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1、留学生 -微生物学专业攻读博士学位研究生培养方案Ph.D. Program in Microbiology-Foreign Students(专业代码:071005)(Major code: 071005)一、培养目标培养微生物学科的高级专业人才。本学科要求所培养的博士生诚实守信,团结协作,具有强烈的事业心和社会责任感。具有严谨、谦虚、求实、进取、敬业的学风和创新性思维等科学素养。掌握坚实的生物学基础知识,熟悉本学科国际研究现状和发展动态,系统深入地掌握生物学科相关专业领域的专门知识及实验技能;具有独立从事科研工作的能力;并在科学或专门技能上获得创新性的成果。初步掌握第二外语。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥

2、庑赖賃軔。I. OUR MISSIONThe mission of the Ph.D. program in Microbiology in the School of Life Sciences is to train its students tobecomehighly competent professionals in Microbiology research and its related industries.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測。The program will strive to provide its student the best education and tr

3、aining for bench skills and technologies through a uniquely designed curriculum. The graduates are expected to have acquired solid basic knowledge in biology, and also a solid grasp of frontier researches and the trend in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology in the world. Through the courses and

4、 lab trainings, the graduates are expected to have acquired the ability in conducting researchindependently and the competence in Microbial Biotechnology R&D in industries. In addition, the graduates are also expected to command a second foreign language. 残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒。二、研究方向1.微生物生理生化本研究方向从事微生物的生理、代谢

5、及微生物酶的结构与功能等方面的研究,重点研究微生物对纤维素、木素等生物质的降解酶及其生物质的降解机理。2.资源与环境微生物学本研究方向主要开展可再生资源的微生物转化、环境保护、 环境治理及清洁生产的微生物技术研究,促进我国的可持续性发展。 酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭。3.微生物遗传与分子生物学本研究方向研究与工农业、国计民生息息相关的重要的微生物基因、基因组的结构与功能、基因表达与调控机制; 同时利用现代分子生物学技术与方法进行微生物酶的分子改造和代谢途径的改造,进行微生物品种、菌株的改良,构建转基因微生物。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒尔。4.微生物资源与生态本研究方向的主要研究内容为以典型微生物、海

6、洋微生物、 农业微生物、 环保微生物和工业特殊用途微生物为材料的基础及应用研究,包括微生物的资源调查,农业、海洋和极端环境微生物及其极端酶的研究、微生物对不良环境的耐受机理研究、以及生态环境中大量不可培养微生物的前期研究等。謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍。5.应用微生物学与发酵技术本研究方向主要研究微生物及其代谢产物的发酵与应用,特别是微生物药物、 微生物农药与微生物饲料添加剂的发酵生产将是本研究方向的重点。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩。II. RESEARCH FIRECTIONS Microbial Physiology and BiochemistryThis field covers the r

7、esearch on the physiology and metabolism of microbes, as well as structure and functionof microbial enzymes. An emphasis is put on microbial enzymes that degrade biomass including cellulose and lignin, as well as biomass degradation mechanisms. 茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐。1 / 7Microbial Resources and Environmental

8、 MicrobiologyThis fieldcovers the research on microbialtechnologies involvingthe microbialconversion of renewableresources, environmentalprotection, environmental remediation and clean production for the purpose of asustainable progress inChina.鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘。Microbial Genetics and Molecular BiologyTh

9、is field covers the investigations on microbial genes, structures and functions of genomes, as well as expression and regulation mechanisms that are closely related to industry, agriculture and economy. The reconstruction of metabolic pathways and microbial enzymes by modern molecular biology techno

10、logy to improve strains and construct transgenic microbes is also included. 籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠挞。Microbial Resources and EcologyThis field covers the basic and applied research on model microbes, marine microbes, agricultural microbes, microbes that are involved in environmental protection and industrial mi

11、crobes that have special applications. The research carried in this field includes the investigation on microbial resources, the investigation on agricultural and marine microbes, the investigation on extremophiles and their enzymes adapted to extreme conditions, the investigation on mechanism of to

12、lerance to unfavored environments, and initial investigationson the abundant unculturable microbes in the eco-system. 預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買闥。Applied Microbiology and Fermentation TechnologyThis field covers the fermentation and application of microbes and their products. In particular, an emphasis is put on t

