1、的鸟儿有虫吃 ” ,这句老一辈流传下来的话,深深地印在许多人的脑海里。勤奋就有机会,勤奋就有出路;快别人一步,步步先于别人。只要早计划、早行动、早准备,小小的鸟儿就会有肥肥的虫儿吃。等那些懒洋洋, 慢吞吞的鸟儿起来忙着找虫吃时, 早起的鸟儿早已吃得饱饱, 地精力充沛地开始了一天的新生活。 一代文学巨匠鲁迅先生, 十三岁时在课桌上郑重地刻下一个 “ 早 ” 字。那个刻着“ 早 ” 字的课桌,一直激励着鲁迅先生在人生路上不断前进,提醒着他要“ 时时早,事事早” ,最终成就了一代文学巨匠的佳话。香港第一富商李嘉诚曾经说过: 昨晚多几分钟的准备, 今天少几小时的麻烦。 要想在激烈的竞争中走在别人前面,
2、 那就早些打点行装, 开始上路。 即使早行的路上会有薄雾遮眼,晓露沾衣,但只要朝着东方跋涉,必然会成为最早迎接朝阳的人。在竞争激烈的短跑比赛中, 许多短跑名将为了在起跑的时候, 提高零点几秒而付出了巨大的努力。 那是因为这零点几秒优势就很可能成为最终取得胜利的优势。 要欣赏到壮美的日出风景, 则必须在日出前攀登上高高的山峰。 生活中总是充盈这样那样的机会,可真正能抓住这些机会的,往往是那些有准备的人们。 伟大的发明家爱迪生有一句至理名言: “ 成功是 1% 的天分和 99% 的勤奋。显而易见,天分也许很重要, 但更重要的是勤奋和努力。 人活在这个世界上为的是做一件能够对社会有用的事来体现自己的
3、人生价值, 证明了自己不枉来这个世界上走这一遭。 然而我们只习惯看到别人的成功和辉煌, 看到别人的华丽和富有, 殊不知在这成功的背后, 有多少勤奋、努力和汗水才成就了今天的辉煌。人一出生都是平等的, 之所以到以后有的人成功了, 为社会做出了贡献, 而有的人注定一辈努力的道子默默无闻,甚至成为社会的累赘, 是因为成功的人懂得了要想成功就必须勤奋、理。华罗庚有句名言:“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。那些自认为没有天赋的人不要悲观,要相信,只要付出勤奋的劳动, 就一定成果;而那些很聪明的人们, 也不要在夸耀声中骄傲,要明白,“一份耕耘,一份收获。”没有辛勤耕耘,是不会在丰收的季节获得硕果的。我们青
4、少年是跨世纪的一代,肩负着建设社会主义祖国的使命,任重而道远。发展 中国这道跨世纪的方程,需要我们来求解。祖国需要我们早日成才,社会需要我 们早日成才。“自古英才出于勤奋”,H勤奋是石,敲出信息之火;勤奋是火, 点燃理想之灯;勤奋是灯,照亮人生之路;勤奋是路,引导我们走向成才的明天!既然成才的航船需要以勤奋为风帆,就让我们扯起勤奋之帆,去乘风破浪吧!精品资料the early bird catchesIn Harvard University Library,there is a motto on the wall,it saysworms. ”How to understand the pr
5、overb?Now,lets close our eyes,image that I am abird.Every morning,I get up early.The sunshine is around me,my lungs are full of fresh air,sweet voice comes out of my throat.When I fly into the forest or field,I find big green worms sleeping on the leaves.They are my delicious food.Every day is lovel
6、y and comfortable.How happy I am.Then,let s image that I am another bird.When the sun rises in the sky highly,I have to get up because of hunger. I drag myself to find some food just for not being starving.But few worms can be found.I fly and fly,not knowing where the next worm is, I spend the day u
7、nhappily and hungrily.Now we understand ,the proverb tells us to be hard-working,to do every thing early.A hard-working bird could catch enough worms,certainly,a hard-working person has opportunity to make success.Yes,that s right. Great inventor Edison has a word: success is 1% of talent and 99% of
8、 diligence. ” Obviously, talent may be important, but it is more important to hard work .People, living in this world, should do something useful to social so as to proved value of his life. However, some people are used to seeing the success and brilliant of others ,seeing what otherse have and how
9、 rich they are, but behind success, it is such diligence and effort that make achievement.One of the greatest literature masters Luxun carved a character“zao ” in hisdesk,when he was 13.It is the character “zao ” that worns hime to do everything early.It is the character that make hime creat a lot o
10、f master pieces.JustHua luogeng ever said “Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence believe if you work hard,you will be success .As wo all know,Hellen keller , a famous American authoress,when she was very lirrle,she was blind and deaf ,because of a serious diaesas.Although she suffer
11、ed from the pain of being a disabled child,with the help of her teacher sharliver,she began to study.Each day, she studies from moring to evening. Due to her hard-working,she was known as a successful writer.Diligence is the ladder of success, success is the result of diligence, as long as westudy diligently, explore diligently , practice diligently, all the thing will be successful!Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!