1、GENERIC SPECIFICATION FOR SOFTWAREUSED TO CONTROL COMPOSITE AUTOCLAVES & OVENSThe following is a generic purchase specification that defines what ASCs customers believe to be the minimum capabilities and features that should be included in any PC-based software package designed to control composite
2、processes in autoclaves and ovens.This specification closely resembles those issued by major aerospace companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, GE, Hexcel, BAE, Goodrich, and others. You are free to republish this specification in part or in its entirety in order to insure competitive compliance with the
3、se minimum features and capabilities. 1.0 Compliance statement1.1 Vendor shall provide a statement of compliance for each paragraph below. The statement shall be either COMPLY or EXCEPTION. Vendor may include further narrative to explain the compliance statement.2.0 Control Software Package 2.1 Soft
4、ware must be designed for and operate on Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system.2.2 Software must be a client-server design, supporting multiple concurrent clients.2.2.1 Software must be capable of being concurrently monitored and/or controlled by multiple remote, network linked computers w
5、ithout the need of PC Anywhere or other remote-control software package.2.2.2 The remote client software operation should not disrupt the local client operation, allowing remote viewing from multiple PCs during normal operation.2.3 Software must be field-proven in composite processing applications.
6、2.3.1 Vendor shall provide a minimum of three (3) customer references where proposed software is controlling composite curing in an autoclave.2.4 Software license shall include free updates for at least 5 years of operation.2.5 Software license shall include free phone support for at least 5 years o
7、f operation.3.0 Security3.1 Software shall include a configurable security system capable of the following:3.1.1 Ability to create user accounts for each operator, supervisor, or engineer.3.1.2 Ability to assign specific and independent permissions and restrictions to each user.3.1.3 Ability to perm
8、it or restrict any software function from any specific user or group of users.3.1.4 Ability to track user login and logout operations, including time stamping.Generic Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #2 of 143.1.5 Ability to program an auto-logout after a s
9、pecific period of operator inactivity.3.1.6 Ability to program an auto-logout at specific times during the day (ie. shift changes)4.0 Screens4.1 Customized screens shall be provided for monitoring and control of the equipment. 4.2 The following minimum screens and capabilities shall be provided:4.2.
10、1 Main overview screen4.2.1.1 Run status4. Run time4. Segment time4. Segment time remaining4. Recipe being run4. Segment comment4.2.1.2 Process values4. Air temperature4. Part temperature setpoint and value4. Pressure setpoint and value4.2.1.2.
11、4 Part Vacuum setpoint and value4.2.2 Sensor viewing screen4.2.2.1 Ability to view all thermocouple, vacuum, and pressure readings at one time. Visual indication of sensor status (ie. enable/disable, alarmed, etc.) Visual indication of each sensors attachment status (ie. Part #1)4.2.3
12、Trend viewing screen4.2.3.1 Ability to view a plotted line representation of selected sensors. Ability to select any sensor4. Color4. Line type4.2.3.3 Ability to vertically zoom and/or pan the plotted display4.2.3.4 Ability to horizontally zoom and/or pan the plotted display4.2.
