1、1 m:a only one had been received so far. It was felt that the draft was “more a deficit model than a celebration of what has been achieved so far”, and that the apparent exclusion of rural contexts needed to be addressed. There also seemed to be some confusion between the Scottish Parliament and S.
2、Executive. As ICE members had previously identified, the quotes needed more of a Scottish context. AP7: Sheena had a very useful meeting with Colin to discuss ways to get more on biodiversity into formal education; see below (Item 5). 4. Interpretation strategy - progress report (Felix Orton, Joint
3、Leader of the S.E. Biodiversity Team, joined the meeting for this agenda item.) Bob explained that there had been a misunderstanding with Terry over the deadline for a revised draft so it had not been possible to get one in time for the meeting, but it would be available within the week. This meant
4、there was still time for comments to be forwarded to Terry. It was agreed that the deadline should not be extended further. There was additional discussion about the need to point Terry in the right direction to find more contemporary quotes, although this will be more important for the advertising
5、campaign than the strategy itself. John Paul described the Do a Little, Change a Lot (DALCAL) campaign on which the SE has spent over 3 million so far. DALCAL is the umbrella vehicle for promoting messages on a variety of sustainable development and environmental awareness raising themes, with the e
6、mphasis on encouraging people to take action that will make them feel better and actually telling them what they can do. Biodiversity messages could potentially be included but would have to be very simple for a wide audience, and tell people what is in it for them. It was agreed that the four key t
7、hemes on p13 of the draft Strategy cover what needs to be communicated: Scottish biodiversity is unique, remarkable and precious but is under threat; contributes to all aspects of the quality of life in Scotland;3 m:a needs everyone to play their role in biodiversity conservation.John Paul explained
8、 that getting from the awareness raising stage to action is a long process; it may take several years before people change their behaviour. However he could take these simple messages to the PR team who work on DALCAL and ask them to find a suitable story to show people that they do relate to biodiv
9、ersity on a daily basis and it is relevant to us all. The DALCAL budget is under threat for next year, but there is the possibility of getting PR to prepare a good story for release at the time of the launch, if ICE could tell John Paul the target audience and key messages. There was some discussion
10、 of the relative benefits of concentrating on good or bad news stories, such as where have all the sparrows gone? Bob emphasised that the Strategy had to be made relevant to popular culture to get any understanding, and that this needed success stories not doom and gloom, to make people feel better
11、and start changing attitudes, even if it takes 10 years until behaviour changes. The launch of the Biodiversity Strategy on 25 May was then discussed; this will be the start of the whole process and an excellent opportunity to get the initial message across. Keith explained that it is planned for th
12、e Strategy to be just 20 pages long, in an attractive, colourful format with photos, quotes and case studies, accessible to the target audience of government, planners and people on the street, the primary audience being people who have not been involved in biodiversity before but will have a statut
13、ory role in implementation of the Strategy. The themed Implementation Plans to be published at the same time will add substance, and be in an advanced draft form for consultation over the summer. In addition, there could be a leaflet, video, PR campaign or TV feature. The SE sponsors a one minute TV
14、 programme, Talking Scotland, broadcast twice a day (at 15.05 and 18.25) with individuals talking about something they feel passionate about; the SE, while having no editorial control, can influence the choice of subject. There is a linked website of the same name for feedback and comment.It was sug
15、gested that a good story to use might be school grounds in urban areas, where much has been achieved to enhance biodiversity, demonstrating what could be done in parks and private gardens. Felix suggested the ICE group should aim firstly, to get key messages into DALCAL within a maximum of 3-6 month
16、s and secondly, to ensure the Implementation Plan that is produced for May should pin action onto stakeholders. Rachel stressed the importance of using the same headline messages for the launch, DALCAL and the Strategy as a whole, aimed at the three key audiences of schools, decision makers and the
17、95% of the population which is the target for raising awareness; the first two are more specifically the audiences for the Interpretation Strategy. In further discussion it was agreed that: the messages must be consistent across the board; the launch will have limited interest; a long lead-in to the
18、 PR campaign will be required and this is just the start of a much longer term process for ICE (John Paul explained that it will take about a year from a press campaign to TV awareness needs to be raised significantly before the expense of a TV campaign can be justified); the PR company should be ab
19、le to develop punchy messages with the right tone that will hit people between the eyes;4 m:a he was confident he could persuade them to attend. There were many excellent case studies in schools and site visits would be a good idea. A focus group for educators could explore the need for first hand e
