1、2009 年在职英语系统班写作课程讲义咨询电话:010-82330100 114写 作一写作的评分标准二写作的命题特点三写作中要注意的问题四 写作-段落安排1. 主题句的提出2. 段落的展开 列举,举例,比较,因果 【关联词】列举法:firstly kind containsecondly group includefinally class excludelastly set except举例法:for example frequently in generalfor instance occasionally such as especially in particularspeciall
2、y2009 年在职英语系统班写作课程讲义咨询电话:010-82330100 115比较法:just as compare to/with differentsimilar to make a comparison with opposedin like manner insteadlikewise unlikeresemble on the other handin much the same way on the contraryin contrastdistinguish因果法:because of soowing to thereforedue to for this reasonsin
3、ce thusaccordingly as a result五写作-考点句子1. 如何描述事实2. 如何提出自己的看法,观点3. 如何表述理由、原因,支持.观点4. 如何提建议,下结论2009 年在职英语系统班写作课程讲义咨询电话:010-82330100 116六写作题型考点解析1. 情景型- 选择并解释说明例:1) 2002 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title “What I Consider Important in Life”. Your composition should b
4、e based on the Chinese outline given below.1. 人生有不同的目标:富有,名气,地位,幸福的家庭等.2. 其中我认为重要的是.理由是3. 结论.2) 2004 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title “ College Students Should (not) Be Permitted to Live off Campus”. You are to take a position, either for or against the matter,
5、 and give your reasons. You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.近年来大学生在校外租房居住的现象越来越多,这个问题已引起社会各界的关注。人们对这一现象的看法不一,各持己见。1. 你对这个问题的观点是.2. 理由是.3. 结论是.3) 2005 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic “ Do We Need a Shopping Center in the Neighborho
6、od?” Your composition should be based on the Chinese outline given below.1. 市里要在你家住的这个街区新建 一个购物中心, 你的意见(同意或反对)?2. 同意或反对的理由2009 年在职英语系统班写作课程讲义咨询电话:010-82330100 1173. 结论2. 意义、影响型-意义,作用,好处,优点优势例:1) 2003 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title “ Lifelong Learning”. You sh
7、ould base your composition on the Chinese outline given below:i. 终身学习对每个人的重要性ii. 终身学习的方式有很多种iii. 你认为你应该采取哪种方式,为什么?2) 2006 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic“On the Significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad”. Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues give
8、n below.青藏铁路于今年 7 月 1 日通车。请简单地谈谈青藏铁路建成和通车的重大意义,如经济、文化、旅游等方面。注:西藏:Tibet;西藏的、西藏人、藏语:Tibetan3) 2007 年Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic “Entering College: Help the Needy Youngsters to Achieve Their Dreams”.Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues given belo
9、w. 中央电视台“圆梦行动” 的公益节目旨在动员社会力量捐助贫困学子圆大学之梦。你的作文可以:1)对贫困学子是否应受到捐助发表你的看法;或者 2)举一个贫困学子需要帮助的例子3. 说明图表、图片型-图表表达的趋势,说明的问题。图片的深刻含义,此含义的作用,意义。例:2009 年在职英语系统班写作课程讲义咨询电话:010-82330100 1181) Directions: How can we meet the needs of today without diminishing the capacity of future generations to meet theirs? Sustai
10、nable development implies a broad view of human welfare, a long term perspective about social development. Write an essay which should cover:1) describing the set of drawings below2) stating its main idea3) giving your commentYou should write about 120 words.画中一位父亲种了一棵小树,这棵小树将长成参天大树,他的儿子将会从中受益。多年以后,
11、他的儿子坐在树下享受着大树带来的阴凉。 (画省) 范文:As can be seen from the above drawings, the father has planted a small tree that grows into a big one and is left to his son to enjoy. Years later, his son sits under the big tree enjoying its shade. In social development, we should not over-use our natural resources, as
12、in the case of forests. A reasonable use of forests and reforestation are the best choices in the long run. Human beings should plan ahead when it comes to social development. Even though trees are in short demand today, we must still keep the deforestation under control, for we do not want to elimi
13、nate all of our forests, which are essential to our existence. Reforestation is another wise practice. We may not fully benefit from planting trees for the time being, but we must continue doing so, since it will benefit later generations. From the point of view of sustainable development, we have t
14、he responsibility to ensure that future generations have enough natural resources to use and are not penalized for the shortsightedness of present day decision makers. In other words, we should not use up our natural resources just to meet our own present day needs, while ignoring the future of our planet.