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  • 上传人:HR专家
  • 文档编号:11513252
  • 上传时间:2020-05-26
  • 格式:DOC
  • 页数:1
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    关 键  词:

    1、 1. Recent years _(见证了中国经济的快速发张). _(坦白来说), the wealth _(在人口中分配不公平)._(结果),people _(在偏远地区) live a miserable life,_(live) in _(长方形的棚屋) and _(walk) on the _(泥泞的小路)._(另一方面), these children _(渴望) know more _(和.相关) the outside world has _(引起了人们的关注). In their_(day)life, ragged clothes and poor education are

    2、 _(贫穷的证据). Some _(向别人乞求残羹剩饭) and some even _(饿死了). 2. _(事实上), everyone_(有.的权利) receive education and _(过幸福的生活). So _(及时帮助他们摆脱困境), an increasing number of people _(正参加各种各样的活动). To begin with, some people _(向慈善机构捐赠他们的储蓄). Some _(在小诊所做志愿工作). Moreover, some hospitals _(免费给病人做手术). In addition, from the _

    3、(角度) of the government, _(是时候作出调整并向穷人提供财政支持)._(与此同时), its highly necessary to _(为.作安排) the unemployed people to _(提供年度收入).Last but not least, as a student, we can help people_(处在困难中) through all sorts of _(平台) or Apps. 3.为帮助这些穷人做出贡献是我们的荣幸. 我坚定地相信通过这些周到的安排,他们的生活水平会得以提高。正如俗语说,众人拾柴火焰高。 1. Recent years

    4、_(见证了中国经济的快速发张). _(坦白来说), the wealth _(在人口中分配不公平)._(结果),people _(在偏远地区) live a miserable life,_(live) in _(长方形的棚屋) and _(walk) on the _(泥泞的小路)._(另一方面), these children _(渴望) know more _(和.相关) the outside world has _(引起了人们的关注). In their_(day)life, ragged clothes and poor education are _(贫穷的证据). Some _

    5、(向别人乞求残羹剩饭) and some even _(饿死了). 2. _(事实上), everyone_(有.的权利) receive education and _(过幸福的生活). So _(及时帮助他们摆脱困境), an increasing number of people _(正参加各种各样的活动). To begin with, some people _(向慈善机构捐赠他们的储蓄). Some _(在小诊所做志愿工作). Moreover, some hospitals _(免费给病人做手术). In addition, from the _(角度) of the gover

    6、nment, _(是时候作出调整并向穷人提供财政支持)._(与此同时), its highly necessary to _(为.作安排) the unemployed people to _(提供年度收入).Last but not least, as a student, we can help people_(处在困难中) through all sorts of _(平台) or Apps. 3.为帮助这些穷人做出贡献是我们的荣幸. 我坚定地相信通过这些周到的安排,他们的生活水平会得以提高。正如俗语说,众人拾柴火焰高。 1. Recent years _(见证了中国经济的快速发张).

    7、_(坦白来说), the wealth _(在人口中分配不公平)._(结果),people _(在偏远地区) live a miserable life,_(live) in _(长方形的棚屋) and _(walk) on the _(泥泞的小路)._(另一方面), these children _(渴望) know more _(和.相关) the outside world has _(引起了人们的关注). In their_(day)life, ragged clothes and poor education are _(贫穷的证据). Some _(向别人乞求残羹剩饭) and s

    8、ome even _(饿死了). 2. _(事实上), everyone_(有.的权利) receive education and _(过幸福的生活). So _(及时帮助他们摆脱困境), an increasing number of people _(正参加各种各样的活动). To begin with, some people _(向慈善机构捐赠他们的储蓄). Some _(在小诊所做志愿工作). Moreover, some hospitals _(免费给病人做手术). In addition, from the _(角度) of the government, _(是时候作出调整并

    9、向穷人提供财政支持)._(与此同时), its highly necessary to _(为.作安排) the unemployed people to _(提供年度收入).Last but not least, as a student, we can help people_(处在困难中) through all sorts of _(平台) or Apps. 3.为帮助这些穷人做出贡献是我们的荣幸. 我坚定地相信通过这些周到的安排,他们的生活水平会得以提高。正如俗语说,众人拾柴火焰高。 1. Recent years _(见证了中国经济的快速发张). _(坦白来说), the weal

    10、th _(在人口中分配不公平)._(结果),people _(在偏远地区) live a miserable life,_(live) in _(长方形的棚屋) and _(walk) on the _(泥泞的小路)._(另一方面), these children _(渴望) know more _(和.相关) the outside world has _(引起了人们的关注). In their_(day)life, ragged clothes and poor education are _(贫穷的证据). Some _(向别人乞求残羹剩饭) and some even _(饿死了).

    11、2. _(事实上), everyone_(有.的权利) receive education and _(过幸福的生活). So _(及时帮助他们摆脱困境), an increasing number of people _(正参加各种各样的活动). To begin with, some people _(向慈善机构捐赠他们的储蓄). Some _(在小诊所做志愿工作). Moreover, some hospitals _(免费给病人做手术). In addition, from the _(角度) of the government, _(是时候作出调整并向穷人提供财政支持)._(与此同时), its highly necessary to _(为.作安排) the unemployed people to _(提供年度收入).Last but not least, as a student, we can help people_(处在困难中) through all sorts of _(平台) or Apps. 3.为帮助这些穷人做出贡献是我们的荣幸. 我坚定地相信通过这些周到的安排,他们的生活水平会得以提高。正如俗语说,众人拾柴火焰高。

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