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1、考研英语核心词汇1.rapereip n. 强奸;破坏,蹂躏vt.强奸;破坏,蹂躏2.rashr? ? a.轻率的,鲁莽的 反 deliberaten.皮疹3.guideline?ga?dla?n n. 指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准4.gut ?tn.pl. 胆量;内脏 a.本能的 vt.取出内脏5.refund?ri:f? nd n.v. 退款;赔偿6.relish?rel?n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口v.爱好,喜欢7.remnantremn?nt n. 残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分8.renaissancerineisns n.the R- 文艺复兴 (时期 );新生,复兴9.habita

2、t?h?b?t?tn.(动物的 )栖息地, (植物的 )产地10.harassmenth?r ?sm?nt n. 骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱11.recycle?ri:?sa?kl vt./vi. 重复利用 (用过的物资 ),循环使用12.redundantrid ?nd?nt a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的13.refugee?refju?d?i: n.( 政治上的 )避难者,难民14.ritual?r?t?u?la.宗教仪式的,典礼的n.仪式,典礼;惯例15.robustr?ub?sta.强健的,茁壮的;有力的反 feeble16.salvations?lvei ?nn.( 尤指基督 )救世,超

3、度;拯救,解困17.sanctions? k?nv.同意 (某事 ),批准,认可n.批准 ,国际制裁18.repressionr ?pre?n n.压抑,压制,镇压19.sanese?na.心智健全的,神志清醒的;明断的,理智的20.sarcastics:k?stika. 讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的21.saturates?t ?reitvt. 使湿透,浸透;使充满,使饱和22.repertoirerep?tw:n. 全部剧目 ,保留剧目 ,全部技能23.retentionriten ?nn. 保留;保持;记忆 (力 )24.retortrit ?:tn.v. 报复;反击;反驳25.boostbu

4、:stn.促进,激励;一抬;一推vt.推动,增强26.bowelbau?ln. 肠;pl. 内部,深处27.retriever ?tri:vvt.重新得到,取回;挽回,补救;检索28.retrospectretr?spektv.n. 回顾,回想,追溯 反 foresee29.revelation,rev ?lei?nn. 揭示,透露,显示;被揭示的真相,新发现30.rigorous?r?g?r?s a.严格的,严厉的,严酷的(气候条件 )31.riot?ra?tn.暴 (骚 )乱; (色彩等 )极度丰富 vi. 聚众闹事32.ripr?pv.猛撕开;扯开;被撕开;裂开33.scandal?sk

5、?ndln.丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语;反感,愤慨34.scrambleskr?mblvi.( 快速地 )爬,攀登;互相争夺,争先35.siegesi:d ?n.包围,围攻,围困36.sips?pv.小口地喝,抿,呷n.一小口的量37.sceptical/skeptical?skept?kl a. 怀疑的38.skimsk?mvt. 撇去 (液体表面 )之漂浮物vi. 轻轻掠过39.skipsk?pvi. 略过,跳过n.跳跃 vt.故意忽略;略过40.fridgefr ?d?n.(refrigerator 的略语 )冰箱41.radiantreidi ?nta.( 面容、目光 )洋溢着幸福的,明亮照

6、耀的42.rapr?pvt.急敲;突然厉声说出;训斥n.急敲 ( 声)143.thermal ?:ml 热的,由热造成的 burns44.texture?tekst?(r) n.(织物 )质地; (材料 )构造;结构;肌理45.transcendtr?n?send vt. 超出,超越 (理性等 )的范围46.abolish?b?l?彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom47.primepra?m首要的,主要的a matter of importance48.foulfa?la. 令人不快的;恶臭的;邪恶的v.弄脏 n.(体育等 )犯规49.thirst ?:st渴,

7、口渴The heat creates a in me like I ve never had before50.trailtreil 痕迹,足迹 a of destruction left by the violence51.tramptr?mp步行,跋涉He loves ing over the hills52.transfertr?ns?f?:(r)转移,调动thecompany has transferred to an easternlocation53.fringefrind ? n.边缘; (窗帘 )缘饰;额前垂发vt.饰 的边54.fumefju:mn.(usu pl.) (浓烈

8、或难闻的)烟,气,汽55.blurbl ?:n.模糊不清的事物vt.使模糊,使看不清楚56.browsebrauzvi. 随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等 )吃草57.primitiveprimitiv 原始的,上古的,早期的a forest58.priorprai ? 在先的,在前的 Stopmakingpublicstatements without their approval here59.privilege?pr?v?l?d? n 特权,优惠,特免In countries where there are still not manyschools, education is avt.给与特

9、权,特免 ;60.probepr?b vt .探索,探查,调查 the roots of war61.verify?ver?fa? vt.证明,证实 Subsequent events verified my suspicions62.vertical?v?:t?kl adj.垂直的,立式的a engine63.vetovi:t ?u n.否决,否决权,否决权的行使The rest of the committee couldnot accept the 64.absolute?bs?lu:t adj纯粹的,完全的have absolute trust in sb.65.vergev ?:d?

