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    1、 - 1 - 1 -第 一 部 英 语 听 力 习 题1. Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up forward to head line and breast line. Utopia 船首台,我是驾驶台,请单绑,只剩头缆和横缆。2. Utopia Aft Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up aft to breast line and stern buoy line.Utopia 船尾台,我是船首台,请单绑,只剩横缆和尾浮筒系缆。3. Utopia Aft Stati

    2、on. Take tugs towing line to capstan then make fast on starboard quarter.Utopia 船尾台,请把拖轮拖缆带上绞缆机并在右舿挽牢。4. Oredock Pilot. This is Huanghe. My draught forward 10.2m, aft 11.0m, fresh water allowance 200 millimeters.Oredock 引航员,我是黄河轮,我船首吃水为 10,2 米,尾吃水为 11 米,淡水限额为 200 毫米5. Gargantua. This is Utopia. Visi

    3、bility is expected to decrease to 200m in four hours.Gargantua,我是 Utopia,预计四小时后能见度将下降到 200 米。6. Euphoria. This is Red Sea. Visibility at Diexieville is 500 meters. It is expected to increase to 1500 meters in the next two hours.Euphoria,我是 Red Sea,在 Diexieville 处的能见度为 500 米,预计两小时后将增加到1500 米。7. Oilpo

    4、rt Pilot. This is Yellow Sea. Is pilotage compulsory?是强制引航吗?8. Ioland. This is M/V Blue Eagle. My anchor is foul我的锚链绞缠住了。 9. Oilport pilot. This is Utopia. Pilot ladder is rigged on starboard side.引航员用梯已在右舷挂好。10. Yellow Drill. This is Appleport Pilot. Pilot vessel is approaching you.引航船正向你处驶来。11. Ye

    5、llow Sea. This is Dalianport Pilot. Pilotage suspended for all vessels.所有船舶暂停引航。12. Gargantua. This is Utopia. I am coming to your assistance and expected to reach you at 1800 hours.我将前来援助你船,预计抵达时间为 18 点。13. Utopia. Are you ready for helicopter?准备好接受直升飞机的援助了吗?14. Roger. I am making identification si

    6、gnal.我船正在发出识别信号。15. Bigapple. This is helicopter. Request permission to land on deck.直升飞机请求允许在甲板上降落。16. Utopia. this is Fantasia. There is a vessel anchored ahead of you in the center of fairway .- 2 - - 2 -航道中心你前方有船抛锚。17. Nutcracker. This is Newharbour Pilot. There is a vessel ahead obstructing you

    7、r movement.前方有船会阻碍你船行动。18. There is a swell of height 8 meters from seaward.从海面过来一个米高的涌浪。19. Blue flag. This is Red Star. Are sea conditions expected to change within the next three hours?海上条件预计在 3 小时后有所改变吗?20. Newharbour. This is Utopia. I will stop engines.我船将关闭发动机。21. Watertrees. This is Angro Me

    8、rchant. You are running into danger. Risk of collision imminent. Advise you alter course 90to starboard.你船有碰撞危险,建议向右舷更改航向 90 度。22. World Fisher. This is Androclea. I will maintain present course and speed.我将保持现在的航向和航速。23. Avonport Pilot. This is Euphoria. At what time will pilot be available?何时能得到引航

    9、。24. Valhalla. This is Red Flag. No. 4 beacon is 2 miles distance ahead.4 号信位标在前方 2 英里。25. Avonport Port Control. This is Utopia. Is there any other traffic outward?是不是有另外的出港船只。26. Avonport. Dockmaster. This is Utopia Pilot. Is vessel in position?船只是否就位。27. Utopia. This is St. Nicholas Strait Inform

    10、ation Service. Traffic lane Bravo is blocked. Traffic has been diverted to traffic lane Charlie.Bravo 航道已关闭,航行转移到 Charlie 航道。28. Worrld Fisher. This is Utopia. You are approaching a prohibited fishing area.你正驶往一个禁渔区。29. World Fisher. This is Blue Boy. Fishing gear has fouled your propeller.渔具缠绕在你的螺旋

    11、桨上。30. World Fisher. Fishing in this area is prohibited. Advise you recover your fishing gear.在这个区域捕鱼是禁止的,建议你收回渔具。31. Martian Princess. This is Nutcracker. Proceed along ice-channel.沿着有冰的航道继续前进。32. Light Baby. This is Northerner. I will meet and escort you.我将过来为你护航。33. Utopia. This is Otlar Radio. W

    12、hat is your freeboard?你的干舷多少?34. ABC Radio. This is Blue Day. What is your latest tropical storm warning information。你的最新热带风暴警告信息是什么?- 3 - 3 -35. Gargantua. This is Newharbour. Your message understood.我已理解你的电文。36. Red Sea. Anchor position 1 mile upstream from Fishhaven has been allocated to you.距 Fi

    13、shhaven 上游一海里的锚地已经分配给你了。37. South Point. This is Utopia. I have sighted Iolande.我已经观测到了 Iolande。38. There is a derelict adrift in position 170 degrees 4.5 miles from Barwater Pier, at 2000 hours zone time.区时 2000,距 Barwater 码头 4.5 海里,170 度的位置有一个漂浮物。39. Utopia will enter waters covered by Avonport Po

    14、rt Control.Utopia 将进入 Avonport 港口控制中心的管制水域。40. Blighbank. This is Otlar Radio. There is a hampered vessel in position 090 degrees 5 miles from No.1 Jetty Oilmouth.距 1 号栈桥 Oilmouth 5 英里 90 度处,有一只障碍船。41. Avonport. This is Yellow Star. My position has been obtained by Decca.我船位置已通过台卡获得。42. Attention al

    15、l vessels. This is Belin Radio. Navigation warning. Radio beacon service Whirlpool Rocks has been discontinued.各船请注意,这里是 Belin 电台的航行警报。Whirlpool Rocks 无线电信标业务已中断。43. Utopia is approaching the receiving point for the estuary leading to Sao Pedro.Utopia 正在驶近通往 Sao Pedro 入口处的受理点。44. Utopia Bridge. I wi

    16、ll make tug fast on starboard quarter.将拖轮在右舿挽牢。45. Utopia Aft Station. Take tugs towing line to capstan then make fast on starboard quarter.把拖轮拖缆带上绞缆机并在右舿挽牢。46. Utopia Aft Station. Make tug fast on main deck on starboard side.将拖轮在右侧主甲板上挽牢。47. Utopia Aft Station. Are you singled up?你是单绑的吗?48. Utopia.

    17、 Let go fore and aft.前后缆全部解掉。49. Blue Sea Forward Station. This is Blue Sea Bridge. Send away head lines.送出首缆。50. Ruland keeps zone time 10 hours ahead of GMT.Ruland 为 GMT 之前的区时不我待 10 时。51. Newharbour Pilot Station. This is Utopia. Change to channel six.请换到 6 频道。52. Blue Sea Forward Station. This is

    18、 Blue Sea Bridge. Heave away head lines.绞进首缆。- 4 - - 4 -53. Appleport Radio. This is Utopia. My arrival draught, salt water is 2.8 meters forward, 2.6 meters aft.我船进港海水吃水为:首吃水 2.8m ,尾吃水 2.6m。54. Shanghaiport Radio. This is Utopia. My arrival draught, salt water is 2.8 meters forward, 4.6 meters aft.

    19、55. Eagleport Radio. This is Changhe. My departure draught, salt water is 2.8 meters forward, 4.6 meters aft56. Oredock pilot. This is Huang He. My draught forward 10.2m, aft 11.0m, relative density 1020.相对密度为本 1020。57. Nanhu. This is Newharbour. You must keep radio silence in this area unless you h

    20、ave the message about the casualty.你船必须在这个区域保持无线电静默,除非你有与海难有关的电文。58. Minghua. This is Newharbour. You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have message about the casualty.59. Big Apple. This is Belin Radio. You must get underway.你船必须起航。60. Green Land. This is Coastguard Radio. You must ge

    21、t underway.61. You must alter course to starboard to avoid fishing vessels.你船必须向右舷改向以避开渔船。62. Advise you wait for lock clearance at South Point.请在 South Point 等待船闸清爽。63. You must alter course to starboard to avoid fishing vessels.64. Fantasia. This is Black Tea. Do not, repeat do not dredge anchor.重

    22、复一遍,请不要拖锚。65. Oilport Pilot. This is Utopia. What is the anchor position for me?我的锚位在哪里?66. Mayday. This is Fantasia. I am on fire in the living space.我船生活区着火了。67. Utopia. This is helicopter. Please keep the wind on port bow.请保持左首受风。68. Euphoria. This is helicopter. Indicate contact point.请指示降落点。69.

    23、 Helicopter. This is Utopia. I will not make fast hoist. Landing party is ready.我不固定升降梯,登陆队已准备。70. Utopia.This is St. Nicholas Strait Information Service. It is clear for you to enter traffic route.我要进入的通航分道是否清爽。71. Flying Fish. This is USCG. You are not complying with traffic regulations.你没有遵守通航规则。

    24、72. Martian Princess. This is Southpoint Coastguard. You are not keeping to your correct traffic - 5 - 5 -lane.你没有保持在正确的通航分道内。73. Nordhavn, This is Gargantua, What is the weather forecast for area Westercap?在 Westercap 处的气象预报是什么?74. Gargantua. This is Nordhavn. Wind force at Westerccap is force 8. 在

    25、 Westercap 处的风力为 8 级。75. Bigsea This is Flyingfish. Dangerous wreck reported at North Buoy. Advise you stop engine 在 North Buoy 处报告有危险沉船,请停机。76. Utopia. This is Banks Radio. Floating ice in poison 4700North, 5000West. Dangerous to navigation. Keep clear.在北纬 47 度 00 分,西经 50 度 00 分处有浮冰。航行危险,请避让。77. Eu

    26、phoria. This is Navyport. Navigation is closed in area Zebra. Naval exercises. Keep clear.Zebra 区域禁航,有海军演习,请避让。78. Utopia. This is Easter Coastguard. There has been a collision in position 5230North. 210East. Stand by to give assistance.在北纬 52 度 30 分,东经 2 度 10 分处有碰撞,请待命救援。79. Euphoria. This is Utopi

    27、a. You are running into danger. Fog bank ahead of you. Is your radar working?80. Arctic Thunder. This is Utopia. I can not see your navigation light.我看不见你的航行灯。81. Red Star. This is Blue Sea. Keep clear. You are jettisoning poisonous cargo.你在抛弃有毒货物。82. Orehaven Pilot. This is Yokohama. Is the pilot b

    28、oat on station?引航员是否在引航站里。83. Yokohama. This is Orehaven Pilot. You can take pilot at Fairway buoy at 1800 hours local time.当地时间 1800 时你可以在航道浮标接引航员。84. Utopia. This is Euphoria. Where must I rig pilot ladder?我要将引航员用梯挂在何处?85. Valhalla. This is Blue Sea. There is a vessel entering at No.10 buoy.有一艘船在

    29、10 号浮标进入。86. Valhalla. This is Blue Sea. Please proceed to Coco Fairway.请驶入 Coco 航道。87. Utopia. This is Avonport Pilot. Turn to port before anchoring in Outer roads.在外道抛锚前请向左转。88. I am crossing the fairway from No. 12 to No. 13 buoy at 12 knots.我从 12 号和 13 号浮标之间穿越航道,航速 12 节。89. Fine Apple. This is Y

    30、ellow Sea. Is there any other traffic?有其他的来往船只吗?- 6 - - 6 -90. Utopia. This is Valhalla. Must I keep to the leading line?我必须在导航线内吗? 91. Valhalla. You must keep to the starboard side of the fairway for 4 cables.你必须保持在航道右侧 4 链的距离。92. Avonport Port Control. This is Utopia. My vessel is healthy and I re

    31、quire free pratique.我船舶上的船员身体健康,我要求无疫通行证。93. ABC Port Control. This is Blue Boy pilot. I am underway in inner dock.我在内港池航行。94. Newharbour Port Control. This is blue Sea. What are my docking instructions?我的进坞指示是什么?95. Martin Princess. This is ABC Port Control. Euphoria has left container terminal.Eup

    32、horia 已离开集装箱码头。96. Utopia, This is Avonport Port Control. Vessel Androcles has entered fairway at harbour buoy.Androcles 已在港口浮筒处进入航道。97. Red Sea. This is Belin Radio. Change to No.2 berth.Red Sea. 请移到二号泊位 . 98. St. Nicholas Strait Information Service. This is Utopia. Are there any navigational warni

    33、ngs?有航行警告吗?99. Utopia. This is St. Nicholas Strait Information Service. There is a drifting mine reported in position 5415North, 11 20East据报在东经 11 度 20 分 北纬 54 度 15 分有一漂浮水雷.100. There is a dangerous rock in position 2 miles 180from South Point marked by isolation dangerous buoy showing white flashin

    34、g light.距南罗经点 180 度 2 海里处有危险礁石, 标识为闪白光灯的孤立危险浮筒.101. East bound traffic lane has been discontinued. Please use inshore route.东向航道分道已被封闭.请使用沿岸通航带. 102. There is a gas leakage from a fractured pipeline in position 1703 miles from East Tower of South Point Gas Works.离 East Tower south Point Gas Works 3

    35、英里方位 170 度, 管道破裂有气体泄露 .103. Utopia. This is St. Nicholas Strait Information Service. Traffic lane Bravo is blocked. Traffic has been fractured pipeline traffic lane Charlie. Utopia Bravo 航道被封锁 Charlie 航道管道破裂.104. There is A gas leakage from a diverted to in position 1703 miles from East Tower of Sou

    36、th Point Gas Works.105. Androcles. This is Utopia. Is there fishing gear ahead of me?你的前方有渔具吗?106. Utopia. This is World Fisher. You are heading towards fishing gear. There are nets with buoys in this area.- 7 - 7 -你正驶向渔具,在你正前方区域有带浮标的渔网.107. Euphoria. This is Utopia. My position is 4940North, 3523We

