1、鞍炼集团有限公司是以石油化工产业发展为主导,是一家涵盖石油化工、国际贸易、环保供热、基础设施建设、物流仓储、房地产开发、油品销售等多个产业领域的大型民营企业,注册资金 15 亿元。下辖辽宁缘泰石油化工有限公司、辽宁鞍炼热电有限公司、辽宁鞍炼建设工程有限公司、辽宁鞍炼房地产开发有限公司、辽宁缘泰环保有限公司、辽宁鞍炼物流有限公司、辽宁鞍炼国际贸易公司等全资子公司。集团位于辽宁台安经济开发区,地处辽宁沿海经济带、沈阳近海经济区、鞍山经济隆起带中心,西接我国第三大油田辽河油田,东临钢都 鞍山,靠近沈大高速公路和营口、鲅鱼圈、锦州等港口,区位优越,交通发达便利。辽宁缘泰石油化工有限公司规划以原料油深加
2、工为核心,以烯烃、芳烃产业链为两翼,引进国际先进工艺技术投资建设的现代化石化企业。炼化一体化项目分两期实施。正在实施的一期“300 万吨原料油加工年产 20 万吨丁辛醇”项目,是辽宁省 2014 年 28 个重大工业项目之一,项目建设地址位于辽宁台安经济开发区,一期主厂区占地面积 1100 亩,员工 1000 人。一期项目已完成 300 万吨原料预处理(常减压) 、催化裂化、气体分馏和硫磺回收等主要生产装置及油品罐区和配套公用工程设施建设。正在建设加氢联合装置、延迟焦化+POX(石油焦气化)组合装置,2016 年内建成。二期“600 万吨炼化一体化年产 150 万吨芳烃”项目,将新增工业用地
3、2100 亩,计划投资 70 亿元,计划 2016 年下半年开工建设。项目建成达产后,可实现原油加工能力 600 万吨/年,芳烃生产能力 150 万吨/年,化工醇及其他化工产品 50 万吨/年,铁路储运能力 600 万吨/年,国标准汽柴油 330 万吨/年,产值可达400 亿元。届时鞍炼集团将形成以石油-化工-芳烃产业为核心的大型石化产业集团。吸纳就业超过 2000 人,成为鞍山最大的地方企业、鞍山市第二大企业,跻身中国企业 500 强行列。 Yutime Petroleum Company Ltd. is a multinational conglomerate headquartered
4、in Beijing China, operating an integrated petrochemical business extending across upstream and downstream sectors. Yutimes Anshan production base in Northeast China processes 3 million tons of crude oil each year, with main products alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. The company has recently investe
5、d $1 billion US dollars to expand annual oil processing capacity to 6 million tons and will produce 1.5 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon products annually. Yutime has constructed infrastructure and supporting facilities at the Anshan base including crude and refined oil reservoirs, dedicated rai
6、lway lines, portside storage facilities, oil pipelines, water, gas, and electricity supply lines and sewage treatment facilities. In the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in Southwest China, Yutime is in the process of purchasing a state-owned oil company and participating in upgrading and expansion
7、of the facilities. A Framework Agreement was signed at the beginning of 2015 and follow-up activities are currently being undertaken to finalize the acquisition. After expansion of the production base is completed, oil-processing capacity will reach 10 million tons per annum and Yutimes assets will
8、include independent oil fields, power plants, port freight terminals, oil-storage bases, dedicated railway lines, and oil pipelines as well as around 300 gas stations within the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The Guangxi base is an example of Yutimes activities across the whole industrial chain,
9、from oil exploration and extraction to refinery and retail of oil products. In 2013, Yutime commenced work on a refinery site with 10 million tons processing capacity in the Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt in Northeast China.Yutime is currently building an oil storage depot with a capacity of 4 milli
10、on tons alongside the harbor.岗位名称: 前台(外籍)职位描述:1. 负责呼入、呼出的电话转接;2. 负责快递、传真的收、发登记;3. 负责来访客户的登记和引导;4. 负责公司内部会议室的预定和会议设备的借还;5. 负责机票、火车票、酒店的预定和结算;6. 负责快递费的核对和结算;7. 负责行政部公共文件夹的信息维护和更新;8. 负责会议茶点、饮料的准备和预定;9. 负责各类办公文档、商务文档、合同协议的录入、排版、打印;10. 负责订水、送水和费用的结算;11. 负责公司通讯录的更新;12. 负责图书报刊的管理:收发、借用登记管理;13. 负责前台卫生环境的整洁;
11、14. 负责新员工入职门禁卡的开通和发放管理;15. 协助部门提出公司各类活动的策划和执行;16.完成部门交给的其他工作任务。任职资格要求:1. 对办公室工作程序熟悉;2. 熟练使用 Word、Excel 等办公软件,会借助互联网查找资料;3. 熟练使用各种办公自动化设备;4. 具有良好的适应能力,能在压力下工作;5. 声音甜美、普通话标准;6. 形象佳、掌握基本的礼仪常识,身高 1.65 米以上;7. 具备基本的财务知识,有成本意识;8. 中英文读写、口语俱佳。Position: Receptionist Principal Duties and Responsibilities: 1. F
12、ront desk, telephone operator, mail/ fax in and out.2. Purchase and maintain stationery and office supplies.3. Handling the daily express and related invoice.4. Maintain office furniture and equipment. 5. Assist Admin team to finish other office daily operation jobs.6. Air ticket booking and hotel a
13、rrangement.7. Process business card order forms.8. Handling meeting room booking and arrangement.9. Perform other duties as assigned.Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required: 1. Foreigner.2. Good image.3. Fluent in writing and speaking English and Chinese.4. College degree or above.5. Well-organize
14、d and have strong communication and coordination capability.6. Outgoing personality with ability to work under pressure.7. Strong work ethic, positive attitude, attention to details and good team-player.8. Skill to operate Word/Excel/PowerPoint or other office applications.Please sent your CV to : 联系方式: 杨女士 18210085582 邮箱地址: