1、 黄河的演讲稿篇一:关于黄河诗词演讲稿王逸格浪淘沙:刘禹锡这首黄河诗开篇与众多的黄河诗篇一样,著力描写九曲黄河大浪淘沙之势。紧接著张骞穷河源遇牛郎织女的典故,再把“黄河之水天上来”更君形象化。在王之涣、李太白之外,另辟一番境界,增添了一层奇妙的神话色彩 登鹳雀楼:“白日依山尽,黄河入海流” ,寥寥十个字,便勾勒出一幅雄浑壮美的山水图画。其气象毫不亚于李白的“君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不付回” ;而其笔法的“随意” 、 “直白” ,又能和王维的“大漠孤烟直,黄河落日圆”相比历代诗人(有请。 。 。 。 )XXX:独树临关门,黄河向天外。-王维大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。- 王维XXX:派出昆仑五
2、色流,一支黄浊贯中川。-王安石且探虎穴向沙漠,鸣鞭走马凌黄河。-李白黄河水白黄云秋,行人河边相对愁。-白居易XXX:李白的诗以抒情为主。屈原而后,他第一个真正能够广泛地从当时的民间文艺和秦、汉、魏以来的乐府民歌吸取其丰富营养,集中提高而形成他的独特风貌。他具有超异寻常的艺术天才和磅礴雄伟的艺术力量。一切可惊可喜、令人兴奋、发人深思的现象,无不尽归笔底。 XXX:将qiang进酒君不见黄河之水天上来。 奔流到海不复回。 君不见高堂明镜悲白发。 朝如青丝暮成雪。 人生得意须尽欢。 莫使金樽空对月。 天生我材必有用。 千金散尽还复来。烹羊宰牛且为乐。 会须一请君为我侧耳听。 钟鼓馔玉不足贵。 但愿长
3、醉不愿醒。 古来圣贤皆寂寞。 惟有饮者留其名。 陈王昔时宴平乐。 斗酒十千恣欢谑。 主人何为言少钱。 径须沽取对君酌。 五花马。 千金裘。 呼儿将出换美酒。 与尔同销万 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。饮三百杯。 岑夫子。 丹丘生。 将进酒 君莫停。 与君歌一曲。 XXX:李白咏酒的诗篇极能表现他的个性,这类诗固然数长安放还以后所作思想内容更为深沉,艺术表现更为成熟。将进酒即其代表作。 将进酒原是汉乐府短箫铙歌的曲调,题目意绎即“劝酒歌”借酒兴诗情,来了一次淋漓尽致的发抒。 有情( )给我们带来一首黄河赞歌,大家掌声欢迎:黄河魂 中国郑博林 滔滔不绝令人憾, 川流不息令人醉。 奔于四海
4、破风浪, 走向五湖创憧憬。 中华儿女永拼搏, 惊涛骇浪只等闲。 风雨无阻迎彩虹, 永于世上不动摇! 鞠躬!篇二:关于爱黄河演讲稿黄河风遐想关于爱黄河演讲稿黄河风遐想老师们,同学们:大家好!今天我演讲的题目是黄河风遐想 。每当我翻开黄河大合唱的第一页时,一个高昂的声音总在我耳边响起:“朋友!你到过黄河吗?你渡过黄河吗?你还记得河上的船夫拼着性命和惊涛骇浪搏战的情景吗?这是多么富有魅力的诗句啊!于是,我向往,我渴求,盼望着有一天能够领略黄河的风采。那一天,我终于站在了黄河岸边,骄傲地宜布:“我到过黄河!我滚过黄河的沙,喝过黄河的水!”我站在秦晋之交的龙门大桥上,?查看与下载全文篇三:我爱母亲河 演
5、讲稿I Love Mother Lake Hello , everybody .Im XXX from Class XX,Grade XX.XX(SCHOOL),Today, Ill say something about the Yellow River.The Yellow River is our mother lake. For every Chinesepeople, the Yellow River means that nation, means that the boom, means that the mother. What do we give back to her?
6、What? Is the white pollution? Water pollution? Friends, we keptannounced, protect the mother, but we have achieved anything? No, nothing. However, by this time, Yellow River is facingproblems .The water pollution is serious, year after year, people buy water to drink. This is like a Yellow River in
7、revenge, also like heaven. As a Chinese, we also should protect our mother lake. We will start from around things, We want to recycleshopping bags. Cant litter, and to reduce pollution . We can do a lot. However, in my mind the Yellow River is always beautiful. I hope the mother will more and more b
8、eautiful, can go out of the world, let people all over the world know it . I hope more people study the great spirit of the Yellow River, and carry forward. I love you, mother lake.Thats all. Thank you.大家好,我是 X 年级 X 班 X 学校的 XXX。今天我将和大家谈谈我们的母亲河。黄河是我们的母亲河.对于每一个中国人来说,黄河意味着民族,意味着腾飞,意味着母亲。但我们回馈给她的是什么?是白色
9、污染?水污染?朋友,我们不停地宣告说,保护母亲河,但我们已经取得什么成果?没有,什么都没有。然而,此时黄河正面问题. 水的污染是严重的,年复一年的居民买水吃。这仿佛是黄河在报复,也像天上降下来。作为一个中国人,我们更应该保护我们的母亲河.我们要从身边的小事做起, 我们要循环使用购物袋。不能乱丢垃圾,减少污染。.能做的事有很多. 但是,我心目中的黄河永远是美丽的。我希望母亲河越来越美丽,能够走出世界,让全世界的人都认识它.我希望更多人学习黄河的伟大品质,并发扬光大.我爱你,母亲河.结束,谢谢。 Hello , everybody .Im XXX from Class XX,GradeXX.XX(
10、SCHOOL) Today, Ill say something about the Yellow River.The Yellow River is our mother river. For every Chinesepeople, the Yellow River means that nation:nei?n, means that the boom:bu:m, means that the mother. What do we give back to her? What? Is the white pollution? Water pollution? Friends, we ke
11、pt:kept announced naunst, protect pr?utekt the mother, but we have achieved ?t?i:vd anything? No, nothing. However, by this time ,Yellow River is facing problemspr?bl?m. The waterpollution is serious, year after year ,people buy water to drink. This is like a Yellow River in revenge rivend?, also li
12、ke heavenhev?n. As a Chinese, we also should protect our mother lake. We will start from around things, We want to recycle:ri:saikl shopping bags. Cant litter, and to reduce ridju:s pollution. We can do a lot. However, in my mind the Yellow River is alwaysbeautiful. I hope the mother will more and more beautiful, can go out of the world, let people all over the world know it . I hope more people study the great spirit spirit of the Yellow River, and carry forward. I love you, mother lake.Thats all. Thank you.