1、.聘用意向书Employer ment Intention Letter甲方(用人单位):Party A (Employer):乙方(员工):Party B (Employee):根据公司业务与发展的需要,甲方有意向聘用乙方。双方本着平等自愿,协商一致的原则,达成以下聘用意向:According to the requirement of thecompany business and development , Party A intends to employ Party B. Party A and Party B come to the following employment int
2、ention on the basis of equality , free will and mutual consulyation :一、 工作内容:甲方拟聘用乙方在岗位,从事工作。Position:PartyAwillemployPartyBonthepositionof, engagingin.二、拟聘用期限:从年月日起至年月日止。The prospectiveemploymenterm shall commencefrommthDayyr and end onmthdayyr.三、工资待遇:;.乙方每月工资为元。Remuneration:Party B shall be entitled toper month.四、其他事项待合同签订时再行商榷。Other items concerning the employment will be comfirmed when the contract issigned.甲方:乙方:Party A(common seal):Party B(signature):时间:时间:Date:Date:;.