1、1建设工程安全管理协议建设工程安全管理协议Construction Project Safety Administration Agreement(LS-Ex3 Version 3.0)发包方 The Owner: (甲方 Party A)承包方 The Contractor: (乙方 Party B)甲方将本建设工程项目(“工程项目”)发 (分)包给乙方施工,为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,根据国家和项目当地有关法规、规定,为明确双方的安全生产责任,双方在签订本项目主合同的同时,签订本协议。甲方和乙方合称“双方”,单独称作“一方”。In connection with contracti
2、ng/ subcontracting Party B by Party A to perform the Construction Work (hereinafterreferred to asexecution of the principal contract in accordance with the 2principle of “Regarding safety as an overriding priority andgiving priority to prevention”, and relevant national and local laws, regulations a
3、nd ordinances for the purposes ofclarifying the obligations of each Party for safe work. Party A and Party B are hereinafter referred to collectively as the“Parties” and individually as a “Party”.一、承包工程项目情况 Work Descriptions1.2.3.4. 工程项目名称 Name of the Work: 工程项目地址/ 作业区域 Work Site/ Performance Site:承
4、包范围 Scope of the Contracted Work: 分包情况(列出单位名称)Subcontracting of the Work (Subcontractor list):二、工程项目期限 Term of the Project:自 年 月 日起 年 月 日止。From (date) (month) (year) to (date) (month) (year).三、协议内容 Content of the Agreement1. 双方必须严格执行国家和地方政府的相关法律法规要3求,建立有效的安全管理组织机构,建立健全的安全生产责任制以及安全生产、防火安全、治安保卫管理等制度。鉴
5、于甲方已建立了 OHSAS18001 职业健康安全管理体系,乙方在甲方区域工作期间,应遵守甲方相关规定。Parties shall strictly comply with the requirements of the laws, regulations, ordinances and codes at national leveland local level, establish an effective safety administration organization, and set comprehensive safe workresponsibility system and
6、 regulations on safe work, fire protection and public security administration. In view of thefact that Party A has established its occupational health and safety administration system in compliance withOHSAS18001, Party B shall comply with relevant requirements of Party A while performing the work/s
7、ervice onParty A s site.2. 甲方的安全保卫部门作为业主安全管理委员会的常设安全机构对甲方区域内的安全生产工作实施综合监督管理。甲方的项目主管部门指派_部门/区域4_先生/女士负责本项目的业务管理和协调工作,传达甲方的安全管理要求,并对乙方的安全、防火、治安工作情况实施监督。乙方单位主要负责人或项目经理依法对其在甲方的工程项目的安全生产工作全面负责,是工程项目的安全生产、防火安全以及治安防范第一责任人,并指派专职安全干部_先生/女士全面负责该项目的安全、防火和治安管理。Acting as the standing safety organization of the O
8、wners safety administration committee, SFS (Safety,Fire-protection & Security) shall furnish comprehensive superintendence and administration on behalf of Party Aon safe work of any project at Party As sites. The department in charge of Work implementation of Party Aappoints from (Department/Section
9、) to be responsible foradministration and coordination of the Work, relaying Party As requirements on safety administration, andsupervising Party Bs safety, fire protection and public security affairs. Party Bs leading superintendent or 5projectmanager bears exclusive responsibilities for safe work
10、at Party As site, and shall be the primary superintendentas the full-time safety administrator who will be responsible for the safety, fire protection and public security administration of the Work.3. 甲方应就施工(作业)现场及毗邻区域的情况和注意事项(如:涉及到的地下管线、相邻建构筑物、地下工程等)告知乙方,并做书面记录,双方确认后一式二份,由双方项目部各执一份。Party A shall no
11、tify Party B the detailed conditions and precautions of the construction/Work site and its surroundings, such as the underground conduit and lines, the adjacent constructions and the underground projects. Two copies of documentation shall be confirmed by Parties and shall be held respectively by its
12、 project department.4. 甲方应对乙方单位主管领导或项目负责人以及专职/ 兼职安全干部进行安全生产进场前安全教育培训、安全技术交底,介绍有关安全生产管理制度和要求。如本工程项目分包给其他单位,乙方必须与分包单位签订合同及安全协议,并6在合同或安全协议中明确各自的安全生产权利、义务,乙方对该工程项目的作业安全生产负总责。Party A shall provide pre-task safety training and briefing on safety work and introduction of the safety administration systems a
13、nd requirements to Party Bs managing staffs or project superintendents and full-time or part-time safety administrators. In case that the Work is subcontracted, Party B shall sign the contract and safety agreement with the Subcontractor in which the respective safety rights and duties on safe work s