10、 n 边,边缘,边沿the of a stream66.accustom?k?st?mvt. 使习惯于accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early67.acquaint?kweint vt.使认识,使了解68.trashtr? ? n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,败类vt.捣毁69.toxic?t?ks?k adj. 有毒的,因中毒引起的70.amaze?me?z vt. 使惊愕,使惊异I am amazed that he should get the post.71.breachbri:t ? n. 违反,不履行;破裂vt.冲破,攻破72.briefca

11、se?bri:fke ?s n.手提箱,公事皮包73.ambiguous?m?b?gju ?s adj. 含糊不清的,模棱两可的an ambiguous answer74.ozone?z?n n. 臭氧;清新的空气75.scriptskr ?pt n. 剧本 (原稿 );手稿,原稿;笔迹,手迹76.scrutiny?skru:t?ni n. 周密的调查;仔细看;监视;选票复查77.sculpture?sk?lpt?(r) n. 雕刻 (术 ),雕塑 ( 术);雕刻作品78.pactp?kt n. 合同,条约,公约79.tracetre ?s n. 痕迹,踪迹The wound healed,

12、leaving almost no of a scar80.tracktr?k n. 足迹,踪迹 s in the snow81.tragedy?tr?d ?di n.悲剧 Hamlet is one of shakespeares best known tragedies82.paperback?pe?p?b?k n. 平装本,简装本283.tamete?m adj. 驯化的,驯服的,温顺的 animails84.tant?n n. 棕黄色,黄褐色 buy some shoes in tan85.taxt?ks n. 税(款) Half of his wages go in tax86.ab

13、rupt?br?ptadj. 突然的,意外的an abrupt departure87.acute?kju:t adj. 尖锐的,敏锐的an acute thinker88.versatile?v?:s?ta?l adj. 多才多艺的a man89.versus?v?:s?s prep.(介词 ) 诉讼,竞赛等中以为对手The match tonight isChina Japan90.bluntbl ?nt adj. 钝的 The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive.91.Blushbl ? (因害羞、激动、窘困)脸红blush

14、with( 或 for) joy92.abide?ba?d vt. 遵循( by);容忍The one thing she cannot abide is lying.93.delightd?la?t n. 高兴,快乐:To the teachers great delight , all his students passedthe examination.94.deliverd?l?v?(r) vi. 投递,传送,运输:deliver the mail95.demonstrate?dem?nstre?t vt. 论证,证明: demonstrate a philosophical prin

15、ciple96.accelerate?k?sel?re?t vt. 加速,增速accelerate ones steps97.thread red n. 线,线状物 cotton 98.thrill lr?vt. 使非常兴奋,使非常激动It s a sight that never fails to me99.thrive ra?v vi. 兴旺发达,繁荣His business is thriving100. abuse?bju:sn. vt.滥用abuse ones authority(office)101. streamstri:m n. 小河,溪流 on the banks of a1

16、02. stressstresn.压力,紧张Not all of us can cope with the es of modern life103. stretchstret? v. 伸直,伸长He yawned and ed himself104. stridestra?d vt.& vi.阔步前进,大踏步走He strode to the platform105. temper?temp?(r) n.心情,脾气be in a good106. tempttempt vt. 引诱,诱惑 Nothing could me to do such a thing107. strainstre?n

17、 vt.& vi拉紧,绷紧If you the elastic any more, it will break108. strapstr?p n. 带,皮带 silkss109. strikestra?k vi. 打击,撞A stone struck me on the head110. stringstr? n.细绳,线,带 She took the parcel and started to undo the string111. stripstr?p vi.&vt 剥去,除去The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves112. access?k

18、ses n.入口,出口 ; 接近,进入 ;接近(或进入) 的机会have regular andimmediate access to the President113. tipt?p 末端,尖端 the tips of the fingers114. toastt?st n. 干杯 ;烤面包,吐司two slices of115. token?t?k?n n.&vt. 表示,标志,象征He did that as a of good faith116. torture?t?:t?(r) n.&vt拷打,拷问 a confession from a prisoner117. accommoda

