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1、1. 公众无法看到这些文件。The documents are notaccessibleto the public. 2. 请给我一个肯定的答案。Please give an affirmativeanswer.3. 整个生产过程已经自动化。The entiremanufacturingprocess has been automated.4. 在高峰期间,城市的交通混乱不堪。The traffic in the city is chaoticin the rush hour.5. 学校和家长的教育方法必须相辅相成。compensateThe schools approachmust bec

2、omplementary to that of parents.6. 那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。To ones hearts contentThe lady looked at me with a contentedsmile.7. 欺骗会使人不安,因此以非直接接触的方式发邮件使人说起谎来更容易一些。Because deceptionmakes people uncomfortable, the detachment(非直接接触) of emailing would make it easier to lie.(06.6 阅读)8. 它不如她现在的工作要求严格。It will be les

3、s demandingthan her present job.9寻找有效方式给予员工灵活性。Find effective/efficientways to give employees flexibility.10它能探测出各种说谎者。Exploit,exploreIt will help detectall kinds of liars.11. 这位姑娘决定独自去国外旅行,即使遭到她父母的强烈反对。The girl decided to travel abroad/boardon her own despiteher parents strong objection/opposition/

4、disapproval.12.中国采取了以下七项措施打击盗版。privacyIn dealing with copyright piracy, China has employed the following seven steps/strategies.13. 哈恩说,高质量的可持续使用的面料依然很难寻觅到。Scott Hahn says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to find. (09.6 阅读)14男士称赞女士的写作才能。The man admires/worshipsthe womans talent

5、in writing. 15.飞机引擎的轰鸣声预示着空袭的即将到来。The roar of airplane engines announcesa coming air raid.16.乌拉圭在人权问题上对中国持理解和支持的态度。Uruguay understands and backChina on human rights issues. (04.1 词汇)17. 她因谋杀罪被捕。She was arrestedon a chargeof murder.18.因为它有经验,所以他的意见很重要。Account forHer opinion counts/matters because of

6、her experience.19.海关查获了大量走私的海洛因。The Customshave seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.20. 当家家户户聚集在一起共享圣诞晚餐的时候,有些家庭会沿循祖母那一代的正式传统。When families gatherfor Christmas dinner, some will stick to/cling to/adhere toformal traditions dating/tracingback to Grandmas generation.(04.1 阅读)21.他被指控做伪证。He was a

7、ccused of giving false witness.22.这项声明是经仔细润色后才发表的。The statement was carefully polishedand checked before release.23.这类奖学金需要有推荐,因为突出的运动表现必须得到教练或裁判的认可。Recommendationfor scholarships is required, since exceptional athletic performance has to be recognizedby a coach or a referee. (09.12 阅读)24.旧帝国被瓦解,新国家

8、组建起来,新的官方语言以越来越快的速度产生。As the old empires were brokenup and new states were formed, new official tonguebegan to spring up at an increasing rate. (04.1 词汇)25.人们需要机会做一个“中年审查” ,以适应之后的就业生活,并计划向退休生活过渡。People need opportunity to make a “mid-life review” to adapt/adjust to the later stages of employed life,

9、 and to plan for the transitionto retirement.(09.12 完形)26.他们遭受了巨大痛苦。They were subjected to great suffering.27.我们必须加快推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变。We must accelerateeconomic restruturingand change of the pattern of economic growth.28.被派驻海外后常常会获得提升。Promotionsoften follow or accompanyan assignment abroad.29.科学家已经积累了

10、足够的证据确定吸烟与癌症之间有关联。Scientists had already accumulatedenough evidence to establisha link between smoking and cancer.30.专门负责本科教学的副院长汤姆承认:“是的,我们在玩奖学金游戏” 。“Yeah, were playing the merit game,” acknowledgedTom,vice dean for education.31.我是在美国结识琼斯教授的。It was in the United States that I made the acquaintanceo

11、f Professor Jones. (03.6 词汇)32.要获得成功,必须努力。To acquiregreat success, you must work hard.33.因此,我们正采取积极的方式,而不是简单地尝试降低危害。So instead of simply trying to reduce the damage, we are adoptinga positive approach.(06.6完形)34.罗伯特是一位受人尊敬的作家,也是个人隐私的支持者,他称身份盗窃是“一种绝对的流行病” 。Identity theft is “an absolute epidemic”, st

12、ates Robert Smith, a respectedauthor and advocateof privacy.(07.6 阅读)35.奖学金容易或多或少地让原本就能够负担学业支出的学生获利。Merit aid also tends to benefitdisproportionately students who could affordto enroll without it.(09.12 阅读)36.这是个雄心勃勃的目标,但经过努力是可以实现的。This is an ambitious target, but we can attain it with hard work.37.

13、昨天的聚会上,伊丽莎白的男朋友模仿卓别林逗我们开心。At yesterdays party, Elizabeths boyfriend amused us by imitating Chaplin.38.如果这项研究的结果能应用于新技术的开发,那么我们的努力就有了回报。Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research can be applied to the development of new technology.(08.6 翻译)reward . applicable39.他没有被任命为该委员会主席。He wasnt a

14、chairman of the c .40.你所说的与我们已经了解的事实很接近。Your story ap (to) the facts weve already known.41.他声明他无罪。He as that he was not g .42.现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。It is too early to as the effects of the new le .43.他要我们帮他们实施计划。He asked us to a them in c through their plan. (04.1 词汇)44.他向我们保证他会努力的。He as us that he would

15、try as hard as possible.45.整个审判中,她都坚持相信他是清白的。Throughout the t she cl to the belief that he was in .46.这个方案与公司的长远计划不一致。This project is not com with the companys plans.47.虚度光阴是无法补偿的。Nothing can com for the loss of time.48.他们不愿与军方妥协。They were unwilling to com with the m .49.我们预料明年的销售量会增加。We an that sal