13、3.5 Ability to change the resolution of plotting and sensor value saving4.2.3.6 Ability to save a group of viewed sensors for quick future selectionGeneric Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #3 of 144.2.4 Manual operations screen4.2.4.1 Ability to take manual
14、 control of process. Any manual changes shall be recorded as an intervention event to the alarm system.4.2.5 Run operations screen4.2.5.1 Enter parts4.2.5.2 Select the recipe4.2.5.3 Start/Stop the run4.2.5.4 Change segments4.2.5.5 Manual hold4.2.6 Reporting screen(s) View and print pas
15、t runs4.2.6.2 Database query and reporting4.2.6.3 SPC reporting4.2.7 Support screen(s) Maintenance activities4.2.7.2 Database configurations4.3 Screens shall be easily modified by the user.4.3.1 A screen design utility shall be provided.4.3.2 Screen design shall be security lockable5.0 Part E
16、ntry 5.1 Ability to enter information defining each part to be run in the cure cycle5.1.1 Ability to enter and record multiple fields for each part: Forty (40) fields per part (minimum) Fields are user configurable5.1.1.2 Model Number5.1.2 Ability to select part attachments for each
17、part entered: Select thermocouples attached to the part5.1.2.2 Select vacuum source lines attached to the part5.1.2.3 Select vacuum probe lines attached to the part5.2 Ability to select a part from a previously defined Part Database listing5.2.1 System will automatically enter pre-defined fie
18、ld information5.2.2 Ability to link a Recipe to each part database record5.2.2.1 Ability for the software to will automatically select and load the linked Recipe upon part selection.Generic Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #4 of If linked Recipe d
19、oes not match previously selected Recipe (earlier part entry), warning will be issued to the operator indicating incompatible part.5.2.3 Ability to define for each part record photo and graphic (TC connection diagrams) files which will be automatically displayed to the operator upon part selection.5
20、.3 Ability to pre-batch parts for future runs.5.4 Ability to print a batch report5.4.1 Listing of all parts in load5.4.1.1 Listing of all part fields5.4.2 Listing of all attachments on each part5.4.3 Printing of pre-run leak test results 6.0 Pre-run Integrity Checks6.1 Prior to run commencement the
21、system shall perform the following checks (user selectable and configurable):6.1.1 Part Entry check6.1.1.1 Software checks part database and confirms that each field is entered properly6. Software confirms character count of specified fields (if configured) Software confirms leading
22、or trailing characters in specified fields (if configured) Software confirms that unique fields are not duplicated (ie. serial number) Software confirms that required fields are not blank (configurable)6.1.2 Part Attachment check6.1.2.1 Software checks part database and confirms that e
23、ach part has the minimum number of thermocouples attached to it. For each attached thermocouple, system confirms that the pre-run ambient temperature is valid (configured high/low limits) Software checks part database and confirms that each part has the minimum number of vacuum sourc
24、e lines attached to it. Software checks part database and confirms that each part has the minimum number of vacuum probe lines attached to it. For each attached probe, system confirms that the pre-run vacuum level is valid (configured high/low limits)6.1.3 Header check6.1.3.1 Softwar
25、e checks that the vacuum header(s) are at a suitable level prior to draw-down and leak check commencement. Configurable deviation from current vacuum setpoint.6.1.4 Draw-down checkGeneric Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #5 of Software co
26、nfirms that all probe readings are within acceptable deviation and stable prior to performing leak check. Configurable deviation Configurable stability time6.1.5 Leak Check6.1.5.1 Initial probe readings, air temperature, and pressure are recorded6.1.5.2 Vacuum source lines are aut
27、omatically isolated (OFF) Software waits pre-configured time period. Ending probe readings, air temperature, and pressure are recorded. If probe readings changed more than pre-configured leak check deviation limit, an alarm is indicated.6.1.6 Probe connect check6.2 The results
28、 of each Integrity Check shall be able to be printed in report format.6.3 Integrity Check reports shall be electronically saved to the runs datafile for post-run and future viewing and printing.7.0 Equipment Control7.1 System shall be capable of controlling the equipment without the need of a second
29、ary PLC or setpoint controllers.7.2 Software shall incorporate a high-level logic or script language allowing future modifications to equipment operations, including valve operation, interlocks, heater operation, and other related operations.7.3 Software shall monitor all analog sensors (ie. thermoc
30、ouples, transducers, etc.) as well as all digital input devices (limit switches, pressure switches, etc.)7.4 Software shall capable of independently controlling all discreet devices, including pumps, motors, valves, and indicators.7.5 Software shall provide closed-loop PID control of equipment tempe