19、te?k?m?de?t vt. 使适应,使符合一致accommodate oneself to changedcircumstances118. unfold?n?f?ld vt.& vi. 展开,打开 a newspaper119. uniform?ju:n?f?:m n. 制服; adj.不变的,相同的,均匀,统一的a temperature120. unify?ju:n?fa? vt. 使成一体,统一become a unified nation121. adhere ?d?h?(r) vi&vt黏附,附着Paste is used to make one surface adhere

20、toanother.3122. adjacent?d?e?sntadj.临近的,毗邻的 (to)a city and its adjacent suburbs123. adjoin?d?n vt.& vi.贴近,与 .毗邻His house adjoins the lake.124. thrust r?st vt.& vi推,刺,戳,插,挤He was into power125. update?p?de?t vt.更新,使现代化 a textbook126. upgrade?p?gre?d vt.提高,使升级,改善 products and services127. uphold?p?h?l

21、dvt.举起,高举 He upheld his clenched hand128. upright?pra?t adj.挺直的,垂直的an seat129. tickt?k n. (钟声等发出的)滴答声130. tiltt?ltvt&vi. 使倾斜,使倾倒Tilt your head back so that I can look down yourthroat131. tosst?s vt.& vi.扔,抛,掷 The children tossed the ball to each other132. tought ?fadj. 坚韧的,牢固的Some plastic are as as

22、metal133. towt ?vt. 拖,拉,牵引 tow a damaged ship into port134. abstract?bstr?kt adj. 抽象的A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.135. absurd?b?s?:dadj.荒谬的,荒唐的The ideathat number 14 brings bad luck isabsurd.136. uproar?pr?:(r)n.骚 乱 , 骚 动 Thepublic over unclear-radiation hazardscontinues to m

23、ount137. utilize?ju:t?la?zvt. 利用 solar energy138. utter?t?(r)vt. 发出(声音等) ,说,吐露 the truth139. vacant?ve?k?nt adj.未被占用的 a seat in a bus140. vagueve ?gadj. 含糊的,不明确的,模糊的a answer141. slipsl ?p vi&vt.滑倒,滑落,滑行She ed on the wet stones and fell142. slitsl ?tvt. 切开,撕开 the envelope open143. slopesl?pvi. 倾斜,有坡度

24、The ground s down sharply at this point144. impact?mp?kt n.冲击,撞击: the impact of light on the eye vt. 挤入,压紧 ; 撞击 ; 对产生影响 ;145. impair?m?pe?(r) vt. 削弱,减少: The output of produce was impaired by the badweather146. impartial?m?p:?ladj.公正的,无偏见的:A judge should be impartial147. implement?mpl?mentn.工具,器具,用具:

25、new types of farm implements148. slysla? adj. 狡猾的,偷偷的 a answer149. smashsm? ? vt.打碎,打破,摧毁The ball ed the window150. snatchsn?t ? vt.夺得,一把抓住The thief ed her handbag and ran off151. immune?mju:n adj. 免除的,豁免的: Nobody is immune from criticism152. stingst? vt.&vi刺,螫,叮A bee stung him on the neck153. stirs

26、t?:(r) vt.& vi.使微动,移动A breeze red my hair154. stitchst?t? n.一针,针脚Make your es closer together155. suesu: vt.& vi控告,起诉 sb for slander156. summary?s?m?ri n.总结,概要This book has a at the end of each chapter157. superbsu:?p?:b adj.极好的,一流的,杰出的 science and engineering158. superficial?su:p?f?ladj. 表面的 a rese

27、mblance159. superfluoussu:?p?:flu ?sadj.过多的,剩余的,多余的a remark160. ventilate?vent?le?t vt. 使通风,使空气流通 a room4161. venture?vent?(r)n. 冒险,冒险行动,投机行动take a in oil162. uncover?n?k?v?(r) vt. 揭开,揭露 a dish of food163. supervise?su:p?va?z vt.& vi 监督,管理,指导 sbs every move164. vanish?v?n? vi. 突然消失,逐渐消散Do you want t

28、o vanish165. veilve?l n. 面纱,面罩 Jewishwomenwore s in token of reverence andsubmission166. underestimate ?nd?r?est?me?t 低估 the difficulties of the task167. reassure?ri:?(r) v. 使安心,使放心;使消除疑虑168. receder?si:d v. 退去;缩进;收回,撤回 反approach169. recipientr?s?pi?nt n.a person who receives sth收到者170. reckless?rek

