1、精品文档Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen !First let me introduce myself.My name is Mina ,a student from Nanjing Audit University .Im honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear guests from Skema Business School .An old chinese saying may express our hospitality:“Here comefriendsafar,exceedinglyh
2、ow happy we are! ” Yourvisitmakesourcampus fulloffragranceandpassiondespiteoftheextremelycoldweather.Thisalso marks the friendshipbetweenSkemaBusinessSchool and NanjingAudit Universityisjustlikea shipwhich isadvancingthroughthe huge waves and winds. Thecommunication will promote the Internationaliza
3、tion processbetween thetwo schools.Therefore,please allow me toexpressthesinceregreetingsand warm welcome toourhonorableguestson behalf of all the teachers and students of our school.To all of you who just arrive at our school , I know there area lot of things new to you. You may be excited, may be
4、amazedbythedifferencesandeven abitconfused.Itistotallyunderstandableand expected.But there isone thingwe want youto know thatyou are allwelcomed here withwarmarms and hearts!There is no doubt we are totally two different cultures andthere area lotsof differences.However, thefactthatyou aresittingher
5、etodaytellsus thatyouarewillingtotake。1 欢迎下载精品文档initiatives to learn more aboutour schools, our country andour culture. As we all know, culture is not what runs in yourblood, but how you participate.Since you have lived in Suzhou for a long time ,I suppose thatyou are familiar withNanjing to some de
6、gree.Located in theeasternpartofChina,NanjingisthecapitalofJiangsuProvincewhich isdeveloped ineconomyand an importantcentralcity on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Nowadays,Nanjinghasdevelopedintoamultiple-producingindustrialbaseineasternChina,animportanthuboftransportation and com
7、munication center.Nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes. Itis one ofthefirst24 well-knownhistoricand culturalcitiesannounced by the state. Dr.Sun Yat-Sens Mausoleum, the MingTomb, theancientcitywallof Nanjing,thestonecarvingsofSouthernTang Dynasty,theRain FlowerTerraceand otherpl
8、acesare themainscenicspots and historicsites.TheEasternSuburbs Scenic Area, the Qixia Mountain, the Xuanwu Lake, theMochou Lake, the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt and other scenicareas are well-knownfarand near. Amongthem, Dr. Sun Yat-SensMausoleum and the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt are among 40 best tou
9、rist scenic spots in China.。2 欢迎下载精品文档Today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will makea new contribution to the friendship and communication between the two countries.May the friendship between Skema and NAU live forever. May the two schools make great progress together.We sincerely hope our noble French guests will have a good trip in Nanjing.Thank you very much!。3 欢迎下载精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。4 欢迎下载