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5、 政 法 大 学Southwest University of Political Science and Law2内容摘要家庭是社会的细胞,夫妻财产制是使家庭正常运转,社会稳定发展的重要保障。随着市场经济的发展,夫妻财产关系呈现多样化发展趋势,夫妻共同财产在数量、种类、结构上发生了重要变化,对夫妻财产的立法也应随之作出相应调整。2001 年修改的婚姻法顺应时代要求,对夫妻共同财产、个人特有财产以及约定财产等作了具体规定,在一定程度上弥补了过去婚姻立法的不足。本文以夫妻财产制度基本理论为基础,通过对我国现行夫妻财产制度以及各国各地区夫妻财产制度的比较分析,总结我国现行夫妻财产制度的缺陷,并借鉴
6、国外立法经验,提出完善我国夫妻财产制度的建议,以供参考。全文共 2 万余字,分为四个部分:第一部分:主要介绍夫妻财产制度的基本理论,包括夫妻财产制度的概念、特征、性质、种类,以及立法原则,从总体上构架夫妻财产制度的理论基础。第二部分:通过对两大法系具有代表性国家和地区的夫妻财产制度进行比较研究,总结其值得我国借鉴的特有之处以及共通之处。第三部分:首先阐述我国夫妻财产制度的历史沿革;其次对我国现行夫妻财产制度的内容进行阐述。第四部分:对我国现行夫妻财产制度进行分析。首先对我国现行夫妻财产制度进步性作出评价。其次结合审判工作中遇到的实务问题,总结出现行夫妻财产制度存在的缺陷。最后结合国外先进立法经
7、验对制度的完善提出建议。关键词:法定夫妻财产制;立法比较;缺陷;建议12AbstractFamily is like a cell in our society. The community property system is importantguarantee which can make family work normally and ensure our society develop stably. Withthe development of the market economy, the community property relationship takes on ava
8、riety of developmental trends and the community property has made a great change inquantity, category, and configuration; therefore, it follows that the legislation of thecommunity property should have a relevant adjustment. Corresponding to the timesrequirement, the amendatory Marriage Law in 2001
9、has made a concrete regulation on thecommunity property, individual peculiar property, conventional property and so on., which ina certain way, makes up the deficiency of the marriage law in the past. Based on the essentialtheory of the community property system, by relatively analyzing into the pre
10、sent communityproperty system in our China and in other countries and areas, summarizing the limitation ofthe present community property system in our China and using for reference the legislationexperience in foreign countries, the text put forward good suggestions on consummating thecommunity prop
11、erty system in our China, which is only a reference. The whole text has about20 thousand words and 4 parts:The first part: the text mainly introduces the basic theory of the community propertysystem, including the conception, characteristic, quality, category and legislation principle,which forms th
12、e theory essence of the community property system.The second part: by comparing the two big laws of the community property system inthe representative countries and areas, the text sums up what is worth using for reference andwhat is special and common.The third part: firstly, the text expatiates on
13、 the historical evolution of the communityproperty system in our China; secondly, it expatiates on the content of the present communityproperty system in our China.The fourth part: the text analyses the community property system in our China. First ofall, it evaluates the advancement of the present
14、community property system in our China;secondly, combining with the facts in adjudgement, it summarizes the limitation lying in the1present community property system; finally, it combines advanced legislation experience inforeign countries and puts forward good suggestions on consummating the system.Key words : conjugal property system ; Legislative comparison ; defects ;recommendations2