29、l?s a.不注意的 ,大意的 ,卤莽的 ,不顾后果的171. rectangle?rekt?gl n.数 矩形 ,长方形172. recurr ?k?:(r) v.( 尤指不好的事 )一再发生;重现173. portrayp?:?tre? v.描写,描述;画 (人物、景象等 )174. pronepr?n a.(to) 易于 的,很可能 的;俯卧的175. prophet?pr?f?t n.预言家;先知;提倡者176. undergo?nd?g?vt. 经历,遭受,忍受 much suffering177. underlie?nd?la? vt. 位于之下Many facts my deci

30、sion178. undermine?nd?ma?n v. 在下挖 a wall179. undertake?nd?te?k vt. 着手做, 从事 an attack180. undesirable?nd?za?r?bladj. 不合意的,不受欢迎的The drug has side effects181. uneasy?n?i:ziadj. 心神不宁的,不安宁的be uneasy about the future182. accord?k?:d vt. 使符合, 相一致 (with)His violent action do not accord with hispeaceful word

31、s.183. account?ka?ntn. 记述,叙述 give a brief account of what has happened184. address?dres n.地址 ; 演说a television address185. ultimate?lt ?m?t adj. 最后的,最终的The war ended for us in victory186. unanimousju ?n?n ?m?sadj. 全体一致的,一致同意的They are in asking for a risein pay187. virtue?v?:t?u: 美德,德行Amongher many s

32、are loyalty,courage, andtruthfulness188. visible?v?z?bladj. 看得见的,可见的a ship barely on the horizon189. vision?v?nn. 视力,视觉 care190. substitute?s?bst?tju:t n. 代替者,代替物 He is the doctor s during holidays times191. subtle?s?tladj. 微妙的,巧妙的 His whole attitude has undergone a change192. subtracts?b?tr?kt vt.减

33、,减去 Subtract 4 from 10 you get 6193. successions?k?se?nn.连续,一系列a of debates194. sucks?k vt. 吸, A large mosquito was sucking blood fromthe back of herhand195. vital?va?tl adj. 维持生命所必需的;有生命力的The heart is a organ196. vivid?v?v?dadj. 鲜艳的 the green of leaves in spring197. voidv ?d adj. 空的 a space198. wed

34、gewed ?n.楔子,三角木Please put a in the door so that it will stay open199. weedwi:dn. 杂草,野草 My garden is running to s5200. weepwi:p vt.& vi. (通常因悲伤)哭泣,流泪 for ones failure201. weighwe? vt. 称重量,称oneself on the scales202.Xerox?z?r ?ksn.静电复印(法) ,静电复印件,静电复印机Make me a ofthis report.203. yieldji:ldvt. 生产,产生,带来T

35、his orchard s apples and pears.204. zealzi:l n. 热心,热忱,热情a man of 205.vicious?v?sadj.邪恶的,恶毒的,凶残的lead a life206. volunteer?v?l ?n?t?(r)n. 志愿者,自愿参加者Are there any s for a swim?207.Zigzag?z?gz?gadj. 之字形的,弯曲的a road208.Wander?w?nd?(r)vt.&vi 漫步,徘徊He ed home209. wardw ?:dn. 病房 a 4-bed 210. warrant?w?r?ntn. 授

36、权,批准,正当理由,根据He had no for his action211. waterproof?w?:t?pru:fadj. 不透水的,防水的 material212. whisper?w?sp?(r) vt. 低语,耳语,轻声说 to sb213.audit?:d?t v. 审计;查帐;核对;旁听214. vibrateva?bre?t vt.& vi. 使震动,使摆动His heavy footsteps upstairs made theold house215. weldweld vt.& vi.焊接,煅接It takes speed to steel at this heat

37、216. whirlw ?:lvi.&vt旋转,急转The couples ed round the dance floor217.audio?:di ? n./a.音频 (响 )(的 );声音 (的 ),听觉 (的 )218. auditorium?:d?t?:ri ?m n. 观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂219. stabst?b vt.&n.刺,戳,猛的一击,突发的一阵a of anxiety220.stackst?kn. 整齐的一叠 a of bills221. stainste?nvt&vi玷污,污染His shirt was ed with blood222. staleste?la

38、dj. 食品等不新鲜的,走味的These old peanuts taste 223.stallst ?:l n. 小隔间 ;牛舍224.startle?st:tlvt. 惊吓,使吃惊The horse s easily225. starvest:v vi.&vt.使挨饿,饿死Many live in luxury while others are starving226. addict?d?kt v. 使沉溺;使上瘾n.沉溺于不良嗜好的人227. advent?dvent n.(重要事件等的 )到来,来临228.affluent?flu? nt a. 富裕的,富足的229.baitbe?t n. 饵,引诱物 vt.用饵引诱;招惹,捉弄230


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