1、3null ) M ,D i = b h W = 30 min, g V r 10 mg/m3 ,T 7 3 Y 15min = S E S K 0. 15mg/m3, V T b T b h z h rT , 20m3 i = 30min $ o ) q v 99. 96%b 60m3 W 7 T 30m in b 1 ) q v 93. 00%, ( r ? h r T 1 p ,y p V ,0 5. 0b c 225mg/L 1 h A A = s L ) Q ) s Y T 10m in 5m in, ( s Y 5. 0 4. 00b h A l $ g LD50v 5000mg/
2、 (8 ),l _ % k T ( | ; $ k g ? C s S ; Q O k A U O T b null 1 h A z ) T , b1 o M null = J o ; ) r T ; m s | : R187. 2null null null null null D S M : BOBSERVATION ON PROPERTIESOF LONG- CHAIN QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTYANG H ong- cai, AI Shan- jiang, HUANG Rui-fang, A ierken Taxi, M U H e- bu( TheCenter
3、 forDisease Control and Prevention ofXinjiangUygurAutonomousRegion, Urumqi830011, China)Abstractnull Objectivenull To observe thebactericidalproperty and toxicity of1210 skin disinfectant containing alkyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride as themain bactericidal ingredient. M ethodsnull Suspensions qu
4、antitativebactericidal test, on-the- spot disinfection trial and animal experimentwere used to carry out laboratory observation. Resultsnull Themean levelof alkyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride in the disinfectant was 4500 mg/L. The average killing logarithm values ofS taphylococcu s aureus andE s
5、cherichia coli in suspension exposed to thedisinfectantcontaining 112. 5mg/L this quaternaryammonium salt for 5 m in and 10 m in respectivellywere 5. 00. The average killing logarithm values ofP seudom onasaerug inosa andCand ida albicans in suspension exposed to the disinfectant containing225mg/L t
6、his quaternary ammoniumsalt for 10m in and 5m in respectivelywere 5. 00 and 4. 00. LD50 of the oral acute toxicity of thedisinfectant inm icewas 5000mg/ # bw. The result ofmouse bonemarrow polychromatic erythrocytem icronucleus testwas negative. The#496# Chinese JournalofDisinfectionnull 2008; 25( 5
7、)indexes of subacute toxicity tests did not show abnormality. It had slight irritative effect on skin in irritation test. Conclunullsionnull The bactericidal efficacy of this skin disinfectantwas satisfactory, and its toxicitywas low.K ey wordsnull alkyl dim ethyl benzyl amm onium chlorid e; germ ic
8、idal eff icacy; toxicitynull null = J o 1 h 4 , ? 1 , ) T 5. 0b c 225mg/L 1 h A A = s L ) Q ) s Y T 10m in 5min, ( s Y 5. 0 4. 00(V 1)bnull V 1null 1210h A ) k Tk ) h A i (mg/L)T H W(m in) ( v F v ) 112. 5 5null null 4. 09 7. 1810 null 5. 0015 null 5. 00 s L ) 225. 0 2. 5 null 4. 01 7. 225null 5. 00
9、7. 5 5. 00 $ o ) 112. 5 2. 5 null 3. 83 7. 375null 5. 007. 5 5. 00 Q ) 225. 0 2. 5 null 3. 15 6. 205null 4. 007. 5 4. 002null4null 模拟现场消毒试验结果 h A A v ) ( ,T 10min, ( V v ) ( ( 3. 00b 1210h A A v ) ,T 10min, V v ) ( 3. 00b2null5null 皮肤消毒现场试验结果 h A A s k - D , T 1min, 30 s k 1 ) (v 1. 00b2null6null 毒性
10、试验结果 T V , h A l $ g k ,LD50 ( v 5000mg/ (8 ), L = bQ O k , h A E t O Q s ( 1. 90, O bl _ % k , T | , s k 8 = 8 T b $ k T V , h A k i / k 8 9 v F M1 A s ; ? _ a 3 _ T ( S = ; 1 # a# 8 1 v FM 1 ( d 9 s ; 4 F v F F h _ 1 , n s k T 1 h M b3null ) 1 h 4 1 1 , ( ? a O a a a = + b k 1210h A %) N 8 # Q ) (
11、 z T , f o ) r T f | ) r T z , 1 B null4 b k TV , h 4 L = , 8 = 8 T , $ k g ? C s S , O T b h 4 ? T r h 4 # T h # s ) r T B k b I Dnull1 null , , , . 4 1 Z h 4 s ? k 4 J. S h , 2003; 20( 4): 258.null2 null , , Z , . Z 1 h 4 s ? k 4 J. S h , 2005; 22(2): 187.null3 null , ) , , . E = = J o ? k 4 J.D , 2003; 19( 1): 1.null4 null f . W 1 h 4 J. C D ,2006; 33( 5): 855.(2007- 12- 18 l )#498# Chinese JournalofDisinfectionnull 2008; 25( 5)