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  • 上传时间:2020-03-31
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    1、2020定互深哂囂編籾蛍窃祉園玉猟個危畠盾裂匯、2020.畠忽壌I玉猟個危After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. _The neighborhood which I used to living in has changed 77._a lot. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop 78 ._across the street from our middle school were gone. 79._There exist now a park that has a

    2、small river running 80._through. The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and 81. _Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 82. _center has been built in their place. The market at the corner of 83. _Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to 84. _a supermarket. Be

    3、sides the bookstore next to our middle 85. _school is still there.盾裂76. 基宛infrom。鞘吭頁厘宣蝕社励定away from奉噐耕協喜塘。77. 基宛 living live。used to 朔効強簡圻侘燕幣狛肇械械恂蝶並萩。78. 基宛older old。鞘嶄短嗤曳熟議吭房。79. 基宛were are。 功象貧猟辛岑傾糾才噬糾払脅蛎峰議頁壓議秤趨。80. 基宛exist exists。 麼囂a park頁汽方及眉繁各。81. 基宛屎鳩82. 基宛sports念紗a。 sports center頁辛方兆簡汽方燕幣音鳩協

    4、。83. 基宛their its。 念猟嶄戻欺阻兆簡The factory頁汽方咀緩委their個葎its。84. 基宛肇渠been。玉囂give way to斑揃喘麼強囂蓑。85. 基宛Besides But。念朔燕幣廬孵購狼。屈、2020.畠忽壌II玉猟個危慌10弌籾耽弌籾1. 5蛍諾蛍15蛍緩籾勣箔個屎侭公玉猟嶄議危列。泌嗤危列耽佩峪嗤匯倖危列泌涙危列壓基籾触哘議了崔貧鮫匯倖拘泌嗤危列耽佩峪嗤匯倖危列夸梓和双秤趨個屎緩佩謹匯倖簡委謹噫議簡亟壓基籾触哘議了崔貧喘弍皿渠。緩佩髪匯倖簡壓基籾触哘議了崔貧亟竃乎紗議簡旺現揮念朔簡。緩佩危匯倖簡壓基籾触哘議了崔貧亟竃乎危簡才個屎朔議簡。廣吭圻佩短嗤

    5、危議音喘個。Hi, Susan.Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your 76bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it 77back to you before four in the afternoonand I 78was hold up on my way back. Just before I 79turned corner of park street. I happened to 80see an accident. A little girl was hurt and her 81mothe

    6、r needed help. So I helped them going to 82the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and 83a half hour and made sure that the girl was all 84hope you understand. 85Thank you!Li Ling基宛76. 肇渠to; 77. mean個葎meant; 78. and個葎but; 79. hold個葎held; 80. turned the corner; 81.屎鳩82. going個葎go; 83. here個葎there

    7、; 84. hour個葎hours; 85.were個葎was盾裂玉猟個危贋壓匯協議痴雌業徽頁斤遇冱匆頁云壌嶄否叟議何蛍。眉、2020.膨寒壌 玉猟個危慌10弌籾耽弌籾1.5蛍諾蛍15蛍緩籾勣箔個屎侭公玉猟嶄議危列。斤炎嗤籾催議耽匯佩恬竃登僅泌涙危列壓乎佩嘔円罪貧鮫匯倖拘泌嗤危列耽佩峪嗤匯倖危列夸梓和双秤趨個屎緩佩謹匯倖簡委謹噫議簡喘弍皿渠壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃乎紗議簡。緩佩髪匯倖簡壓髪簡侃紗匯倖息忖憲催壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃乎紗議簡。緩佩危匯倖簡壓危議簡和皿匯罪壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃個屎朔議簡。廣吭圻佩短嗤危議音勣個。玉猟個危:Three men were fishing when the angel

    8、appeared in the boat 66.with them. The first man got over his shock and politely said to 67.The angel, Ive suffered by back pain for years. Can you help68.me? The angel touched his back, and he had recovered.69.The second man pointed to his glass and asked if the angel 70.could cure her poor eyesigh

    9、t. The angel touched his eyes,71.but he could see everything clearly.72.The angel then turned to the third man, threw up his hands 73.in fear. Dont touch me! he cries. Im on disability pay!74.I dont want to be a normally person!75.基宛Three men were fishing when the angel appeared in the boat 66. anWi

    10、th them. The first man got over his shock and politely said to 67. The angel, Ive suffered by back pain for years. Can you help68. fromMe? The angel touched his back, and he had recovered.69. hadThe second man pointed to his glass and asked if the angel70. glassescould cure her poor eyesight. The an

    11、gel touched his eyes,71. hisbut he could see everything clearly.72. andThe angel then turned to the third man, threw up his hands73. whoIn fear. Dont touch me! he cries. Im on disability pay!74. criedI dont want to be a normally person!75. normal膨、 2020.今掴、逓歪壌玉猟個危慌10弌籾耽弌籾1蛍諾蛍10蛍邪協哂囂仁貧析弗勣箔揖彑岻寂住算俐個恬猟萩

    12、低俐個低揖僥亟議參和恬猟。猟嶄慌嗤10侃囂冱危列耽鞘嶄恷謹嗤曾侃。危列膚式匯倖汽簡議奐紗、評茅賜俐個。奐紗壓髪簡侃紗匯倖息忖憲催,旺壓凪和中亟竃乎紗議簡。評茅委謹噫議簡喘弍皿渠。俐個壓危議簡和皿匯罪旺壓乎簡和中亟竃俐個朔議簡。廣吭1.耽侃危列式凪俐個譲叙匯簡2峪塋俯俐個10侃謹宀貫及11侃軟音柴蛍。Dear Mrs Winthorp,So my first week at college is over! No lectures this morning so I think Id email you and let you know what things are going.Im glad

    13、 to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them so they we can help each other on the course work. E

    14、veryone else seems very nice and warmly here.Well, I had better to stop now. Im going to attend mine first lesson this aftemoon, for Ive got some preparation to make, Keep in touch.Best,Carol盾裂基宛what-how鞘吭泌採斑斤圭岑祇秤趨議序婢絞個葎how。基宛.anything-everything anything械喘噐倦協夘諒鞘嶄音栽癖。基宛find-found 壓才狛肇議斤曳扮蓑哘葎匯違狛肇扮。基宛

    15、second念紗the 會方簡second念議協酵簡聞喘。基宛friend-friends make a friend=make friends。基宛on-with help sth,with sth.基宛warmly-warm 喇緩侃葎侘否簡恬燕囂。基宛肇渠tohad better do sth.耕協喘隈。基宛mine-my 侘否簡來議麗麼旗簡。基宛for-so 咀緩侭參哘乎頁so, for燕温割傍苧圻咀.。励、2020.病廉壌玉猟個危慌10弌籾, 耽弌籾1. 5蛍, 諾蛍15蛍緩籾勣箔壓基籾触貧個屎侭公玉猟嶄議危列。萩功象貧和猟斤炎嗤籾催議耽匯佩恂竃登僅泌涙危列, 壓乎佩嘔円罪貧皿匯倖拘泌

    16、嗤危列耽佩峪嗤匯倖危列, 夸梓和双秤趨個屎緩佩謹匯倖簡委謹噫議簡喘皿渠, 壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃乎簡, 旺喘弍皿渠。緩佩髪匯倖簡壓髪簡侃紗匯倖息忖憲催, 壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃哘紗議汽簡。緩佩危匯倖簡壓危簡和皿匯罪, 壓乎佩嘔円罪貧亟竃個屎朔議汽簡。廣吭圻佩短嗤危列議音勣個。My classmate, Joseph, is at present in hospitalWith a breaking leg. He was walking to school the other76.day when he let a bicycle ran right into him . He never77.wat

    17、ches where he is going, so he often gets into the trouble.78.But he is having a nice time there. He has a comfortable.79.room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read.80.Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take him81.Lost of good book and fresh fruit. He is not losing any ti

    18、me82.From school because he is busy study what he has83.Missed in classes. The doctor says he is recovering fast than84.Expected and will b out of hospital a few weeks.85.76.基宛 breaking- broken.盾裂掲僚囂強簡恂協囂嚥侭俐蔑簡頁瓜強購狼喘狛肇蛍簡。77. 基宛ran- run.盾裂let朔械喘福待to議音協塀恂塩囂温怎囂。78.基宛 肇渠trouble念議the。盾裂get into trouble頁耕協

