1、 Engineering Directive(ED) n Engineering Specification(ES) Manufacturing System(MS) Subject: 可攜式電腦廠螺絲鎖緊扭力標準 Doc No: 814 F001 Rev.:3 MSU Screw fastrn torque standaue Effective Date:Page 1of 3 From No.: 704-R01-04 (940309) Engineering Directive(ED) n Engineering Specification(ES) Manufacturing System(
2、MS) Subject: 可攜式電腦廠螺絲鎖緊扭力標準 Doc No: 814 F001 Rev.:3 MSU Screw fastrn torque standaue Effective Date:Page 2of 3 From No.: 704-R01-04 (940309) Engineering Directive(ED) nEngineering Specification(ES) Manufacturing System(MS) Subject: 可攜式電腦廠螺絲鎖緊扭力標準 Doc No: 814 F001 Rev.:3 MSU Screw fastrn torque standaue Effective Date:Page 3of 3 From No.: 704-R01-04 (940309) This file was collected by , the author keeps the copyright! Not for commercial use of any kind!http:/ G-professional mechanical design reference website