1、Department 部门 F&B Room Service餐饮部 客房送餐Job Title适用岗位 Room Service Team Member送餐部所有团队成员Task内容Collect door knob menu收早餐卡Task No.编号PREPARED BY: 拟定Room Service Manager送餐部经理Date Issued发布日期APPROVED BY:批准Director of Operations营运总监WHAT TO DO做什么?(步聚)HOW TO DO如何做?(程序)WHY TO DO为什么?Collect door knob menu收早餐卡1. A
2、t pre-determined time, pick up doorknob menu from every floor.在指定时间提前将每个楼层的早餐卡取回。2. When picking up door knob menus:取回早餐卡时: Check that room number, match with the doorknob menu.检查早餐卡上房号同门牌号相一致。 If no room number on doorknob menu, write the room number on the doorknob menu immediately.如发现客人忘记填写房号,马上帮
3、助填上同房门一致的房号。3. After collecting, the midnight shift team member should record all doorknob menus in doorknob menu control sheet in time sequence.服务员将所有收集来的菜单在记录表上按时间顺序记录。4. If no delivery time is marked on the doorknob menu, Service center must call guest according to the wake-up call to ensure deli
4、very time.如发现单上没填送餐时间,总机必须电话询问时间(可根据叫醒服务时间),保证准时送到。5. If doorknob menu is not clear, call and check with guest 30 minutes before delivery time.如菜单不清楚,送餐前30分钟一定同客人确定。6. Team member must put it in MICROS machine according to each doorknob menu.服务员按照菜单所点内容将每个房间的餐卡输入MICROS。7. Pre- set all necessary equi
5、pment on trays and trolleys with the doorknob menu placed on tray and trolleys.服务员根据菜单上内容准备餐具和送餐车。8. All doorknob menu order must be given to kitchen before delivery time.菜单应在送餐前交给厨房做准备。9. Before delivery, supervisor, team members must check all food and beverage orders, equipment and condiments.送餐前
6、必须由当值主管,服务员再次核对所有物品是否正确,清洁。10. All doorknob menu order must be delivered 5 minutes before the time indicated on the menu.必须提前5分钟送至客人房间。11. In case that cannot deliver on time, inform the guest when it will be delivered and apologize.如不能准时送到,必须电话通知客人并告知送到时间及表示道歉。12. Guest bill and doorknob menu must be returned to in room dining after guest has signed.送餐回来将客人签字的账单和菜单一同带回送餐部。The midnight shift Team member must collect all doorknob menus at 4:00 and write captain order properly.夜班员工应在4:00前收齐早餐卡,并抄在点菜单上。