世界的模型并非由核心概念、基本原理、基本规律逐级展开的严格的层级性逻辑系统。As natural philosophy, the interpretation of life world in TCM is not a strict logic system including levels

7、of core concept, basic theory and basic regularity.理论模型中不同构件间的关系有些是虚构而成In the theoretical model of TCM, some of the relationship among different elements is imaginary.,阴阳五行、脏腑经络、气血津液及各种辨证方法等等不同层级的学说、概念的内涵及其现实相关度有很大差异The contents of Yin yang and five elements, fu organs and meridian, Qi and blood and

8、 some reasoning methods are far from the mechanism of body. 看似相同的概念在不同层级上的含义,如阴阳、阴虚阳虚、肾阴肾阳、肾阴虚肾阳虚分属不同层级Some concepts seemed like each other are in different level of meanings, such as yin and yang.,概念内涵只有在某种变动不居的关系中动态性把握Concepts and connotations only can be dynamic acknowledged in some relationship.

9、,类比推理的或然逻辑未必表达得出真实世界的必然性联系Probable logic of Analogy reasoning improbably shows inevitability of real world.临床实践成功经验表述方式受到这种理论语言的局限常常难于确切把握The expression of the successful experiences in clinical practice is limited by the theoretical language, therefore, its hard to grasp precisely.,不同层级理论概念现实相关度差异很

10、大Theres much difference between the practical correlative degree of each different level .,概念的理论来源与经验的组织、呈现方式、理论概念与经验的交互作用、经验究竟如何检验着理论都需要给出更透彻的说明It need more clear explain about the theoretical source of the concept and the organization, modes of presentation of experience ,interaction between theor

11、etical concepts and experience and how experience examine the theory.,哲学化的语言如不改变形态便难于转化成可以进入现代体系的公共语言,难于成为确切的研究对象If the philosophilized narration didnt transform into public language that can adapt itself to modern system, TCM will be difficult to be a specific study subject.对以旧有方式表达的各种经验的本质的揭示,不能固守

12、传统理论,而应专注于特定表达方式背后的真实经验To reveal the essence of the experiences interpreted with old expression, instead of adhere to tradition theory, we should focus on the real experiences behind the specific expression.,文化依存性放大与疆界迷失 To extend the dependency of culture and to blur the boundary,何为中医学理论?正统教科书式的表述并

13、未全面清晰界定What is TCM Theory? There is no comprehensive and clear definition in the orthodox textbooks.各类中医古籍所涉内容几乎无所不包The contents of ancient books and documents of TCM almost includes all aspects.,近年,中医学的传统文化依存性被有意无意地放大,使中医学几乎迷失了自身疆界,养生乱象与此有关。The cultural dependency of TCM study has been exaggerated

14、consciously or unconsciously, which makes TCM study almost lose its own boundary to a larger extent. 鱼龙混杂的复杂局面侵蚀着中医学的机体,中医药学依然需要长期的文化解蔽。The mixed-up complexity has been eroding TCM study, and the process of de-shielding TCM with highly culture dependency will be for long.,如何从独特的文化传统成果中开掘出可资当今医学科学借鉴的

15、再生资源,研究仍处于起步阶段Were still at the initial stage of studying how can we mining renew resources which modern medicine can be absorbing from through researching our unique traditional culture.,二、中医学整体观念及其经验载体The whole concept of TCM and its carrier experience,中医学整体观念确实体现着中医学的某种独特性。The whole concept of TC

16、M embody the uniqueness of TCM.但整体观念的实现始终只能依赖于具体的医疗经验。However, it can only depend on the detailed clinical experience to achieve the whole concept. 强调中医研究不能脱离临床盖缘于此。Thats why the study on TCM can not be separated from clinical practice.,医疗实践的整体性The integrity of medical practice,医学始于对疾病的认识而非始于健康观念。Me

