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1、Supplier Selection and Management Procedure 供应商选择和管理程序Audit and Approval审核及批准Audit and Approval审核及批准Signature签 字Date日 期Remark备 注General Manager总经理Production Dept 制造部R&D Dept.产品开发部Quality Dept.质量部Purchasing Dept.采购部Finance Dept.财务部HR Dept.人力资源部Sales Dept.销售部1Purpose 目的:To define the methodology to se

2、lect, assess, approve new suppliers and manage supplier to ensure uniformity across the group and that all purchased product conforms to the purchase requirements of NAILI. 定义如何选择、评估、批准和管理供应商。 2 Scope 范围: All parts and services contribute to products that sold to Customers including Raw material, Su

3、bcontracting parts, Services and Other Products.所有作用于销售给客户产品的原材料、零部件和服务,包括外包合同、零件、服务和其他的产品。 3 Definition定义: None 无4.Responsibility职责:Purchasing department is responsible for sourcing, preliminarily assessing, recommending, auditing, manage new suppliers and steer price determination.采购部负责寻找,初评,推荐,审核

4、,管理供应商及跟进价格确认流程。R&D department is responsible for audit new suppliers to confirm their technical capability. 产品开发部负责审核新供应商以确认其技术能力. Quality department is responsible for preliminarily assessing, audit new suppliers to confirm their quality assurance capability and incoming control。 质量部负责初评,审核新供应商,确认

5、其品质保证能力及来料控制.5.Procedure内容:5.1 New supplier development5.1.1 Sourcing for new supplier寻找新供应商5.1.1.1Purchasing department gets purchasing request and needs for new supplier. All departments can request a need. 采购部得到采购需求,需要发展新供应商。公司任何部门都可以提出采购需求。 Purchasing department searches supplier through

6、current supply base, internet, exhibition and other channels according to knowledge、 information and need specification from request department. 采购部根据需求部门的信息要求开始寻找供应商。可通过现有供应商、网络、会展等各种渠道寻找新供应商。 Purchasing department contacts the supplier and makes a preliminary assessment. 采购部联系发现的供应商并对其做初步评估

7、。 It goes to the next step if supplier is feasible. Otherwise return to Other department can also recommend potential supplier to purchasing department. 如果经初评合格,进入下一步评估流程。否则返回5.1.1.2,重新寻找供应商。其他部门也可以推荐潜在供应商到采购部。5.1.2 Potential Supplier Assessment 潜在供应商评估5.1.2.1Purchasing department s

8、ends “Supplier Questionnaire” and NDA to supplier. 采购部给供应商发“供应商调查表”和保密协议。 Purchasing department send specification, information and RFQ to supplier after receiving NDA. 采购部收到保密协议后将产品规格参数或信息和询价单发给供应商。 Purchasing department, Quality department and R&D department assess supplier by feed b

9、acked Supplier Questionnaire. 采购部、质量部和产品开发部通过供应商的调查问卷反馈进行初步评估。 review of the Questionnaire, the supplier is described (if OK) as POTENTIAL .Otherwise return to 对供应商的调查问卷进行讨论后,如果认为合格后,则把供应商定义为潜在供应商。否则返回5.1.1.2重新寻找供应商。5.1.3Decision to audit or place a sample order on the potential

10、supplier. 决定现场审核考察或无需审核考察而直接下样品订单给潜在供应商。 Decision to audit, visit or order without audit or visit by purchasing department, Quality department and R&D department together. 采购部、质量部和产品开发部讨论确定供应商是否需要现场审核考察或无需审 核 考察而直接下样品采购订单。 It goes to 5.1.4 if decision is to audit supplier. It goes to 5

11、.1.5 if decision placing sample order without audit. Decisions shall be recorded on the “New Supplier Evaluation Sheet”. 如果决定审核供应商则执行5.1.4,如果决定不用审核直接样品采购订单则执行5.1.5,结论应在“新供应商评估表”中记录。5.1.4 Audit to the Potential Supplier审核潜在供应商5.1.4.1 An “Audit” is normally carried out by Quality department and with P

12、urchasing department and R&D or other function involved. Quality department passes audit check list and purpose to supplier before an audit is carried out.现场审核通常是由质量部主导,采购部、开发部或其他部门共同参与的。现场审核之前质量部会发给供应商审核清单和审核目的。 department, Quality department and R&D department organize a team that

13、 who will attend the audit. (If possible, other function need involve) 采购部、质量部和开发部确定审核小组成员。(如果需要其他部门也可参与) reserved auditors make a plan of audit. Purchasing department confirm the audit date to Supplier. 采购部与指定审核人员制定审核或考察计划,并和供应商确认审核日期。 out audit and complete audit report acco