13、he fermentation and production on microbial pharmaceuticals, pesticides and livestock feed additives. 渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇絨。三、学制全日制普通博士研究生的学制为 4 年,达到培养方案要求可申请提前毕业, 最长提前毕业时间不能超过一年。学位课程一般在第二学期完成,后2-4 年主要从事学位论文的选题、开题、研究及写作和答辩工作。III. DURATION OF THE PROGRAMFor full-time Ph.D. students, the regular duration of th

14、e program is four years. Early graduation can be granted for students who have fulfilled the requirementsof graduation and also have stayed in the program for at leastthree years. The requirements for graduation please refer to铙誅卧泻噦圣骋“ Requirement for Doctoral Degree贶頂廡缝勵。All Ph.D. students are expe

15、cted to completethecourse work remaining 2-4 years to conduct dissertation research, which writing and defense of the dissertation. 擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷報赢。四、培养方式by the end of second semester and to use the includes proposal preparation, experimentation,1根据宽口径、厚基础的原则,开设博士期间专业基础课程,由导师或导师组对学生进行专业指导。2. 指导教师或指导小组应

16、按照培养方案的要求,根据因材施教的原则,指导博士研究生制定个人培养计划。个人培养计划应在博士研究生入学一个月内制定完成。贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷鯛汉。IV . GRADUATE TRAINING PLAN1) Design of the curriculum is based on the principle of wide coverage in biology with emphasis on fundamental knowledge. The supervisor and the student graduates committee will provide specialized gu

17、idance to each student.坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚跻馱。2) The supervisor and the graduate committeewill guide each Ph.D. studenttodesign a personalized Graduate Training Plan based on the requirement of the graduate program and the needs of the individual student. The designing of the Graduate Training Plan should be

18、completed within one month after entry into this graduateprogram.蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘籜葦。五、应修总学分数与课程设置2 / 7博士生的课程学习一般为一年。总学分不少于14 分。其中必修学分12 分,选修学分2 分。学位专业课包含课外专业文献阅读。買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄届嬌。博士研究生的课程分为必修课与选修课两大类,具体课程见课程设置一览表。1必修课程与必修环节,12 学分( 1)模拟项目申请 3 学分( 2)专业必修课 4 学分( 3)前沿讲座 5 学分。(具体要求如下)对前沿讲座的要求:前沿讲座采取学术讲座、 交流和讨论会等形式

19、, 包括研究生的个人专题综述、 参加著名学者的学术报告等。要求研究生本人在读期间应就自己的研究方向以及相关学科的发展前沿做专题综述性学术报告或研究报告,主讲报告不少于5 次;研究生本人在读期间参加听取前沿讲座至少15 次以上。要求研究生每学期平均至少阅读5 篇专业学术论文(英文)。綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴飙钪。在完成上述对学术讲座的要求后,研究生应提交主讲学术报告与阅读的学术文献清单和由主持讲座的教师签字的听取的学术报告清单。考核时指导教师或导师组据此评定成绩,并写出评语。考核按通过、不通过记分,成绩通过以上者记5 学分。 驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦諑琼。模拟项目申请的考核模拟课题申请的考核可在第二学期

20、进行。要求博士研究生根据各类国家级或国际课题(包括国家 “973”、“ 863、”国家自然科学基金、国家支撑计划项目以及国家重大科技计划等)申请指南,并结合自己的研究方向与研究内容(或自己感兴趣的内容),选择其中之一类科技计划,严格按照申请书撰写要求,用英文撰写并提交完整的项目申请书。 考核时由指导教师组织进行项目模拟答辩, 并据此评定成绩, 并写出评语。考核按通过、不通过记分,成绩通过以上者记 3 学分。 猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑献鵬。2选修课程专业选修课2 学分3补修课程跨学科或同等学力考入的博士研究生,应补修本专业硕士阶段的主干课程1-2 门,所修课程成绩计入本人档案,但不计学分。锹籁饗迳琐

21、筆襖鸥娅薔嗚訝。V. CREDIT REQUIRMENT AND CURRUCULUMThe curriculum for Ph.D. students should generally cover courses for one year. The total credits should be no less than 14, including 12 credits on compulsory courses and 2 credits on Elective courses. A dissertation course includes extracurricular literatu

22、re reading. 構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛門戲。The courses Ph.D. students take include Compulsory and Elective courses. For details please refer to the Listof Courses.輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶蛴镧。Compulsory courses, 12 creditsSimulated grant application, 3 creditsCompulsory courses on specialized fields, 4 credits 尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅瀝纰。Seminars

23、on frontiers of sciences, 5 credits. (Refer to following sections for detail)识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒侬减。Requirement for Seminars on frontiers of sciences:In the form of seminars, communications and discussions, the Seminars on frontiers of sciences include review presentations by each graduate student and seminar

24、s by famous scholars. Each Ph.D. student is required to give at least 5 talks to review progress in their field of study and related fields, or their progress of research.Each Ph.D. student is required to attend at least 15 Seminars on frontiers of sciences during their graduate studies. Each Ph.D.

