1、附件一境外華僑及外國人從事台股股權之衍生性金融商品交易申請登記表1.申請人 自然人 法人中文名稱:英文名稱:(須與所檢附之身分證明文件完全一致)出生或成立日期:西元 年 月 日2.國別 1.日本 2.美國 3.英國 4.其他歐洲國家(國名: ) 5A.香港 5B 澳門 6A.紐西蘭 6B.澳洲 7.其他(國名: )3.聲明事項(自簽署日起生效)(1).申請人擬匯入 貴國從事衍生性金融商品交易之資金非來自臺灣或大陸地區。(2).申請人所提供之文件與內容屬實且無虛假。(3).申請人絕不以不當手段干擾金融市場運作。申請日期:代理人:代表人: (公司章)聯絡人員:聯絡電話:電子郵件信箱:檢附附件清單:
2、1. 符合本登記作業規範規定之身分證明文件。2. 申請登記之境外華僑及境外外國機構或自然人親簽之登記表(英文版)Registration Application Form for Offshore Non-FINI 1. Applicant Individual Investor Institutional Investor Name in Chinese:Name in English:(Applicants name shall be same as indicated on supporting identification documents)Date of Birth or Esta
3、blishment :2. Nationality 1. Japan 2. United States 3. United Kingdom 4. Other European Country _1 5A. Hong Kong 5B. Macao 6A. New Zealand 6B. Australia 7. Others _13. Declaration: (effective from the date this registration form is signed)(1) The funds to be remitted by the applicant to trade OTC De
4、rivatives will not come from ROC or Mainland China.(2) The documents and the contents provided by the applicant are true and accurate.(3) The applicant will not use unjust measures to affect the fairness or order of the ROC financial/securities market.Application Date:Agent:Representative:Contact Person :Telephone Number :E-mail Address :Attachments :1. Documents evidencing that the applicant meets these Directions.2. Registration form in English signed by applicant.Applicant: _Name and Signature of Authorized Signatory: _Title: _Execution Date: _1 Please specify country.