14、rding to “Supplier Audit Check List”. Auditor from Quality department collect information from the audit team ,draft “Supplier Audit Report “, issue “Supplier Corrective Action Plan” if need and follow up。 if audit team decides to eliminate then need not follow up .根据实施供应商现场审核。由质量部收集审查小组信息,起草,如需要由采购

15、部发布并进行跟踪。如果审核小组决定淘汰该供应商则不必再跟踪。 supplier is described as Reserved Supplier if audit passed. The supplier instigated corrective actions return to if it is not passing.通过审核的供应商将作为保留供应商进入后面的流程。没有通过审核的供应商必须进行限期整改,整改不通过则回到5.1.1.2重新寻找供应商。5.1.5 Sample Order of a product or Service to the R

16、eserved Supplier 向保留供应商采购产品或服务 Order samples from supplier(with or without preliminary audit or visit). The quantity of samples is decided by R&D department and Quality department. 向供应商下单采购样品(不管是否进行过审核或考察)。样品数量由产品开发部门和质量部门共同决定。 produces samples. 供应商生产样品。 and val

17、idation of the purchased samples by Quality engineer and R&D department. There are two kinds of methods to inspect product:inwards inspection qualification testing and validate inspection report carried out by supplier. 供应商送样后,样品检验由质量工程师和开发部共同完成。有两种检验方式:一种是根据公司的规格要求进行内部检验和测试;另一种是根据供应商提供的检验标准及检验报告进行复

18、检。 Supplier is approved if samples are qualified. Then complete new supplier evaluation sheet. Supplier must carry out corrective action, remake samples and procedure if the samples are failed. If the second samples are failed again, the supplier would be canceled. 如果样品通过检验合格,供应商则被批准为合格供应商。完成

19、。如果样品不合格,供应商必须拿出改善措施并重做样品;如果二次送样还不合格,本次供应商将被淘汰。 Finance department set up supplier information in KIS system according to Supplier Information Form and New Supplier Approval Sheet. 供应商被批准后,财务部根据及把供应商信息建立到金蝶系统中.5.2 Material classification物料分类Material is classified is according to effect from

20、material provided by suppliers on final product.原材料依供应商所供应的材料的性能对成品的影响严重程度进行划分等级:a) Type A Important function components: Components affect key function and quality of final product directly. Such as motor, Temperature switch, Temperature sensor, Thermostatic bulb, Pressure switch,Pressure sensor, C

21、ontroller, Cooler, Sealing ring, Oil filter cartridge, Filter element, Air filter , etc. A 类对产品的性能及品质有直接重大影响的原材料。如:电机、温度开关、温度传感器、温控阀芯、压力开关、压力传感器、控制器、冷却器、轴封、油滤芯、油分芯、空滤芯等b) Type B Common function component or important non-function components. Components affect common function and quality of final pro

22、duct.Such as steel, Stamping Parts, electronic parts, carton box, pallet, water tank, standard parts, etc.B 类对产品性能和品质较大影响的原材料。如:钢材、钣金件、电子件、包装箱、托盘、水箱、标准件等。c) Type CCommon and non-function components. All components except type A and type B. Such as label, plastic bag, binding material, packing tape e

23、tc but not limited. C 类-除 A B 类以外的原材料,如:标签、塑料袋、缠绕膜、胶带等但不仅限于此。 Management strategic to all kinds of materials: 不同分类物料的采购策略:LevelOrder Frequency订单频率Order qty.订货数量Stock库存AFrequent频繁Less较少Short term短期BMedium适中Balance适中Balance适中CLess很少Volume大批量Long term长期 5.3 Supplier rating供应商评价5.3.1 Purchasing departme

24、nt rate supplier performance by two items every quarter year as “Reject rate” and “On time delivery”. Details as below: 采购部每季度就供应商的退货率和准时交货率两方面进行评价,具体内容如下:退货率(IQC+生产线退货数)/总收货数*1,000,000 退货率(Reject rate)质量得分(Score) 备注 remark 500 100各区间内 按线性得分 2000902000060=350000交货准时率得分批次准时得分之和/总批数*100 交货时间(OTD)批次准时得

25、分 (Score by batch)提前0-5天 (0-5days early)1提前6-10天 (6-10days early)0.5推迟1-5天 (1-5days delay)0.5其他 (others)0综合季度业绩得分(质量得分交期得分)/ 2; 若单项评为不合格,则季度综合评价为不合格。单项得分(Signal Score)季度评定(Quarterly Score)得分90A-优秀 (Good)60得分90B-一般 (Normal)得分60C-差 (Bad)5.3.2 There are three level suppliers according to rating scores:

26、 依据得分供应商被分为3级: Grade A. Supplier score is more than and equal 80.A级: 大于等于90分的供应商Grade B. Supplier score is more than and equal 65,but less than 80 . B级: 小于90分,大于等于60分的供应商. Grade C. Supplier score is less than 65. C级: 60分以下的供应商5.3.3 Supplier management method for three kinds of supplier 三种供应商的管理办法 Gr

