1、1旅游英语学习计划篇一:英语学习计划四级考试分为 写作、翻译、听力、阅读。四个部分写作多为记叙文,也有看图作文,多背背那些每篇文章都可以套用的句子。明天整理给你。 不会的句子就用简单的句子写 一定不要有语法错误 (虽然你不晓得语法) 。那就简单写一写就行 重要的还是词汇。翻译就是词汇啊 亲。 (只能多背背词)听力,听历年的真题(笔头网可找到) 不懂得句子反复听 直到听懂。不懂得词汇记下来,背。 每个有时间就听听力。阅读就是词汇 1、选词填空 (我也是乱选。 。 。词汇)2、匹配题 先把后面的 10 个句子全看一遍 再读文章 看到相似(一样)的词汇就是它了;特别把一些大写的词汇用笔标记出来 这样
2、你要找就很容易找到了。3、阅读理解 一般是一个问题就是一段 最好先看问题再看文章一段一段的看 一般第一个问题对应第一段 第二个2问题对应第二段。 。 。以此类推篇二:英语旅游计划hainanwould you like to see a sky bluer than blue and a sea ner than green? if you have been looking for a wonderful place to travel in in china? hainan would be the best place. location & topographyan island of
3、 southern china in the south china sea, separated from leizhou peninsula by qiongzhou strait, which includes hainan, xisha, nansha, zhongsha islands. it faces viet nam on the west, hongkong and taiwan on the east. southeast is philippines, south reaches to malaysia, indonesia and singapore. the geog
4、raphical position is extremely superior. it covers 34,000 sq. meters. land area 33,900 sq. km, sea area 2.1million sq. km. the total coastline is about 1,529 km.climatethe hainan province climate is the tropical monsoon climate and the tropical oceanic climate. its always high temperature and wet, d
5、ry and rainy seasons are distinct. there are more tropical storms and typhoon in summer. the average temperature very year is 22-26, in january-february average temperature is 16-24 and in july-august 3the average temperature is 25-29. its like spring all the year round. place of interestssanyasanya
6、 is the southernmost city in china. its either an international shore tourist city, or an important foreign trade port in hainan province. living by the sea, playing seawater,eatingseafood, all of these show the feature of this shore tourist city to the full. white beach, clear seawater, colorful un
7、derwater world, make sanya into the best place for sunbathe, diving, sailing and beach sports etc. yalong bayyalong bay national tourism resort is the sanyas premier destination. it centers on a crescent-shaped beach of about 7,000m. the sea off the beach is so clear that visibility can reach almost
8、 8 meters, making it ideal for divers attracted to the nearby coral reef.the end of the earththe end of the earth, named tianya haijiao in chinese, means the edge of the sky andthe end of the sea, the typical sight spot in sanya, is located at the foot of xiama hill in the town of tianya, 24 km west
9、 of sanya. its famous for three big rocks-tianya, haijiao and column south. this cape is hugely popular with chinese tourists who flock here to be photographed in front of the 4huge rock - column south which is featured on chinas 2-yuan banknote. the perfect harmonization of natural creation, with b
10、leached white sands, turquoise seas, deep blue skies and verdant hills, you will find them here. there is a landscaped park, gardens, parking and shopping facilities at the gate. you can buy various handicrafts, coral and seashells here. conclusionnow or never!copyright belong to aaron black,1001 篇三
12、确评价自己。因此 我认真拟定了这份适合自己的职业规划,按照自己的规划度过这两年的学习,让大学生活充实而有意义,且为步入工作岗位做好铺垫。一、个人资料姓名:白婉瑜性别:女年龄:19籍贯:四川省眉山市仁寿县所在院校:成都师范学院专业:旅游英语年级:大学一年级个人兴趣、爱好:尤其喜爱音乐和英语,日常生活中喜欢说英语,喜欢尝试新鲜事物和新的挑战,喜欢研究食物和营养搭配等,喜欢听长辈分享社会经验,热爱生活。个人能力:有较强管理和与同学协作的能力,英语口语相对较好,对新事物或者环境适应性较强,有较灵活的应变能力。座右铭:不断地磨砺与进步,这便是成长 。二、自我分析:1、职业兴趣:高中读的文科,历史和地理教
13、材里丰富的知识深深吸引着我,祖国大好河山的美秀壮丽深深吸引着6我,加上对英语的喜爱,我毫不犹豫选择了四川教育学院史地与旅游系旅游英语专业。我认为我所在这个专业十分有趣,不仅能学习到许多旅游方面的地理历史风俗文化知识,还能开阔眼界满足自己对世界的好奇心和求知欲并增长个人见识,最重要的可以将休闲旅游和喜爱的英语结合起来。2、职业能力:对所学专业有浓厚兴趣和饱满热情并正在不断学习不断吸收老师所教的知识,喜欢和人交谈,有较好的沟通能力和协作能力,更重要的是我认为自己内心中想通过自己的语言将祖国山川的美貌展示给外国友人的欲望很强烈。3、职业价值观:说到职业价值观 ,一百个人或许会有一百零一种答案。我想我