31、rature, pressure, and vacuum.7.6 Software shall continuously read and monitor all sensors and inputs when in a run or when dormant. This is required for remote viewing and screen logging.8.0 Recipe operations8.1 Recipe creation8.1.1 System shall support the creation and use of multiple recipe progra
32、ms. System shall be able to store and retrieve more than 200 recipes. Recipes must be able to be stored locally or on a remote server PC. If the server is not available, software must automatically load the locally stored recipe.8.1.2 Recipe programs shall include the followin
33、g information8.1.2.1 Name8.1.2.2 DescriptionGeneric Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #6 of Material specification8.1.2.4 Permitted equipment (list of equipment that recipe can be used on) Recipe retrieval will be disallowed on equipment t
34、hat is not included in list. Author8.1.2.6 Created date8.1.2.7 Modified date8.1.2.8 Last run date8.1.3 Revision creation and tracking shall be supported. Ability to create a new program revision while retaining the old revision for record keeping purposes. Old revision should
35、be automatically locked from further operational use. The revision # or letter shall be automatically incremented on creation of a new revised program.8.2 Recipe programming8.2.1 Recipes shall be programmed via a spreadsheet form. Columns shall be discreet, programmed segments8.2.1.2 R
36、ows shall be cure cycle options and parameters8.2.1.3 Pull-down listings shall be provided for commonly used entries. One-click Help information must be provided for each row option8.2.2 Recipe shall incorporate a flexible, programmable event-based system which will allow the following capabi
37、lities (Event or Watch groups): Ability to control the progress of a cure cycle by entering sensor names (ie. AIRTC), event criterion (ie. 240), and actions (ie. GO). Pull-down listing of available sensors should be provided. Programmable event actions (minimum): Wait
38、(active at end of segment) based on the relative value of any sensor. Hold (active throughout segment) based on the relative value of a sensor. Alarm based on the relative value of any sensor. Ability to define two event conditions that may be ANDd or ORd to bring about a sp
39、ecific action.8.2.3 Each segment shall include the following minimum parameters or programmable capabilities: Segment Time8. Ability to enter in seconds, minutes, and hours. Temperature controlGeneric Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #7
40、 of Control Thermocouple8. Control Rate8. Temperature Target8. Cascade Parameters8.2.3.3 Pressure Control8. Control Rate8. Pressure Target8.2.3.4 Vacuum Control8. Control Rate8. Vacuum Target8.2.3.5 Event or Watch Group # Sensor
41、Name (ie. AIRTC) Criterion (ie. 240) Action (ie. GO) Event or Watch Group # Sensor Name8. Criterion8. Action8.2.3.7 Max Part Temperature (alarm) Grace period8.2.3.8 Min Part Temperature (alarm) Grace period8.2.3.9 Max Part Rate (alar
42、m) Grace period8.2.3.10 Min Part Rate (alarm) Grace period8.2.3.11 Part Temp Delta Limit (alarm/control) Control (On/Off) Grace period8.2.3.12 Load Temp Delta Limit (alarm/control) Control (On/Off) Grace Period8.2.3.13 Temperature Float Limi
43、t This energy-saving feature shall allow the equipment to adiabatically heat-up during pressurization while disallowing corrective cooling control.Generic Specification for Software Used to Control Composite Autoclaves & OvensPage #8 of Max Pressure (alarm) Grace peri
44、od8.2.3.15 Min Pressure (alarm) Grace period8.2.3.16 Pressure Float Limit This gas-saving feature shall allow the equipment to depressurize adiabatically during cooling while disallowing corrective pressure inlet control. Bag-leak limit (alarm) Grace period8.2.
45、3.18 Bag-pressure limit (alarm) Grace period8. Line Action (VENT or OFF) Leak Test8. Leak Test Time8. Leak Test Deviation9.0 Automatic run operations9.1 Ability to start and stop a cure recipe cycle9.2 Ability to Abort a cure cycle after a bag leak. 9.2.1 So
46、ftware shall only allows abort below “precure” temperature limit.9.2.2 Software shall automatically cool and depressurizes the equipment9.2.3 Software shall continue to collect data9.2.4 Software shall allow abort restart after parts have been 9.3 Ability to manually change segments9.3.1 Change to n
47、ext segment9.3.2 Change to specific segment9.3.2.1 Pull-down listing of segments9.4 Ability to place run in a HOLD condition.9.4.1 An intervention message must be logged to the alarm system.9.5 Ability to change the data saving interval9.5.1 Security lockable10.0 Part Control10.1 System must be capa
48、ble of controlling the equipment process based on part temperature according to the following capabilities:10.1.1 Ability to select in the cure recipe the specific thermocouple to be used for part control. Any thermocouple (ie. Part TC #1)Generic Specification for Software Used to Control Co
49、mposite Autoclaves & OvensPage #9 of 1410.1.1.2 Highest part thermocouple10.1.1.3 Lowest part thermocouple10.1.1.4 Average part temperature10.1.2 Ability to modify the part control algorithm during the run. Provide cascade or scaling parameters in Recipe10.1.3 Ability to change the controlling thermocouple in each cure recipe segment.10.1.4 Ability to control the maximum temperature delta across the entire part load by entering a load delta limit in the cure recipe. Ability to change this delta limit in each segment.10.1.5 Ability to control the maximum temperatur