    19、玉囂吭房頁秘醍軍嶄。79. 基宛80. 基宛patiently- patient.盾裂俐蔑兆簡nurses喘侘否簡。81.基宛 they take him- and. 盾裂念朔猟頁旺双購狼喘旺双銭簡and。82.基宛 book- books.盾裂book念喘lots of俐蔑哘喘鹸方。83. 基宛study studying。盾裂be busy (in) doing sth脱噐恂蝶並。84. 基宛fast- faster。盾裂喇than辛岑緩侃険簡喘曳熟雫。85.基宛 a few- in/within。盾裂in a few weeks狛叱巓。鎗、2020.蘇逓壌 玉猟個危慌10弌籾耽弌籾1蛍諾

    20、蛍10蛍邪協哂囂仁貧析弗勣箔揖彑岻寂住算俐個恬猟萩低俐個低揖彑亟議參和恬猟。猟嶄慌嗤10侃囂冱危列耽鞘嶄恷謹嗤曾侃。危列膚式匯倖汽簡議奐紗、評茅賜俐個。奐紗壓髪簡侃紗匯倖息徨憲催/旺壓凪和中亟竃乎紗議簡。評茅委謹噫議簡喘弍皿渠。俐個壓危議簡和皿匯罪旺壓乎簡和中亟竃俐個朔議簡。廣吭1. 耽侃危列叙1簡2. 峪塋俯俐個10侃謹宀貫及11侃軟音柴蛍。編籾坪否需基籾触When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One friends oneday I saw a sec

    21、ond-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father / the money.which forBut he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half myself. So I wentIto sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a monthwhenafter. He give

    22、s me the other fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on later gavemy own bicycle.盾裂基宛friend-friendsMost of 畳協阻兆簡駅倬喘鹸方侘塀。基宛it!oneit旗紋揖匯倖one峺揖窃戦円議匯倖緩侃厘錬李厘匆嬬嗤匯曽嚥念中戻欺議頁匯窃。基宛that-which掲崙來協囂貫鞘議枠佩簡峺麗扮峪嬬喘which音嬬喘that.基宛the money念紗for、緩侃ask my father議朕議哘乎頁熱。ask my father嚥 the mone

    23、y岻寂俶勣紗燕朕議議初簡。基宛He-I喇念鞘he said he could only give me half of the money. 才朔鞘議myself.辛岑緩侃哘乎個葎I.基宛if-when梓孚鞘吭哘乎頁匯倖埖朔輝厘公麿心熱議扮昨辛岑緩侃哘乎喘when。基宛after-later緩侃喘険簡音嬬喘銭簡。基宛gives-gave梓孚貧和猟偃峰議脅頁窟伏仇並秤。基宛肇渠happy念議much.緩侃how嚥happy岻寂音俶勣紗販採簡。鈍、2020.寃臭壌玉猟個危慌10弌籾耽弌籾1蛍諾蛍10蛍和中玉猟嶄嗤10侃囂冱危列。萩壓嗤危列議仇圭奐紗.評茅賜俐個蝶倖汽簡。k奐紗壓髪簡侃紗匯倖息忖憲催

    24、旺壓凪和中亟貧乎紗議簡。評茅委謹噫議簡喘弍皿渠。俐個壓危議簡和皿匯罪旺壓乎簡和中亟貧俐個朔議簡。廣吭1.耽侃危列式凪俐個譲叙匯簡2.峪塋俯俐個10侃謹宀貫及11侃軟音柴蛍。箭泌It was very nice to get your invitation to spend weekend with you. Luckily I wasthe amcompletely free then, so Ill to say yes. Ill arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m. in Friday evening.onOne rainy day while I was w

    25、alking home with one of my friend, a truck came to a stop besides us. The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella because he found we were wet through. I stood there and couldnt believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful. The man insisted, so I grateful accepted the offer, tha

    26、nked him and watched the truck disappear down the road. This man might need the umbrella himself, and he preferred to give it to everyone else. It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expect anything in return.基宛One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friend, a truck ca

    27、me tofriendsa stop besides us. The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella ks5ubeside anbecause he found we were wet through. I stood there and couldnt believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful. The man insisted, so I grateful accepted ks5uwas gratefullythe offer, thanked him and watched the truck disappear down the road. This manmight need the umbrella himself, and he preferred to give it to everyonebut someone/ somebodyelse. It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expect anythingto expectingin return.

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