1、3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,2,漆膜缺陷原因分类:,涂料问题(Product problems) 应用不良(Application problems) 设备因素(Equipment problems) 环境因素(Environment Cause) 颜色问题(Colour problems),3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,3,漆膜硬度不够(weak):,描述(DESCRIPTION) 表现为漆膜软, 很容易被划伤;相应的耐溶剂性能表现差。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzh
2、ong,4,原因(cause):,通常是漆膜树酯交链不够好, 而交链不够的主要因素有: 树酯分子选择不合适; 未完全干燥; 高温漆或双组份漆烘烤温度不够; 双组份漆固化剂配比不对。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,5,起泡(blowing):,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,6,起泡的原因(cause):,通常是基底有锈迹(擴大)、污垢、小凹孔、磷化渣质、水汽等被封在漆膜底下,漆膜在烤干或受热(受熱膨脹)时,这些物质彭涨将漆膜顶起造成。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,
3、7,起泡的原因:,底下有Money!,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,8,溶剂泡(Solvent Popping ),描述(DESCRIPTION) 新喷漆膜表面有直径小于1MM的小气泡。Open topped blisters up to 1mm in diameter on the surface of the most recently applied paint film.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,9,溶剂泡(Solvent Popping ),起因(CAUSE) Air or solvent
4、vapour trapped by fast drying paint forming a skin. This may be due to: a) 天那水太差或太快干。poor quality or too fast thinner. b) 喷得太厚或两层漆之间干燥时间不够。excessive film thickness, or insufficient drying time between coats. c) 压缩空气压力太低。compressed air pressure too low. d) 加热太快。drying temperature too high, heat sourc
5、e too close to the film, too hot, or applied too soon.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,10,溶剂泡(Solvent Popping ),预防(PREVENTION) a) 确保工件表面清洁Ensure that the surface is scrupulously clean. b) 使用合适的天那水。Use only recommended thinner. c) 每层漆膜厚度合适,并适当闪干Apply paint in thin, wet films. Allow sufficient dr
6、ying time between coats. d) 使用正确的喷漆压力Use correct compressed air pressure. e) 烘烤前适当流平,避免加热过快,热源过近。Allow sufficient flash off time before force drying, ensure that the correct drying temperature is not exceeded. Do not allow the heat source to be placed too close to the surface.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by:
7、 Liu Chenzhong,11,针孔(Pinholing),描述(DESCRIPTION) 小凹穴,通常直径小于1MM。 Small cavities, generally less than 1 mm in diameter,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,12,针孔(Pinholing),预防(PREVENTION ) a)一次不要喷得太厚。Do not spray too thick one time, b)烘烤之前适当流平。Flashing the film before baking. c) 使用涂料厂商推荐的附料。Use only re
8、commended materials. d) 正确调配油漆,使用较慢干稀释剂。Mix the paint correctly, use slow dry thinner. E)保持底材干净。)Keep materials clean.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,13,鱼眼/ Fish Eyes (cissing),好可爱噢, 真的象鱼眼睛呢!,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,14,产生鱼眼的原因(cause):,放大之后中间有核,通常是 *素材被含硅silicon类的物质污染。 *素材未很好清洁。 *裸
9、手接触工件。 *油漆一次喷涂太湿。 *油漆体质敏感。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,15,预防(PREVENTION)鱼眼的产生,Keep the part away from silicone pollution Thoroughly clean the surface with wax and grease remover. Do not allow cleaning solvents to dry on the surface but remove with a clean dry cloth, Always use the recommend
10、ed materials. Ensure that the spraying area is properly ventilated.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,16,与鱼眼相似的其它缺陷 1.水泡(blister),工件表面被溅上水珠。 你见过水性漆出现此缺陷吗?,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,17,与鱼眼相似的其它缺陷 2.油污(oil pollution),工件表面被轻质油污染.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,18,起云/斑纹,(Clouding / M
11、ottling ),3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,19,起云/斑纹,(Clouding / Mottling ),起因: 常见于银粉漆,主要是银粉排列不一致。 主要原因有: 十字交叉喷涂; 使用太差的稀释剂;或稀释剂加入太少。 枪未调好; 喷涂手法不正确。5素材厚薄不一(这种情况常叫应力纹)。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,20,应力纹(mapping):,在5220机壳上常出现应力纹的地方,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,21,脏点/尘点/异色点(Dirt / t
12、hreads / Bits),3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,22,脏点/纤维/异色点(Dirt / threads / Bits),3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,23,脏点/纤维/异色点(Dirt / threads / Bits),此类缺陷目前占有相当大的比例,您知道其主要原因是什么吗?,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,24,颗粒(particles)产生原因,素材本身灰尘未被去除; 油漆未过滤, 或滤网太粗或太脏; 喷房、流平间、烤房等环境被污染; 调漆间脏污,
13、油漆未盖好; 调漆罐、供漆管路、喷枪清洗不够。 压缩空气未过滤,或滤网太脏。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,25,纤维或毛丝:,主要来自衣服纤维,人员走动太多,未穿防尘衣。 也有来自劣质空气过滤网。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,26,当这类缺陷很多时, 怎么办?,What can I do?,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,27,建议,当这类缺陷很多时,建议将缺陷样品抽取30-50片进行详细分类(有必要的话,使用放大镜观察缺陷形状、颜色等),然后分析原因 改善 检