25、student is required to read at least 5 English journal papers on their field of study eachsemester.凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴铍賄。After fulfilling the above mentioned requirements, Ph.D. students should submit a list of papers that they presented and read, as well as a list of attended seminars signed by the faculty

26、members hosting each seminar.3 / 7During their examination the supervisor or supervisory team will grade eachstudent based on these lists and make comments. A grade of Pass or Fail will be given to each graduate student. Those who received a Pass grade will be given 5 credits. 恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦聰櫻。Examinati

27、on on Simulated grant applicationThe Simulated grant application will be examined on the second semester. Each Ph.D. student should choose anational or international level program (Including the 973 Program, 863 Program, National Natural Science Foundation Program, The National Key Technology R&D Pr

28、ogram of China and other national key programs on science and technology), refer to the guidance of application, strictly follow the rules of grant proposals, write in English and submit a complete grant proposal on his/her field of study or field of interest. A simulated defense will be organized b

29、y the supervisor for examination, based on which comments will be made and a grade of Pass or Fail will be issued. Those who receive a Pass grade will be given 3 credits. 鯊腎鑰诎褳鉀沩懼統庫摇饬。Elective coursesTwo credits of elective courses are required.Supplementary coursesOne to two key master-level course

30、s in their specific majors should be taken by Ph.D. students that were from a different major or were admitted based on an equivalent education level. The grades will be kept on file but no credits will be given. 硕癘鄴颃诌攆檸攜驤蔹鸶胶。六、中期考核与资格考试博士生实行中期考核 (含学科综合考试 )制度。博士生入学一年后,结合博士学位论文开题报告对其进行一次中期考核。中期考核安排在第

31、三学期初进行。考核内容包括课程学习、科研能力、学位论文开题报告等。中期考核由学位分委员会组织的5 位专家(至少含2 位博士生导师) 组成的考核委员会组织进行。阌擻輳嬪諫迁择楨秘騖輛埙。中期考核合格者可进入博士学位论文阶段;中期考核不合格者,应终止其攻读博士学位,按山东大学研究生学籍管理条例的有关规定处理。氬嚕躑竄贸恳彈瀘颔澩纷釓。VI. MID-TERM EXAMINATION (PRELIM)A mid-term examination (comprehensive examinations included) will be given to a Ph.D. student. One ye

32、arafter admission,Ph.D. students willbe given a Mid-termexaminationwhichincludesa presentationondissertation proposal and oral examination. The Mid-term Examination will be held at the beginning of thethird semester. The completed courses, research abilities and dissertation proposal willbe examined

33、 by anExamination Committee that consists of five experts including at least two Ph.D. supervisors and organized by the Degree Sub-Committee 釷鹆資贏車贖孙滅獅赘慶獷。The Ph.D. students that pass Mid-term examinations can initiate their dissertation research. Those failed willhave their Ph.D. study terminated, f

34、ollowingrules specified by “ Regulation on Graduate Student StatusManagement at ShandongUniversity怂阐”譜鯪.迳導嘯畫長凉馴鸨。七、科学研究与学位论文博士研究生用于科学研究和学位论文工作的时间一般不少于3 年。1论文选题学位论文是综合衡量研究生培养质量和学术水平的重要标志。博士学位论文的选题必须具备科学性、创新性和可行性,应处于国际学术发展的前沿,勇于探索新领域和未知领域,应对科学技术或社会发展具有较高的理论价值和应用价值。2开题报告在论文选题确定以后,研究生通过查阅文献、收集资料,在第一学年内写

