1、null工程设计nullnull(1977null ), o, =,Z_y !9bD “d !9严null 晨(华东建筑设计研究院有限公司, 上海null 200002)Knull1:D y1 pa B y, iv 1b Z g 8Dv L “d, D =)a9 aZ# “d !9, V Dy “d !94kb1oM:); ;Wms |: TU 852nullDS : BnullcI|: 1674-8417(2010)07-0052-040nullnull“ S/ sa6 ?Z# 3 4, r B j,D Hq1 p9 bBCD za aL , “dA11b1null Z g 8 )JD,y
2、79 567m3, /30 257m2, 49 310m2by L /3, 2V L,sY15h L9 Lb/8 Y, 1 4 Yb/3 oa o, ! HD _;/2a _a ,aM #LF aCT Eb ;/1b , CTaX; iaa 3aMRIaJabD n $a0+|); 2i ia ; 3aICUa_S i; 4 m ah Sa =( m ! m b); 5 6ha; 7 9ha; 10 14h; 15+hb2null“d2. 1null)IECS DD sF f W HWs) f , IEC 60364-7-710: 2002Snully :+ y 1 pD nullbnull
3、null IEC)v HWs: tnull 0. 5 s, 0. 5 s H,$?F15 s = ,EILbD“dm m1 Ubnull53nullnull工程设计nullm1nullD“dm3null “d3. 1nullvb D/ ! /Bb S,sv b D/ !( CTaMRIaDSAa 3),VM nullanull L b D ! H Hv,M L,BZ L e !1pS =, 6BZ Vhl YbN ! D1o, h #D !Y,D/ ! J = ro ,ZL,f. 0 D !9 J. y,2010, 36( 7): 166-167.收稿日期: 2009- 10- 09(下转第
4、59页)null55nullnull供配电null1null . BO BO = ! J. S/, 2006(6): 7-10.2 null GB 50311null 2007null8L“d !9?SS.3 null GB 50312null 2007null8L“d l?SS.收稿日期: 2010- 04- 15Cable Bridgewith New CompoundMaterialHUANG Zukai1, null ZHANG Weidong2(1. China InstituteofBuilding StandardDesign2. JiangsuGuangtongElectric
5、alEquipmentCo., Ltd., Yixing214204, China)null null Abstract: Aiming at the generalproblems existed in currentcable bridge, a compound fireproofing environmentalprotection cablebridgewithGLFQ was researched. The characteristics, performance index of the cablebridgewere in-troduced indetai,l and the
6、advantagescomparedwith similar cable bridgewere analyzed. Itwasproved inpraticalusethattheproductwas environmentalprotection, had high intensity, fireproofing, toughnessand chemical resistance.K ey words: cable bridge; generic cabling; compound materia;l energy saving; enviromentalprotection(上接第 55页
7、)Design of Power Supply and Distribution System in HospitalYAN Chen(EastChinaArchitecturalDesign ofResearch InstituteCo., Ltd., Shanghai200002, China)null null Abstract: There are a lot of important loadsexisted in hospita,l itbelongs to thenull levelbuilding with high re-quirements ofpower supply a
8、nd complicatedpower supply load in civilbuilding. Thepower supply anddistribution sys-tem ofaShanghaicomprehensive hospitalbuilding was introduced, including load grade, load calculatoin, scheme ofpower supply and design of power distribution system. It could provide reference to other similar hospi
9、talbuildingnull spower supply and distribution system design.K ey words: load grade; power supply; power distribution; uninterrupted power supply( UPS)null 7null以现代信息技术a先进制造技术和智能建筑技术为引导,引领建筑电气技术不断开拓自主知识创新,向着高效a节能和绿色的目标和方向发展b及时a全面地报导国内外建筑电气最新研究成果和行业信息,为建筑电气的研究与开发a产品制造与应用a工程设计等领域打造一流的技术交流和信息传递平台bnull59null