1、INTERNATIONAL MARKETING,Ke Fu,International Marketing,Something about the course About the book About the study method About the examination,The scope and challenge of international marketing,International corporations.These companies business were located all around the world.More and more companie
2、s engage in International marketing. See next page Lets try to think some Chinese International companies. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies.,Fortune 500 companies (2009),世界500强公司名单.doc,Chinese companies among Fortune 500 (2009),2010年世界500强排行榜中国公司名单.doc,外资企业在中国,伪国货.ppt柯达
3、与乐凯联姻(占乐凯20%股份)比利时英博集团与福建雪津啤酒嘉士伯收购云南大理啤酒;(云南本省知名品牌,在云南占有1/3的市场份额)摩根,英联,达能与蒙牛美华平与哈药欧莱雅与小护士,羽西洗涤行业四家年产八万吨以上的洗衣粉已有三家被收购百威啤酒的制造商AB集团收购中国第四大啤酒商哈尔滨啤酒无锡威孚是国内柴油燃油喷射系统的最大厂商,被德国博世并购国际私募股权基金PAG接手了好孩子集团67.4%的股权北美最大的消费电子零售商百思买以1.8亿美元的价格,收购国内第四大家电连锁商江苏五星电器51%的股权,从而正式进入中国市场;,The scope and challenge of Internationa
4、l Marketing,Why do companies engage in International Marketing? - To increase their profit by increasing total revenue or decreasing the cost of goods. - The attractiveness of International market - The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition - (be continue),The scope an
5、d challenge of International Marketing,- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle,从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世界造”,海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。1996年,海尔在印尼设立了第一家海外工厂,到2002年海尔已在全球设立了十余家工厂,这些工厂每年生产上百种产品,这些产品大部分都在
6、当时销售。 世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。当1999年海尔在美国设厂时,有一家业界权威杂志驻美国记者立即对海尔的做法提出质疑:传诵国内劳动力成本低的优势,到人力成本昂贵,市场饱和的欧美投资建厂,海尔是否明智? 试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论: 1.你们认为海尔海外投资建厂是否明智?为什么? 2. 海尔海外投资建厂的原因是什么?,The scope and challenge of International Marketing,Basis info. About MarketingWhat is difference between marketing and sellin
7、gMarketing mix (See page 9)Marketing Marketing is getting the right goods and service to the right people at the right place at the right time and right place with the right communication and promotion.,The scope and challenge of International Marketing,starting point focus means endsSelling factory
8、 products selling profit and through promotion sales volumeMarketing target customer integrated profit market needs marketing through and wants customer satisfaction,The scope and challenge of International Marketing,Marketing Mix 4CS Product customer wants and needs Price customer cost Promotion cu
9、stomer communication Place customer convenience,6PS,-Political -Public relation10PS -Probing -Partition -Prioritizing -position,International Marketing: A Definition,International marketing is defined as theperformance of business activities designed to plan,price, promote, and direct the flow of a
10、companysgoods and services to consumers or users in morethan one nation for a profit,Marketing concepts, processes, and principles are universally applicable all over the world,More complicated marketing mix factors,Product standaliation or adaptation?.Price exchange rate, foeign currency control.Pr
11、omotion different commercial promotion law.different promotion method.Place different infrastructure, different stocking cost.,The International Marketing Task,7,3. Economy,Environmentaluncontrollablescountry market A,Environmentaluncontrollablescountrymarket B,Environmentaluncontrollablescountrymar
12、ket C,1. Competition,1. Competition,2. Technology,Price,Product,Promotion,Place orDistribution,6. Geography andInfrastructure,Foreign Environment(Uncontrollables),7. Structure ofDistribution,3. Economy,5. Political-Legal,Domestic environment(Uncontrollables),(Controllables),2 .Technology,4. Culture,
13、5. Political-Legal,4. Culture,Target Market,The inner circle depicts the controllable elements that constitute a marketers decision area. The second circle encompasses those environmental elements at home that have some effect on foreign-operation decisions, and the outer circle represents the eleme
14、nts of the foreign environment for each foreign market within which the marketer operates.A business operating in its home country undoubtdly feels comfortable in forecasting the business climate and adjusting business decisions to these elements.,Case analysis,2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部所在地的波
15、特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。但许多人不知道的是,李宁的第一家海外直营店其实早于两年半前在荷兰开张了。 2007 年,李宁公司与一家荷兰经销商签署合同,在南部的马斯特里赫特市开设了一家李宁旗舰店。这也是李宁的“海外第一店”。选择马斯特里赫特,而非阿姆斯特丹,主要考虑到马城位于德国和比利时的边境上,在那个区域又是最富裕的。李宁想通过马城特殊的地理位置来渗入周边地区,以此作为跳板,间接深入欧洲的三大市场:英国、法国、德国。李宁认为,荷兰市场与英、法、德市场有许多共通性,其规模又小得恰到好处,正适合用来作为实验基地。 其实,李宁选择荷兰作为打开国际市场的第一步并非完全出于战略。选择马城、渗透欧洲等想法最早出于它的荷兰经销商。在马城旗舰店开张之前,两位荷兰企业家曾多次上门拜访李宁北京总部,试图说服李宁与他们联手,共同打拼欧洲市场。在他们弃而不舍的努力下,李宁公司最终同意合作。 经销商选择了荷兰著名饶舌歌手阿里比作为品牌的代言人。马城旗舰店开业大吉,生意兴隆,然而好景不长。开业一年后,当不少消费者还在等待断货的产品重返柜台时,店却静悄悄地关门了。,The scope and challenge of International Marketing,思考题:为什么公司会卷入到跨国营销活动中去?销售与营销的区别?市场营销学中4P指的是什么? 4C呢?国际营销与国内营销的异同?,