17、dicine originate from cognition of disease rather than concept of health.疾病现象总会伴生某种整体状态,至少是患者的心身感受。Disease always produce some kind of whole state, at least, the physical and mental feeling of patients.,即便某种疾病的产生有着相对局限、单一或者确定的内在根源,其外在表现也会呈现出某种整体性。Even if the production of some disease has the relati

18、ve limitation, sole or the determination intrinsic root, the external performance will also present some kind of integrity.在没有通过实体结构变化理解疾病根由的条件下,细致观察外在状态就是医生的唯一手段。In the condition of understanding diseases origin without the solid structure change, the only method that a doctor could take is to care

19、fully observe the external condition.,医疗实践的整体性The integrity of medical practice,在相对特异性的疾病中,规律性地表现出来的状态就被规定为某种证候。In the relative specificity disease, the condition which regularly displays is defined as some kind of symptoms (Zheng Hou).同一疾病在不同时期或在不同情况下,其不同状态间存在某种演化关系,使人们在对其内在根源的推测中也建立了某种联系。There is

20、a evolutionary relationships between different states of the same disease at different times or in different situations, which establish a link in peoples inference of its underlying causes.,捕捉到某种其他认识方式尚未把握到的内在规律是中医学的独到之处。 To capture the internal law that other means of cognition failed to grasp is

21、the uniqueness of TCM.得到一定程度系统化说明的旧经验在新的现实面前可以引出某种新尝试并可能不断导致某种成功。In front of new reality, the old experiences which are descript in systematic way to some extent can lead to a new attempt and may cause a serious of success.,但中医作为经验科学,实践基础是经验而还不具有系统的实验研究的证据基础;As a science of experience, TCM practice

22、is based on the experience rather than the evidence proved by the systematic experimental study. 它在现今的知识增长方式仍然主要靠在具体的医疗实践过程中摸索积累。Its knowledge development mainly depend on the exploring and accumulation of specific medical practice.,而难于借助现代技术引入实验研究领域深入探索,就不能较快转化为具有普遍意义的规律性知识。 It cannot be quickly tr

23、ansformed into the universal knowledge in law with difficulty in introducing experimental study to explore the domain thoroughly with the aid of modern technology.强调整体性经验的价值不应一味歌颂旧整体观Emphasize the value of integrity experiences, but should not blindly praise the old whole concept.,由于缺少对实体内部结构的深入了解,缺

24、少对结构与功能的关系的追索,对生命活动和疾病现象的把握只能着眼于现象表层,以推究内在状态。We could deduce the internal situation only from the superficial level of life activities and disease phenomena with the lack of deep insight into the internal structure of entities and the absence of exploring the relationship between structure and funct

25、ion.,这种情况在以连续性、不可分割性、自我化生性为特征的气论哲学思想体系中得到强化。This situation has been strengthened by the philosophy of Qi which is characterized by continuous, indivisible and self-metaplastic.中医的整体观从非结构性实体认识来说是无奈的,而从气一元论哲学来说是自觉的。The whole view of TCM from non-structural entity understanding is compelled to do , but

26、 from Qi monism philosophy it is conscious.,三、新整体观可否重生于分析性研究Can new whole concept rebirth in the analytical study,在中医学界的自我辩护中,作为中国传统文化性格表征的整体论一直被反复强调。In self-defense of Chinese academic circles, wholism has been underlined repeatedly as the representing the Chinese traditional culture.在当今世界整体论思想受到空前

27、关注的情况下,中医学界对自身优长评价很高且期望甚殷。Under the condition that wholism draws unprecedented attention in nowadays, the Chinese academic highly evaluate their own superiority.,实际上,对一种哲学传统的关注主要在于它倡导的思维方式、思想导向和概念模型In fact, the concern of a philosophical tradition is that it initiated the ways of thinking, thought g