16、es will r next year.50.他内疚的表情证实了我的猜疑。His guilty expression con my s .51.他们经常带孩子去听音乐会以培养他对音乐的热爱。They often take their child to c to cu a love of music in him.52.日本汽车制造商协会预言今年的汽车销量会进一步下降。JAMA p a further sales d this year. (09.6 完形)53.有间客厅还要装饰,这就是我下一项工程。There is the living room still to be d , so that

17、s my next .(05.12 词汇)54.公司高层管理者们否认把这一行动等同于经济上的帝国主义。The executives d that this action a to imperialism. (05.12 阅读)55.他们把食物分给全世界的穷人。They d food to the poor around the world. (06.6 听力)56已经读过的材料,我们希望就此进行讨论或详细阐述而不是重复。Once we have read the material, we want to discuss it or hear it e on,not r . (01.1 完型 )

18、57.激光放射出的光束与闪光灯发出的光在许多方面是不同的。The beam that is em by a laser d in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight. (03.9 词汇)58为进一步发展中非战略伙伴关系,中国愿同非洲国家加强合作。To e strategic partnership, China will s cooperation with Africa.59.凭此券你可以免费在湖上乘小船游览。This ticket en you to a free boat tour on the lake.

19、 (03.6 词汇)60各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济的交流。Friendly c between different peoples fa cultural and economice .61.天气破坏了我们的计划。The weather fr our plans.62.任何虚构的东西都是富有想象力的人的产物。Anything i is the products of an i persons mind.63.我倾向另一种观点。I i to another point of view.64.许多代表赞成他设立专门委员会调查此事的提议。Many a de was in f of his pr

20、oposal that a special committee be set up to in the incident.65她用自杀威胁我。She in me that she would c suicide.66.积极的肯定会激励学习,并且比一味的批评更能对孩子的学习产生影响。Positive reinforcement m study and has a greater effect on learning than c . (01.6 阅读)67我的厨房里总是爬进来许多蚂蚁,真是讨厌。A lot of ants always c in my kitchen. They are a th

21、orough nui .(00.1 词汇)68航班取消迫使许多乘客在机场过夜。C of the flight ob many passengers to spend the night at the airport.(01.1 词汇)69他化了装,戴了假胡须,但不久我们就识破了他的伪装。He dr up and had a f beard on, but soon, we pe his dis .70.他承诺以友好的方式处理这些事务。He gave a pl to h the affairs in a friendly m .(03.6 词汇)71作为晚礼服,深色衣服比浅色衣服更可取。A su

22、it is pr to a one for evening wear.(03.6 词汇)72我们写字保存我们家族的历史,让我们的子孙能学会并珍惜他们得到的遗产。We write to pr our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and ap their he .(10.12 听力)73不管流行什么,对知识的追求将永远盛行。No matter what is in vogue now, the pu of knowledge is pre at all times. 74.吹嘘自己知识的人,等于宣扬他的无

23、知。He that b of his knowledge pro his i .75.和我成长的地方相比,这个镇子更加繁荣。C with the place where I g up, this town is more pr .(08.6 翻译)76方言应受到保护的最根本原因是语言有助于保留文化。The most basic reason why dialects should be p is that language helps tore a culture. (05.6 词汇)77.一些植物对光非常敏感,它们更适宜呆在阴暗处。Some plants are very s to ligh

24、t, they pr the shade. (04.1 词汇)78.我不愿意猜测她辞职的原因。I wouldnt like to sp on the reasons for her re .79.想象力是一种重要的品质,也是一种驱动力,促进成功。Imagination is a valuable quality and a m power, and st achievement.(08.12 阅读)80.你不得不自己支付医疗费用,而后向保险公司提交你的收据。You may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later sub your

25、 re to the i company.81.医生警告人们不要通过嚼烟叶来代替吸烟。Doctors warned against c tobacco as a sub for smoking.(04.6 词汇)82.我们已经废除了人剥削人的制度。We have ab the system of ex of man by man.83.政府已经反复阐明对男女同工同酬的立场。Government has cl its p on equal pay for women and men.84.你隐藏不了悲伤,因为你的眼睛已经揭示一切。You cant con , because your eyes

26、re everything.85.他最终承认失败。He finally con de .86.人们经常问在男人主宰的领域内工作是什么样子。People asked con for stories about what its like to work in a fieldd by men.(07.6 阅读)87. 连续大雨使小麦收割延迟了两周。The c rain set the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.(04.1 词汇)88.和讲师面对面的交流减少到了最少或是根本没有。Face-to-face communication with

27、an instructor is mi oreli altogether.(07.12 阅读 )89.风暴使他们最后的获救希望破灭了。The storm ex their last hope for r .90.按照你的建议去做是不可行的。It is not f to follow your p .91.这些植物在潮湿的气候下长势茂盛。These plants fl in a d climate.92.中国从隋朝开始实行科举制度。The imperial civil examination system was im in China from the Sui D .93.老师们尽量客观地评估

28、学生的综合能力。Teachers try to be o when they e the in ability of their students.(05.1 词汇)94.如果你贵重物品不损坏的话,从长远来看你会节省不少钱。If you keep any valuable po in excellent condition, youll be saving money in the long r .(05.1 完形)95.石油是由从地下获取的原油提炼成的。Petrol is re from the c oil we take out of the ground.(01.6 词汇)96.接下来发生的事证实了我的怀疑。Sub events ve my suspicion.97.已经连续下了 10 天雨,结果许多村庄都被淹了。It has rained for ten su days and as a result many villages were f .98.那座桥的建设已经终止。The c of the bridge has been sus .


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