14、hall be specified. Furthermore, Party B shall be solely responsible for the safe work of the Work.5. 乙方应与分包企业签订安全协议,明确相互安全管理的权利与义务。Party B shall sign the safety agreement with its subcontractors to specify the respective rights and duties on safety administration.6. 乙方应遵照建筑施工企业安全生产管理机构设置及专职安全生产管理人员配
15、备办法配置足够的专兼职安全管理人员。Party B shall provide enough properly trained full-time and part-time administrators in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Establishment of the 7Administration Organization for Safe Work and the Designation of the Full-time Safety Administrators.7. 乙方应依据国家法律
16、法规以及根据甲方的安全管理规定编制相应的安全规章制度,并对项目作业进行工作危险分析,填写危险分析表,制定有针对性的安全技术措施计划,并严格落实执行。乙方应遵照危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查办法编制各施工组织设计方案,并上报监理公司审核和甲方备案。如施工中遇架空管线、地下管线或其它障碍物等可疑情况,乙方应及时与甲方有关部门联系,采取对策。Party B shall prepare relevant safety regulations in accordance with the requirements of national laws, regulations, ordin
17、ances and codes and Party As safety administration requirements as well as fill in risk analysis forms after making risk analysis on the Work. Party B shall establish and strictly execute the specific safety technology plans. Party B shall prepare Work plan schemes in connection with Special Constru
18、ction Schemes on High-risk Project Safety and the Regulations on Experts Reasoning and Reviewing, and submit them to Supervision Company and Party A as the written records. Upon the occurrence of 8doubtful situations such as lifted pipes and lines, underground conduit or other barriers, Party B shal
19、l promptly contact relevant departments of Party A as well as take corresponding measures.8. 乙方必须对本单位员工进行三级安全教育培训,增强员工安全、防火及治安防范法制观念,提高员工的安全意识和自我保护的能力,督促员工自觉遵守各项安全规章制度。乙方保证进入施工现场的设备、设施、特殊工具安全可靠,实行设备设施验收挂牌制度。在作业过程中应强化日常检查、维修保养制度,发现隐患后应立即停止作业,并制定计划落实整改。Party B shall provide three-tier safety training
20、to its employees in order to strengthen their legal awareness on safety, fire protection and public security prevention, enhance the sense of safety and self-protection expertise, and urge them comply with various safety regulations. Party B shall guarantee the safety and reliability of the equipmen
21、ts, facilities and special tools transported from the off-site location to the jobsite and implement the acceptance and hanging out a shingle system to the equipment and facilities. Furthermore, Party B shall consolidate regulations on 9routine inspection and maintenance. Party B shall immediately t
22、erminate the performance of the Work and take corrective measures and conduct corrective action upon discovery of hidden hazards and problems.9. 乙方应确保与工程项目有关的项目管理人员、安全管理人员、特种作业人员等持有效证件上岗。Party B shall ensure that its project administrator(s), safety administrator(s) and special on-site personnel to
23、obtain valid qualification before their assignment to work on-site.10. 乙方应向作业人员提供劳动防护用品,并着装、标识统一(须与甲方有所区别) ;乙方人员进入甲方的生产区域或其他特定区域,应同时遵守该区域的劳防用品佩戴规定。Party B shall furnish its on-site personnel with proper PPE and unified clothes and marks that shall be different from Party As. When entering into Party
24、 As premises or other specific sites, Party Bs personnel shall comply with the requirements on wearing of PPE in this location.11. 乙方聘用员工必须符合国家劳动法规要求,有合法的用工手续并签订用工合同,并按国家规定为作业人员办理工伤保险、10意外伤害保险。若聘用外省市人员必须根据本地相关法规办妥相应的手续。Employment of its personnel by Party B shall be in compliance with the requiremen
25、ts of labor laws and regulations. Party B shall hold legitimate certificates to employ personnel and sign employment contract with the employees, and purchase work related insurance and accidental insurance as required by the laws. Party B shall acquire all government approvals necessary for employi
26、ng its personnel out of the local area.12. 乙方员工应按要求在指定门岗、区域出入口进出。进入甲方地域期间,必须全程佩带甲方发放的卡证。乙方员工不得将本卡证借给他人使用,乙方人员不得进入与本人工作无关的区域。乙方因合同终止,员工离职或调离时,必须及时将卡证归还甲方,预期不交还所引发的一切后果由乙方承担。Party Bs personnel shall enter into and exit from Party As premises only through designated entrance and locations. Gate entrance badges provided by Party A shall always be worn by Party Bs personnel while entering into Party As premises. These badges shall not be lent by Party