28、uidance and conceptional mold.研究实践需要清晰的路线和具体的工具与方法。 Study practice need a clear line , specific methods and instruments.,当今对现代医学某些局限的强烈关注使中医界出现了对所谓还原分析方法的严重怀疑 Nowadays, theres generate serious doubts by concern to certain limitations of modern medicine on the so-called reduction analysis method in T

29、CM.以致忽视了中医、西医研究对象原本一致、只是由于方法与手段的不同走上了不同的道路。So that ignoring the same subject of Chinese and Western medicine, different methods and means lead to different roads.,二者虽各有所长,但传统中医经验方法在确切把握认识对象的有效性方面,缺少必要技术工具因而成长缓慢。Both of them have advantages, in the aspect of effectiveness of the knowing object, tradi

30、tional Chinese experience method grow slowly due to lacks of the essential technical tools.,中医药现代研究为时尚短,成就有限,使有些人将现代分析研究方法斥之为还原论局限而多方怀疑。Modern Study of TCM starts not for long with limited achievement, so modern analysis methods is used in TCM that caused much more doubts about Reductionism . 在复杂性研究

31、正在兴起的背景下,更有人直接给中医冠以复杂性科学的美称,夸大着独立发展的意义。Under the background of complex research, some people took the complex science for granted, and exaggerated the significance of independent development of TCM.,生命科学及医学面对至为复杂的生命现象和人类疾病,中医学的确以特有的方式触及到某种尚未被现代科学研究说明的规律性的东西。The life science and medicine facing the c

32、omplex biological phenomena and human disease, TCM medicine indeed is related to regular things in the unique way which hadnt been indicated by the modern science.然而,要深化这些认识,做出更为深刻的说明,则非借助现代分析研究不可。However, to deepen the understanding and to make a more profound note should depend on the modern analy

33、sis.,中医的所有可贵发现都应成为研究对象All the valuable discovery of TCM should be studied.而进一步研究就需要借助日益强大的现代研究手段,研究仍然主要靠分析。Further study ask for the support of scientific method, and study depends on analysis.以科学工具解文化之蔽至为重要。Its important to get rid of the false by scientific method.,透过成功经验,直接面对现实中具体对象展开研究,才有望取得可持续深

34、化的成果。Its possible to have achievements through the study of the successful experience and the specific real objects. 因为随着现代科学技术的高速发展,人们认识生命现象和疾病的能力大大增强,几乎每一项相关技术的进步都在改变着现代医学的面貌。 With the rapid development of modern science and technology, peoples ability to know the biological phenomena and disease

35、enhanced greatly. Almost every related technology advances change the way of modern medicine more or less.,中医学要在现代人的知识体系中处于应有位置,成为现代知识谱系的分支,采用现代科学技术手段,运用现代社会、国际社会共有的表述方式。TCM will hold proper position in modern knowledge systems, it will become a part of science, by means of using modern scientific t

36、echniques and common expression way of modern international society.,作为应用科学,医学必须借助现代技术手段才能对生命现象、对健康疾病认识不断深化Medicine, as practical science, need rely on modern technology to deepen the knowledge of biological phenomenon, health and disease.任何新认识离开当今科学技术手段都是不可想象的。It is unimaginable that the modern sci

37、ence and technology become disconnected from the latest cognition.,中国医学因为特定的历史条件和文化传统走出了一条独具特色的发展道路值得骄傲It is proud of the excellent development of Chinese medicine with distinguishing feature under special history background and cultural tradition.但在今天如果不能对其宝贵经验的科学内涵加以说明则非常值得遗憾。Its a pity over the m

38、atter that we could not interpret the scientific contents of precious practical experiences in modern ways.,单纯强调中医药学实践上的成功或满足于传统的延续是缺少远见的固执。Its not wise to emphasize the success of TCM in practice or be satisfied with relaying tradition. 全方位引进、吸收现代技术和思想观念,才能充分认识并逐步揭示中医药学显在或潜在的科学价值。Absorbing modern technology and concept entirely can make us completely understand and progressively reveal the scientific value of TCM.,


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