1、企業義工研討會盡顯企業優勢:參與義工服務創造多贏局面日期:2005年 3 月4 日(星期五 )時間:下午2 時 15分至 5 時地點:九龍柯士甸道童軍徑香港童軍中心十一樓禮堂新聞資料社會福利署推廣義工服務督導委員會自一九九八年推動全港的義工運動,並設立工商機構義務工作推廣小組,舉辦推廣活動,鼓勵工商機構參與義務工作,為有需要的人士提供協助及支援,使香港成為和諧共融的社會。企業義工研討會 是企業義工服務的重要活動,讓有興趣參與義工服務的企業掌握有關知識 ,亦讓已成立的義工隊交流經驗及服務心得。 是次研討會旨在鼓勵企業義工對發揮企業及員工的優勢和專長於義工服務上,令有需要的市民得到幫助。在研討會上
2、,香港滙豐銀行有限公司工商業務環球聯席主管梁高美懿女士及國泰航空公司企業傳訊總經理黃家倫先生會從管理階層角度分享企業義工成功之道 善用公司特色及專才。 隨後,牛奶公司宜家傢俬人力資源經理與新生精神康復會游秀慧女士 ;和葉謝鄧律師行謝連忠律師 、盧葉堂會計師行盧葉堂會計師及明愛向晴軒督導主任郭志英姑娘會全面地分享他們別具創意的義工服務經驗 ,希望從而啟發參加者設計更多樣化的活動。是次活動邀請到工商機構義務工作推廣小組召集人楊家聲太平紳士及社會福利署南區福利專員馮民樂先生擔任主禮嘉賓 。此外,有超過 200 名來自 100 多間企業的參加者出席活動,是歷來參與人數最多的研討會。正反映 行政長官在
3、2004 年施政報告中,提出要強化社會資本及加強政府、商界和非牟利界別的伙伴關係,即官、商、民的合作,得到商界的支持。 因為參與義工服務正是建立社會資本 最重要的一環 。 而督導委員會會致力延續商界服務社會的熱誠及匯聚各界別的義工力量,積極推動更多的義工服務。社會福利署二五年三月四日1Seminar on Corporate VolunteeringSpecial Asset of Corporate:A Creative Idea for “4-wins”through Volunteering 4 March 2005(Friday) 2:15 5:00p.m.at 11/F Hong K
4、ong Scout CentreInformation NoteWhile the Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service of Social Welfare Department launched its “Volunteer Movement” in 1998, the Sub-committee on Promotion of Corporate Volunteering has been established to encourage corporation to set up volunteer team and s
5、erve the community with a view to build a more harmonious community.“ Seminar on Corporate Volunteering ” is one of the majorevents of the Sub-committee to equip the potential volunteer teams with better knowledge and skill in volunteering and offer a platform for established volunteer teams to exch
6、ange their fruitful experience. This Seminar would focus on making use of expertise of the corporation and employees to serve the community.The keynote speakers, Mrs. Margaret LEUNG, Global Co-Head Commercial Banking of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, and Mr Alan KL WONG Gener
7、al Manager Corporate Communication of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, shared “ Keyto achieve “4-win ”in Corporate Volunteering: Making Best Use of Expertise and Specialist of the Corporation in Delivery of Volunteer Service ”from managerial perspective. In addition, Ms Carrie TSE Human Resource Mana
8、ger of the Dairy Farm Company Limited IKEA Division and Ms Sania Yau of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Associations; together with Mr Thomas TSE of YIP, TSE and TANG SOLICITORS, Mr Y. T. LO of Y.T. LO & CO. and Ms Paulina KWOK, of Caritas Hong Kong shared their rewarding experiences in delivery
9、 of creative volunteer service so as to inspire the audience with more creative service idea.Mr. KS YEUNGJ.P., Convenor of Sub-committeeon Promotion ofCorporate Volunteering andMr. FUNG Man-lok, District SocialWelfare Officer(Southorn) of SocialWelfare Department officiated at the Ceremony. A record
10、high participation ofmore than 200 representatives from over 100 corporationsjoined the Seminar.It demonstrated the strong support of corporations to theChief Executive in his Policy Address 2004, stipulates the development of social capital as well as the tri-partite partnership between Government,
11、 the business community and the third sector (not-for-profit sectors) as V olunteering is deemed an important means to enhance the social capital. The Committee would sustain every effort to consolidate the corporations enthusiasm and synergy of participation in volunteering.Social Welfare Department2March 4 20053