14、察改善效果 制定SOP 贯彻执行SOP。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,28,干喷/异常光泽低 (Dry spray/loss of gloss),描述(DESCRIPTION) 虽然漆膜表面光滑,但漆膜表面光泽异常偏低. Although apparently smooth and evenly applied, the surface lacks shine.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,29,起因(CAUSE) Microscopic roughness of the surface which m
15、ay result from: a)底漆太差或底漆未干就喷面漆. poor hold out of primer, or the application of topcoat over primer which is not thoroughly dry. b)稀释剂太差或加了不合适的添加剂. poor quality or incorrect thinner, or the use of additives in the paint. c) 素材前处理不当或喷漆手法不对. incorrectly prepared or poorly applied paint. d) 素材质量太差appli
16、cation over a poor substrate. e) 高湿低温时漆膜干燥太慢. excessively slow drying due to high humidity or low temperature. f) 溶剂蒸气在漆膜表面冷凝. solvent fumes or exhaust gases attacking the surface. g) 表面被污染. surface contamination by wax, grease, oil, soap or water.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,30,预防(PREVENTI
17、ON ) a) 选择正确种类和比例的稀释剂Use the correct proportion of recommended thinner. b) 正确的喷漆手法: 枪距, 扇形, 气压Use correct spraying techniques, ensure that equipment is clean, set air pressure as low as possible, consistent with proper atomisation, spray from the correct distance. c) 使用合适的喷房, 确保喷房有良好的空气流通. Use a spr
18、ay booth, and ensure that air circulation and extraction is at the correct velocity.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,31,漆膜太薄 Inadequate Colour Coverage,描述(DESCRIPTION) 漆膜过薄可见底材, 通常出现在比较难喷涂的底侧面等地方. Underlying surfaces visible through the paint film, most frequently in hard to spray areas, on low
19、er panels or on sharp edges and contours.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,32,预防(PREVENTION) a) 使用合适的喷涂方法确保合适的漆膜厚度. Use the correct spraying technique, ensure even and adequate film thickness. b) 使用合适的治具, 合适的灯光照明; 特别注意难喷涂表面. Work under good lighting conditions in a properly sized spray booth, pa
20、y special attention to inaccessible areas. c) 确保漆料混合均匀. Ensure that the materials are thoroughly mixed.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,33,橘皮(Orange Peel ),描述(DESCRIPTION ) 漆膜表面不平整如同桔子皮表面. Pebbled, uneven surface of the paint film, similar in appearance to orange skin.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Li
21、u Chenzhong,34,橘皮(Orange Peel),起因(CAUSE) 喷漆手法太差, 枪距, 空气压力、出漆量调节不合适。 漆膜不要喷得太厚或太薄。 c) 油漆品质太差、粘度调整不合适、混合不均匀。 两层漆之间干燥不够。Insufficient drying time between coats. e) 工件表面温度不正常。Incorrect ambient or surface temperature, draughts.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,35,橘皮(Orange Peel),预防(PREVENTION ) a) 使用正确
22、的喷漆手法、正确调节喷枪。Use the correct spraying technique and ensure that equipment is correctly adjusted b)均匀喷漆。 c)使用合适的天那水,并调节到合适的粘度。 Ensure that the paint is correctly mixed, use only recommended thinner with the correct grade d) 两层漆之间充分干燥。Allow sufficient drying time between coats e) 在合适的温度范围内和良好的空气流通条件下喷
23、漆。Spray within the re-commended temperature range and ensure proper ventilation,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,36,流挂(Runs / Sags ),描述(DESCRIPTION ) 通常在垂直面等处,出现漆膜局部过厚造成大波纹、乳头现象。Well defined local thickening of the paint film in the form of a wavy line or shallow, rounded ridges, normally confin
24、ed to sharply sloping or vertical surfaces.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,37,流挂(Runs / Sags ),起因(CAUSE) Slumping of the paint film due to: a) 喷得过厚,空气压力太低,扇形太窄,枪距太近,运枪太慢。Excess thickness of application, air pressure too low, fan width too narrow, spray gun too close to the surface or moving to
25、o slowly. b) 使用太差的天那水。Use of poor quality or incorrect thinner. c) 粘度调整不正确。Incorrect viscosity of the paint. d) 素材表面或气温太低。Air or surface temperature too low. e) 表面脏污。Contamination of the underlying surface.,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,38,流挂(Runs / Sags ),预防(PREVENTION) a) 正确调整喷枪并采用正确的喷漆手法。U
26、se the correct spraying technique and spray gun settings. b) 使用合适的天那水。Use only recommended thinner. c) 调整合适粘度。Ensure that the paint is mixed to the correct viscosity. d) 在建议的温度范围内喷漆。Always spray within the recommended temperatures. e) 确保素材清洁。Ensure that the surface is scrupulously clean.,3/9/2020,Pr
27、epareed by: Liu Chenzhong,39,色差(Color different),3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,40,色差原因(Cause),1.颜色有浮动效应(the floatation effect) 2.批次、厂家不同 3 搅拌不均匀,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,41,腐蚀/生锈(corrosion/rusting):,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,42,腐蚀或生锈(cause) :,油漆本身防腐性能差; 基材除锈不干净; 基材表面有汗迹等污染; 磷化质量太差,或磷化液清洗不干净; 基材表面有补土。,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,43,胀气,涂料问题 遇此问题你会如何处理?,3/9/2020,Prepareed by: Liu Chenzhong,44,粉体涂料起白点(SPIT),银色粉体中银粉聚团.,