    37、st. My position has been obtained by astronomical observations我的天文观测位置是北纬 49 度 40 分 西经 35 度 23 分.108. Nutcracker. This is Androcles. What is your course to the pilot station?你去引航站的航向是什么?109. Red Star. This is Newharbour Radar. Please give me your position again to assist identification.请再次给出你的位置以便识别

    38、.110. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Icebreaker assistance is now commencing, keep a continuous radio telephone listening watch.破冰工作正在进行,请保持无线电话守听.111. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Icebreaker assistance is now commencing, keeping a continuous radio telephone listening watch.破冰工作正在进行,我正保持无线电守听.112. Shick

    39、i Maru. This is Nutcracker. Do not follow me. Thick ice ahead.不要跟随我,我前面有厚冰. 113. Black Tea. This is Nutcracker. Your place in convoy is No. 1. You will be followed by vessel Martian Princess.你在护航编队里是 1 号位,Martian Princess 跟在你后面。114. Martian Princess. This is Nutcracker. Proceeding along ice-channel.

    40、115. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Icebreaker assistance is now commencing, keeping a continuous radio telephone listening watch.116. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Increase your engine speed. Keep correct distance from me.主机加速,并与我保持适当距离。117. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Increase your engine speed. Keep c

    41、orrect distance from me.118. Shicki Maru. This is Nutcracker. Keep a distance of three zero zero meters between vessels.船队间距请保持为 300 米。119. Big Apple. This is icebreaker. Prepare to receive towline.我是破冰船,请接拖缆。120. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Be ready to cast off towline.Utopia 准备解缆121. Utopia. This

    42、is Nutcracker. Icebreakers assistance is suspended due to poor visibility.能见度不良破冰工作被迫终止。122. Utopia. This is Nutcracker. Switch on bow search light.请打开船首探照灯。123. Martian Princess. This is Nutcracker. Ice-breaker assistance is finished. There is open water ahead.破冰工作已经结束,前方为可通行水域。124. Utopia. This is

    43、 Nutcracker. Ice-breaker assistance is finished. Ice-breaker Northerner will - 8 - - 8 -assist you in further navigation.破冰工作结束,我将进一步为你提供服务。125. Euphoria. This is Androcles. I am going astern.我正在倒车。126. Utopi This is Blibaby. I am not making way through the water.我没有对水移动。127. Otlar Radio. This is Bl

    44、ue Eagle. Request details of commencement of transit.我请求穿越开始时的详细信息。128. Utopia. This is Newharbour Radio. Transit speed is 6 knots.穿越速度为 6 节。129. Cocoport Radio. This is Utopia. What is your latest tropical storm warning information?最新的热带风暴警告是什么?130. Newharbour. This is Gargantua. Assistance is no l

    45、onger required.我不再需要援助。131. Utopia. This is Cocoport Radio. What is the atmospheric pressure and its change at your position?你处气压是多少?有改变吗?132. There are salvage operations in position, south side of fairway at Fishhaven.在 Fishhaven 航道的南侧正在进行打捞作业。133. Utopia. This is Newharbour. Vessel Gargantua will

    46、 turn at the refinery quay, ahead of you.Gargantua 将在你前方的炼油码头改向。134. Otlar Radio. This is Red Star. What is your latest tropical storm warning information?135. Is there sufficient depth of water for me to proceed to berth now?水深是否够我进入迫位。136. This is Utopia. Whats the position of vessel in distress?遇

    47、险船的位置是什么?137. Iolande. I expect to reach you at 19:00 hours zone time.我预计抵达时间为区时 1900。138. This is Oilport. You will meet crossing traffic at position off Gannet Head.你将在 Gannet Head 遇到穿越船。139. Vessel Gargantua is not complying with the traffic regulations.你没有遵守通航规则。140. You are running into danger.

    48、 Advise you alter course to starboard. 你正面临危险,建议你向右改向。141. All vessels. This is SNSIS. Situation report. The visibility at Dolphin Bank Light Vessel is 2 miles.各船请注意,这里是情况报告,在 Dolphin Bank 灯船附近的能见度是 2 海里。142. There is a vessel with a difficult tow on passage to Eckhaven now approaching Pelican Bank

    49、Buoy.开往 Eckhaven 的一艘操纵困难的拖带船正向 Pelican Bank 浮筒靠近。- 9 - 9 -143. SAR Unit. This is Valhalla. Fire is under control. Lifeboat is no longer required火势已被控制,救生艇不再需要。144. SAR Unit. This is Valhalla. Yes, I require tugs. My steering gear is damaged.我需要拖轮,我的舵机受损。145. Avonport Port Control. This is Red Sea. My radar is not working.我船雷达故障。146. I require a pilot. Where can I take a pilot? What are my berthing instructions? Over.我

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