1、英国文学复习整理名词解释1.Dramatic Monologue戏剧独白a poem delivered in a dramatic manner by a single persona speaker who is not identified with the poet usually to achieve an ironical effect.2.Aestheticism 美学主义(唯美主义)Aestheticism (also the Aesthetic Movement) is an intellectual and art movement supporting the empha
2、sis of aesthetic values more than social-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts.3.The Pygmalion Effect皮格马利翁效应The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will.If you expect them not t
3、o even try, they probably won t.4.Colonialism殖民主义one countrys domination of another country or peopleusually achieved through aggressive, often military actions,and the territory acquired in this manner.5.Post-colonial theory后殖民主义理论is a multicultural theory which mainly studies relations of cultural
4、 discourse power between the colonist and the colonized as well asracism (种族主义 ), cultural imperialism (文化帝国主义) , national culture and culture power identity after colonial periodRepresentatives 后殖民理论的“圣三位一体”Edward Said(萨义德 )Gayatri C. Spivak(斯皮瓦克 ) Homi K. Bhabha(霍米巴巴),6.Imagism 意象主义The body of the
5、ories of a group of anti-Romantic and anti-Georgian British and American poets (1912-18) who aimed at simplicity and detachment in poetic expression by the clear presentation of visual images.,7.Imagery 意象Words or phrases that create picture, or images, in the reader mind.Images are primarily visual
6、.Images can appeal to other senses as well: touch, taste, smell and hearing.8.Symbolism 印象主义Epiphany 顿悟An experience of sudden and striking realization顿.悟Epiphany is an appearance or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, to describe the sudden revelation of whatness of a thing,
7、 the moment in which the soul of the commonest object seems to us radiant.9.Stream of Consciousness 意识流Itisanarrativemodethatseekstoportrayanindividualspointofviewbygivingthewrittenequivalentofthecharactersthoughtprocesses,eitherinalooseinteriormonologue,orinconnectiontohisorheractions.Streamofconsc
8、iousnesswritingisusuallyregardedasaspecialformofinteriormonologueandischaracterizedbyleapsinsyntaxandpunctuationthatcanmaketheprosedifficulttofollow,tracingacharactersfragmentarythoughtsandsensoryfeelings.Thenarrativemethodofcapturingandrepresentingtheinnerworkingofacharactersmind.10.Feminist Critic
9、ism 女性主义Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, social rights and opportunities for women 11.Transcendentalists 超验主义Transcendentalists emphasize the importance of the individual. They believe that the individual is the most important part of societ
10、y, and that social innovation can only be achieved through personal cultivation and improvement. Therefore, the primary responsibility of people is to improve themselves, rather than deliberately pursue wealth and wealth. An ideal person is one who depends on himself Transcendentalists look at natur
11、e in a new way, believing that nature is the symbol of super spirit or god. In their view, nature is more than matter. It has life, the spirit of god fills it, it is the cloak of the super spirit12.Iambic pentameter(五音步诗)Iambic pentameter is the most common English meter, in which each foot contains
12、 an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable. It is a meter in poetry, consisting of an unrhymed line with five iambs or feet (hence pentameter).13.Alliteration(头韵)Alliteration means a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a line or group. It is a very old traditional stylistic de
13、vice in English literature and verse. The consonants and stressed syllables are repeated in one line or in one stanza14.Byronic hero 拜伦式英雄The Byronic hero presents an idealized, but flawed character whose attributes include: great talent; gr eat passion; distaste for society and social institutions;
14、 a lac k of respect for rank and privilege; being thwarted in love by social c onstr aint or death; rebellion; exile; an unpleasant secret past; arrogance; overconf idence or lac k of foresight; and, ultimately, a self-destructive manner.15.Sonnet 十四行诗Asonnet is a 14-line lyric poem with a single th
15、eme. Sonnets vary but are usually written in iambic pentameter, following one of two traditional patterns: the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet and the Shakespeareanor English sonnet. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.16.Lake Poets湖畔诗人The Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of En
16、gland at the turn of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single school of thought or literary practice then known, although their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic Movement17.Metaphysical 玄学派诗歌的Metaphysical poets is a t
17、erm coined by the poet and critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, whose work was characterized by the inventive use ofconceits, and by speculation about topics such as love or religion. John Donne is the most important representative.18.Shakespear
18、ean Comedy 莎士比亚式喜剧A Shakespearean comedy is one that has a happy ending, usually involving marriages between the unmarried characters, and a tone and style that is more light-hearted than Shakespeares other plays. Shakespeare an comedies tend to also include: A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty, often presented by elder.