27、ade A supplier can be used as before. A级供应商继续使用。Grade B supplier can be used in future. Quality department must issue “Supplier Corrective Action Plan” and request suppliers close open issues in limitative time. B级供应商可以继续使用,质量部开出要求其限期改善。Grade C supplier will be stopped in business. Quality departmen

28、t issue “Supplier Corrective Action Plan” and request suppliers close open issues in limitative time. The supplier must be audited if it is necessary. The audit process is same with new supplier audit. Supplier resumes business if it is qualified. Supplier will be canceled if it is failed.C级供应商暂时停止供

29、货,质量部开出要求限期整改,视情况决定是否进行现场审核,审核办法和新供应商相同。审核合格后恢复供货。审核不合格的取消供货资格。Purchasing department notifies supplier rating result. 评价结果要发送给供应商。5.4 Supplier annual audit供应商年度审核5.4.1 Quality department make supplier annual audit plan according to supplier quality monthly report , component type of supplier and sup

30、plier order value. 质量部根据质量月报、是否为关键物料的供应商、与供应商的年交易额等制定供应商的年度审核计划。5.4.2 Audit process is same to new supplier audit. The purpose of annual audit is to ensure the supplier is qualified on quality control, the capability of supply, cost reduction plan and implementation, or other findings.具体的审核办法同新供应商审核

31、办法。年度审核的目的是确保供应商在质量控制、供应能力,成本节约的计划和执行情况,或是否其他发现。5.4.3The annual audit must be implemented to suppliers of A kind of materials, partial suppliers of B kind of materials which have quality defect record or delay record on supply. Audit to suppliers of C kind of materials is not necessary but keep the

32、audit plan and depend on defect record on quality or supply, and annual business amount (more than 100K RMB). 对于A类物料供应商,年度审核计划 必须执行;对于有质量不合格记录或延迟交货记录的B类物料供应商,年度审核计划必须执行;对于C类物料供应商,保留年度审核的计划但不是必须执行,可以依据质量和交货的不合格记录和年交易额确定是否执行(如年交易额超过10万人民币的)。5.4.4 Business is kept if supplier audit is passed. Supplier

33、will be canceled if supplier audit is failed. Purchasing department issues . Supplier will be blocked in KIS system. Purchasing department must develop new supplier.如判定为合格供应商,生产可继续下单采购。如判定为不合格,则取消供应商资格,由采购部填写,在金蝶系统内对供应商进行冻结。并重新开发新的供应商。 5.5 Price maintenance 价格维护 5.5.1 Purchasing department send to s

34、upplier and get offer from supplier according to NAILIs specification or manufacturer P/N. Normally purchasing should get more than 3 suppliers quotation if it is possible. 采购部发给供应商、公司的技术规格书或制造厂料号并在规定时间内拿到报价。原则上,如果可能必须拿到3家以上报价。5.5.2 Purchasing department negotiate price with supplier according to pa

35、yment term, yearly forecast and other business condition.采购部根据付款条件、年预计用量以及其他的商业条款和供应商进行议价。5.5.3 Purchasing department issue if the price is reasonable. Finance maintains the price and other relative information into KIS system after approved by purchasing manager and General Manager. Otherwise retur

36、n to 5.5.1 or 5.5.2. 经过议价,采购部认为价格合理后,提交,由采购经理确认、财务总监或总经理批准后由财务部维护到金蝶系统中。否则,返回到5.5.1或5.5.2重新询价、议价。 5.5.4 Due to raw material marketing change or other reasons, purchasing price can be changed. Purchasing department issue “Purchasing Cost/Price Change Application Sheet” and relevant proves and follow

37、approval process in 5.5.3.由于原材料市场变化或其他原因,采购价格可能会变化。采购部填写采购价格变更申请表和其它证明并遵从5.5.3中的审批流程。6. Form or Documentation表格 keep period: 5 years供应商调查表 保存期限:5年 keep period: Permanent保密协议 保存期限:长期 keep period: 3 years询价单 保存期限:3年 keep period: Permanent新供应商评估表 保存期限:长期 keep period: 5 years供应商考查目录 保存期限:5年 keep period:

38、 5 years供应商审查报告 保存期限:5年 keep period: 5 years供应商整改计划 保存期限:5年 keep period: Permanent供应商信息表 保存期限:长期 keep period: Permanent 新供应商批准表 保存期限:长期 keep period: 3 years供应商质保协议 保存期限:3年 keep period: 5 years供应商评估表 保存期限:5年 keep period: 3 years物料采购成本/价格申请表 保存期限:3年 keep period: 2 years采购价格变更审批单 保存期限:2年7. Attachment 附件 Flow chart 流程图Change History文件更改记录摘要 Item条款Page页码Ver. No.版本号Change 更 改 摘 要Issued date生效日期Recorded by记录人


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