1、Match the two parts 1food 2ice 3fried 4KFC 5beer 6tea Unit Five 1 _ of China the most _ food is dumpling 2 The family getting together is _ during the Spring Festival 3They _ 去饭店 and order _ 好几种 food 4Ordering food from a restaurant is_ 一种节省时间的方法 5 All the family member _ 包饺子 together 3Useful phrase
2、s in Paragraph 2 and 3 4Read the fourth passage All these things are junk food is it good for peoples health 3语法教学 重视技巧提高听的效率 中等职业学校英语教材基础模块 第一册 Unit Five 宁夏海原县职业中学 1What do you usually have for breakfast 2 What do you usually have for lunch 3 What do you usually have for supper discuss tell us the
3、English words according to the Chinese 8不同的 1 饺子 2 北方 3 餐馆 4 健康 5 菜单 6 饥饿的 7 重要的 dumpling important hungry different health restaurant menu north Revision 食物 蔬菜 肯德基 麦当劳 冰 健康的 油炸的 啤酒 茶 Revision 1Look and Say Ex1 一瓶可乐 a glass of cola 两瓶可乐 two glasses of cola Unit Five Step one Warming up 2Look and Say
4、 Ex2 一瓶牛奶 a glass of milk 两瓶牛奶 two glasses of milk 3Look and Say Ex3 Which is right A three bowl of rice B four bowl of rices C five bowls of rices D six bowls of rice Whats hisher favorite food Group work Step 2 listening Step 3 Reading 1read the first passage by yourselves and then lets do some ex
5、ercises Ex1What do they like to eat Englishmen Italians Japanese Americans fish hot dogs pizza dumplings fish and chips Ex2 whats the main idea of this passage People in different countries have different favorite food 2Read the second and the third passages and then fill in the blanks In the north
6、popular important go to restaurant the kinds of a way to save time make dumplings 1in the north of 在北方 2the most popular Ex2最受欢迎的老师 the most popular teacher 3on weekends Ex 3我们通常在周末洗衣服 4the family getting together Ex1在宁夏北部 in the north of Ningxia 最受欢迎的最普及的 在周末 We usually do some washing on weekends
7、阖家团圆 Ex 4 在节日期间阖家团圆是很重要的 The family getting together is important during a festival 5by oneself 自己做 亲自 Ex5 年轻人不喜欢自己包饺子 Young people dont like making dumplings by themselves 6 orderfrom 向订购 Ex6 从饭馆订餐 order food from a restaurant 向书店订购教科书 order the textbooks from a bookstore 7kind 名词种类 eg A kind of du
8、mpling some kinds of dumplings Cola 可乐 Instant noodles bubble gum milk tea roast mutton cubes potato chips KFC discuss Step Four consolidation Read the text again and then tell the following statements true or false 1Englishmen like to eat hot dogs and fried chicken 2They think eating dumplings is i
9、mportant during a festival 3Young couples want to make dumplings by themselves 4Its good for your health to eat too much fast food 5Many people think fast food is junk food Step Five Summary F F F F T Unit five 1words hot dog cola Potato chips hamburger Englishman American Italian Japanese during re
10、staurant save think especially 2 phrases fried chicken The Spring Festival potato chips making dumplings in fact fast food 功能观的三维英语语法 为用 而学 Form 基础 Meaning 关键 Use 目的 语法现象应该在语境当中出现语境当中训练语境当中掌握 3Sentence patterns like to do have to It is not good for They think 4听力教学 明确听的不同阶段的任务和目的 听前根据已知信息对听的内容进行合理 预
11、测并概括出听的目标和方向 听中根据听的目标和方向获取有效信息 听后从语境及语言两个层面对听的结果 进行检测 4 sentences 1 In the north of China the most popular food is dumplings 2 Some kinds of American food have now become more and more popular in China 3 We have to tell our children not to eat too much fast food 4 In fact it is not good for your hea
12、lth to eat much fast food 原则 创设语境培养听的习惯 诱发兴趣增强听的动力 5 homework 1Write a short passage about junk food and health like to do 3Make sentences have to It is not good for on weekends 2Do a survey whats your parents favorite food make dumplings in fact文档加载中.广告还剩秒渺渺红尘,茫茫人海,没有过早,也没有太晚,遇见的自然是恰逢其时。有人说,这世间的所有相
13、遇,都是久别重逢。惟有父母与子女,是为了别离。父母为自己付出的,永远是百分之百的绵绵恒爱。每当看到满头如雪,弯腰驼背,步履蹒跚的父亲母亲,总会不由自主地想起,他们曾用最纯朴、最勤劳的方式为自己撑起过一片天,现如今却是衰老伴着他们走过一年又一年。于父母眼里,自己就像飘在天空的风筝,无论飞得多高多远,他们也舍不得松开牵挂的那根线。这种深厚的爱,若高山阔海,就算用一辈子的时间,恐怕也回馈不完 .想来那句:你养我长大,我陪你变老,应是最好的报答。记得一首友情的歌,里面那段歌词格外打动人:友情,人人都需要友情,不能孤独,踏上人生的旅程听完,特别想感谢那些出现在自己不同人生阶段的朋友,感谢这一路上你们给予的支持和鼓励。此生何其幸运,能成为彼此的亲密挚友。除了家人,最熟悉我的还有你童年,一起玩耍嬉戏;少年,一起努力学习;青年,互相聆听各自的小秘密;愿中年的彼此,都能好好保重自己;愿我们老的时候还能一起喝茶、一起聊聊不太完美的却又共同参与过的往昔。人生能有三五知己,懂得自己,足矣!佛说,每一次相遇都是一场修行。想必爱情更是如此。于风雨兼程的人生里,在五味杂陈的生活中,谁是谁的月下客,谁是谁的心上人,谁与谁会一见倾心,谁与谁能相伴到岁末晚景,凭的就是一份缘。感谢即将成为自己人生中最亲爱的你,相遇是缘,相恋是爱,相守是情。