注射系統 Injection System,往復式螺杆結構,注塑機操作順序一,模具關閉,螺杆後退,準備充填 The mould close and the screw begins moving forward for injection.,螺杆前進,直到型腔填滿 The cavity fills as the reciprocating screw moves forward, as a plunger.,螺杆持續前進,維持型腔保壓 The cavity is packed as the screw continuously moves forward.,型腔持續冷卻至澆口凝固,螺杆後退 The cavity cools as the gate freezes off and the screw begins to retract to plasticize material for the next shot.,注塑機操作順序二,模具打開,將製品頂出 The mould opens for part ejection.,模具關閉,等待下次成型 The mould closes and the next cycle begins.,注塑機操作順序三,注射成型的週期時間,成型週期時間计算,