35、出开题报告, 就选题的目的、 意义、研究内容、 预期目标、 研究方法、 技术路线和课题条件进行论证。学位论文的开题报告应在中期筛选中公开进行,且要求研究生提交3000 字以上的书面文献综述。在经过指导小组的审查认可后,在博士导师指导下拟定论文工作计划,开展论文工作。3中期检查博士论文应在导师和或指导小组的指导下,在不少于两年的时间内由研究生本人独立完成。要定期检查学位论文的进展情况,及时调整研究方法和内容,以达到相应学位论文的要求。4 / 74论文预答辩博士研究生在学位论文答辩前3 个月应向导师、指导小组报告学位论文完成情况及取得的成果,广泛征求意见,进一步修改和完善学位论文。谚辞調担鈧谄动禪

36、泻類谨觋。5论文的质量与水平完成的博士学位论文在科学或专门技术上应具有先进性、创造性,获得创新性成果,具有较高的理论价值和应用价值。博士生在读期间应对自己在科学研究中的研究结果进行总结,在本学科领域学术刊物上发表与毕业论文有关的学术论文。发表学术论文的基本要求参见博士学位论文创新成果要求。嘰觐詿缧铴嗫偽純铪锩癱恳。6博士学位论文按照山东大学关于研究生学位论文格式的统一要求撰写。博士学位论文摘要为 3000 字以上。论文应达到数据可靠,写作规范,语言通顺,分析合理恰当等要求。研究生在学位论文答辩前三个月应向导师、指导小组报告学位论文完成情况及取得的成果。3-10 万字,7博士经导师、 指导小组和

37、校内外同行专家的匿名审查,完成学位论文,修满规定的学分,即可申请论文答辩。通过答辩后,经校学位委员会批准,授予理学博士学位。8如学位论文未获通过,该研究生应在导师和指导小组的指导下,对原论文进行补充和修改,在达到相应水平后,再行申请重新答辩熒绐譏钲鏌觶鷹緇機库圆鍰。VII. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DISSERTATIONThe time spent on scientificresearch and dissertation by Ph.D. students should generally be no less than 3years.鶼渍螻偉阅劍鲰腎邏蘞阕簣。D

38、issertation proposal. The dissertation is the key on the comprehensive evaluation of training qualities and scientific abilities for graduate students. A Ph.D. dissertation proposal must be scientific, innovative and applicable, should be on the frontier of international academics, should be brave t

39、o investigate new or unknown domains, and should be of high theoretical or application values to science, technology or socialdevelopment. 纣忧蔣氳頑莶驅藥悯骛覲僨。Report of dissertation proposal. Following the establishment of the dissertation proposal, the Ph.D. students are expected to write a report on the

40、dissertation proposalwithin the first year of admission, discussing the purpose, significance, specific aims, anticipated results, research methods, technical routes and requirements to carry out the research. The oral report of the dissertation proposal should be publicly held during the Mid-term E

41、xamination, during which the submission of a written literature review with more than 3,000 words is required. Upon review and approval by the guidance team, a work plan should be established under the guidance of the Ph.D. supervisor and research should be initiated. 颖刍莖蛺饽亿顿裊赔泷涨负。Routine checkups.

42、The Ph.D. dissertation should be independently finished by the Ph.D. student under the guidance of the supervisor or the supervisory team. The progress of the dissertation should be routinely checked to appropriately adjust the research goal and methods to fulfill the requirements for the degree dis

43、sertation. 濫驂膽閉驟羥闈詔寢賻減栖。Preliminary defense. Three months before the formal dissertation defense, the Ph.D. student should report the level of completion of the dissertation and achievements made during the research to the supervisor or the supervisory team to broadly receive comments, to revise and

44、 polish the dissertation. 銚銻縵哜鳗鸿锓謎諏涼鏗穎。 Quality and level of the dissertation. The completed doctoral degree dissertation should be advanced and novel in science or specialized technology, should have led to novel achievements, and should have high theoretical and applied values. The Ph.D. student s

45、hould summarize the results during scientific research, and publish scientific papers relevant to the dissertation on journals in the specific field. For the minimum requirement of publications please refer to the requirement of novel achievements for doctoral degree dissertation. 挤貼綬电麥结鈺贖哓类芈罷。The d

46、octoral degree dissertation should be written following “ TheUniform Requirement of Format for Graduate-level Theses in ShandongUniversity The”. length of the doctoral degree dissertation should bebetween 30,000 and 100,000 words. The length of the abstract should be above 3,000 words. The dissertation should have reliable data, should be written professionally, should be written in smooth language, and should5 / 7bear appropriate and reasonable analysis.赔荊紳谘侖驟辽輩袜錈極嚕。Three months before the dissertation defense, the Ph.D. students should report to the supervisors


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