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1、1,第八章 疲劳裂纹扩展,8.1 疲劳裂纹扩展速率,8.2 疲劳裂纹扩展寿命预测,8.3 影响疲劳裂纹扩展的若干因素,8.4 疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验,返回主目录,2,前节回顾:,The plot of log da/dN versus log DK is a sigmoidal (S形) curve. This curve may be divided intothree regions. At low stress intensities, cracking behavior is associated with threshold effects. In the mid-region, th

2、e curve is essentially linear. Finally, at high DK values, crack growth rates are extremely high and little fatigue life is involved.,3,Most of the current application of LEFM concepts to describe crack growth behavior are associated with region 2. In this region the log da/dN versus log DK curve is

3、 approximately linear and lies roughly between 10-7 and 10-4 mm/cycle. Many curve fits to this region have been suggested. The Paris equation, which was proposed in the early 1960s, is the most widely accepted.,大多数用线弹性断裂力学描述裂纹扩展的应用是与区域2相关的。在这一区域,logda/dN - log DK曲线近似线性且在10-7-10-4 mm/c间。已有许多拟合曲线提出,60

4、年代初的Paris公式是应用最广的。,4,8.3 影响疲劳裂纹扩展的若干因素,K是控制da/dN的最主要因素。 平均应力、加载频率、环境等的影响较次要,但有时也不可忽略。,同一材料, 由不同形状、尺寸的试件所得到的da/dN-K曲线相同。,da/dN-K曲线可以描述疲劳裂纹扩展性能。,5,1. 平均应力或应力比的影响,R0、R0时复杂得多。,有经验关系为: Kth= K0th(1-R)Koth是R=0时的基本门槛应力强度因子幅度。参数、由实验确定。图中钢材的下限为: Kth=7.03(1-0.85R),8,Formans equation is often used to predict st

5、ress ratio effects. As R increases, the crack growth rate increases. This is consistent with test observations. Formans equation is valid only when R0. Generally, it is believed that when R0, no significant change in growth rate occurs compared with the R=0. Again this is material dependent, as some

6、 researchers have obtained data for certain materials which show higher growth rates for R0时正确。一般认为与R=0相比,R0对da/dN没有显著影响。这仍与材料有关,对有些材料,也有研究者在R0时得到较高da/dN。,9,但是,在高温或腐蚀环境下,频率及波形对da/dN的影响显著增大,是不容忽视的。,2. 加载频率的影响,30Cr2WmoV钢(30万千瓦汽轮机高压转子钢)频率影响实验。,低速区:加载频率对da/dN基 本无影响。中速率区:f,da/dN。有: da/dN=C(f )(K)m=(A-Blg

7、f)(K)m,在室温、无腐蚀环境中,f=0.1100Hz时, 对da/dN的影响可不考虑。循环波形影响是更次要的。,10,腐蚀介质作用下,裂纹可在低于K1C时发生扩展。试件加载到K1,置于腐蚀介质中。记录裂纹开始扩展的时间tf。,腐蚀疲劳是介质引起的腐蚀破坏过程 和应力引起的疲劳破坏过程的共同作用。这二者的共同作用,比任何一种单独作用更有害。,1) 应力腐蚀开裂 (Stress corrosion cracking),3. 腐蚀环境对da/dN的影响,K1 K1scc,tf,(约1000小时)。K1scc是应力腐蚀开裂门槛值。K10, C0, 是K不断增加的试验方法。,18,3. K减小试验法

8、,K减小试验法用于低速率区。,标准建议 C-0.08mm-1。由此可计算不同a时的DK、DP。,19,小 结,1)若arp, 则线弹性断裂力学可用。 应力强度因子为: K=f(a);中心裂纹:f(a)=1.0;边裂纹:f=1.12。,2)疲劳裂纹扩展速率的主要控制参量是K, 下限有Kth, 上限有(1-R)Kc。 K=Kmax-Kmin=f(a) R0, min0 =Kmax R0, min0 裂纹不扩展条件 K= f(a0) Kth 临界裂纹尺寸 Kmax=Kc ac=(1/)(Kc/fmax)2,20,3)Paris公式: da/dN=C(K)m 在恒幅循环载荷作用下,积分后有:,4)初始

9、裂纹尺寸a0对寿命影响很大,要控制a0。,21,6)基本疲劳分析方法的比较,22,23,24,25,summary,Fracture mechanics approaches provide an estimate of the crack propagation fatigue life.,The fatigue crack growth rate can be related to the stress intensity factor range. From this, cycles to failure may be calculated.,The fatigue life estim

10、ate is strongly dependent on the initial crack size, ai , large changes in the estimate of the final crack size, ac, result in only small changes in the life estimate.,26,问题2:变幅载荷作用次序,对da/dN有 何影响;如何解释、预测其影响?,问题1:裂纹尖端的应力有奇异性。 裂尖应力,至少也大于sys 。 那么,为什么会有Kth存在?,Schijve的实验结果:2024-T3铝, .施加了三次高载后,寿命延长4倍。,27,

11、疲劳裂纹扩展速率的实验数据处理 (第四次上机),目的:确定14MnNbq桥梁钢扩展速率曲线 da/dN=C(DK)m。试样: 中心裂纹板 (B=10.02mm,W=59.88mm)。载荷条件:拉伸疲劳裂纹扩展试验R=0.05, Pmax=24kN=const. DP=0.95Pmax。,28,14MnNbq疲劳裂纹扩展试验结果(试样编号:SPA10R0001,试验日期 2005.7.3) i ai Ni(103) i ai Ni(103) 0 13.01 700 10 17.84 2300 13.32 900 11 18.80 2400 13.46 1100 12 19.76 250013.92 1300 13 20.34 2550 14.30 1500 14 21.14 2600 14.80 1700 15 21.83 2640 15.70 1900 16 22.33 2660 16.16 2000 17 23.12 2680 16.69 2100 17.15 2200,29,说明:用割线法确定(da/dN)i: 对应的平均裂纹长度: 应力强度因子幅度: 对于中心穿透裂纹(MT)试样,标准规定: (2a/W0.95)式中:DP=(1-R)Pmax, 。 要求:用最小二乘拟合给出Paris公式中的C、m值,并计算相关系数。,30,请准备上机作业,本章完再见!,返回主目录,


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