20、xperience for teachers in using the outdoors. There could also be potential in the 20 million that has been earmarked for outdoor education; teachers urgently need more training in fieldwork, especially using the local environment.5. Implementation sub-groups - plans and themes for ICEThe draft Impl
21、ementation Plans are needed by 16th February, so the Steering Group can consider them before their next meeting on 25th February, followed by a meeting of the chairs on 5th March to check for consistency in the cross-cutting issues. The others already exist, and there is an urgent need to ICE to ext
22、ract the communication themes, and be in a position to influence the other plans. A standard format has been recommended for each plan:1. Introduction and overview (1-2 pp)2. Key messages (1 p)3. Principles for better practice (1-2 pp)4. Objectives and actions (5 pp)5. Priorities and resources (1 p)
23、6. Three year action plan (table).Discussion centred on what the ICE actions should be. It was agreed that ICE should take a strategic and advisory approach, identifying what needs to be done and who should do it, so that each of the other plans would then have its own awareness raising and communic
24、ation actions. Education must be integrated into every plan, and seen as an ongoing process that can be done by people knowledgeable in their own field but who are not themselves necessarily educators.ACTION POINT:AP1 Sheena to draft the Implementation Plan and circulate by email for ICE members to
25、add to (using track changes in Tools). 6. Research needs for ICEThe following research targets were identified: carry out an inventory of good practice relating to ICE / biodiversity (by May 2005); communicate the above to all audiences (ongoing);5 m:a establish a baseline or benchmarks so we can kn
26、ow when we are making a difference (it was thought that the People Indicators group were already covering this area).7. Action Plan for ICEThe following actions were agreed: extract cross-cutting issues from the other implementation plans (by March 2004); liaise / arrange workshop on how awareness i
27、s to be raised; implement the Interpretation Plan (2004-7); develop a PR Strategy with clear objectives for the launch and 3-6 months following; assist the SE with developing a clear message (slogan) to appear behind the Minister at the launch; prepare clear communication objectives; develop stronge
28、r partnerships.8. Gateway Project at the Royal Botanic Garden EdinburghIan described the Royal Botanic Gardens 12.8 million project to create a new gateway to the garden with an exciting building and landscape, which, when it opens in 2007, will take an innovative approach to interpretation. Working
29、 in partnership with other organisations, the aim is to make the Gateway not just the entrance to the RBGE, the first port of call for many visitors to Scotland, but also the place for people to learn about biodiversity, and not just about plants. This will not be a conventional exhibition; the exte
30、nsive floor space of the new building will be set out like a newsroom in which biodiversity stories will break daily, with live presentations, recordings and video links. There will also be a biodiversity garden beside the building, not accessible to the public but seen through a glass window, where
31、 Garden for Life principles to encourage biodiversity in urban areas will be demonstrated, with wildlife-friendly though not necessarily native plants. There will also be a website so that people can have remote access to the project.In the next 18 months, RBGE is seeking to develop partnerships all
32、 over Scotland, Britain and internationally to make the links that will be needed to sustain the stories, with scientists and others willing to present in person or by videolink, or supply material for the archive. SNH and the Tourist Board are already interested. An HLF application is being prepare
33、d and Ian will have a presentation on the project ready soon. 8. Butterfly ConservationJohn Ramsay described the proposal to establish a centrally located Butterfly Reserve or Visitor Centre, e.g. on a brownfield site, that could create a hub for awareness raising for the Scottish Biodiversity Strat
34、egy. This idea had been discussed in a meeting between Allan Wilson, Deputy Minister for the Environment and Rural Development, John Randall, Chairman of Butterfly Conservation (Scotland) and others following the opening of a new butterfly reserve at Loch Arkaig, near Fort William. BC is 6 m:a&Ibiod
35、iversityice minutes 30 january 2004.doca small organisation and could only achieve this vision in partnership with others, but could build on successful work in volunteering and education that has been carried out in England. It was agreed that there is great potential for involving schools in such
36、work, as observing caterpillar metamorphosis and planting to attract butterflies are exciting projects. Awareness could also be raised by encouraging participation in the Natures Calendar phenology project. However it was felt that while BC should be encouraged to develop this idea, most organisatio
37、ns around the table would have limited scope for being involved.9. AOCB Kate circulated copies of the new EcoSchools Handbook, which includes some information on biodiversity that will be extended next year.David reported that the Garden for Life steering group had met the previous day and voted to
38、become a forum rather than a partnership, as the former structure had inhibited the development of projects, which needed everyones agreement. Now projects can be developed by just two or more members of the forum. Greenspace Scotland has joined the new forum.DATE OF NEXT MEETING:Wednesday 17th March 10 am after lunch, at Victoria Quay