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GM 1927-03_SQ_SOR质量要求.doc

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1、Supplier Quality Statement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 1 of 18 GM1927-031. Supplier Quality Base Requirements: 供应商质量基本要求 This document is intended to be used in conjunction with and is in addition to the GM General Standard Terms and Conditions.该文件被视为 GM 的一般标准条款,以及标准条款的额外补充。 All suppliers are

2、 expected to supply parts to General Motors with zero defects. Parts shall meet all engineering specifications and function with no abnormalities according to intent。所有供应商的供货应当是零缺陷的。零件必需符合工程以及性能要求。 Funding is to be identified in the initial quote and subsequent quotes to reflect error occurrence det

3、ection (poka yoke, error proofing devices, etc) and defect outflow prevention to customers. Controls implemented at a later date are the financial responsibility of the supplier.为了阻止缺陷外流给客户或因需要防错而产生了额外费用,该费用应当在最开始的报价或之后的几轮报价中反映出来。后续控制所产生的费用应当由供应商自己承担。2. ISO/TS 16949 - Quality System Requirements:质量体

4、系要求: All providers of a) production materials, b) production or service parts, or c) heat treating, plating, painting or other finishing services directly to General Motors must be certified to ISO/TS 16949 by a Certification Body (CB) recognized by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) and

5、 have a current certificate available demonstrating compliance to GM supplements.所有与 GM 有关的原料,配件以及热熔焊,电镀,喷漆或其他加工服务,必须获得认证机构所颁发的 TS16949 认证并在有效期内。 Effectiveness of the heat treating processes, the plating processes and the coating processes shall be demonstrated using the CQI-9 Heat Treat System Asse

6、ssment, the CQI-11 Plating System Assessment, and the CQI-12 Coating System Assessment published by the AIAG and as required in the GM Customer Specifics.热处理,电镀,喷漆等特种加工工艺,必须获得 AIAG 美国汽车工业行动小组发布的 CQI-9,CQI-11,CQI-12 的评估认可。 Welding and soldering process shall be compliant with CQI-15 Welding System As

7、sessment and CQI-17 Soldering System Assessment published by AIAG.烧焊以及电焊必须符合 CQI-15 以及 CQI-17 的评估认可。 Suppliers utilizing outside test facilities must provide evidence that the test facility is accredited per ISO/IEC 17025. The following groups are recognized to assess organizations that accredit Ind

8、ependent test and/or calibration laboratories to ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005.供应商使用委外的实验室做实验,其实验设备必须符合ISO/IEC17025标准,以下的几个组织是认可清单内的: National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (website at NACLA does not require its member organizations to sign an MRA for recognition.全球实验室认可合作组织,网址: Internatio

9、nal Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (website at www.ilac.org)Note: The ILAC organizations are signers of Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) which may preclude them from accepting non-MRA signatory assessments. The MRA signatories do have procedures that may allow acceptance of assessments c

10、onducted by other organizations. GM encourages the utilization of these procedures. Specific concerns should be directed to the appropriate MRA. 全球实验室认可合作组织,网址:www.ilac.org Suppliers not certified to ISO/TS 16949, or those suppliers constructing or purchasing facilities to manufacture the parts bein

11、g quoted, must include a defined certification attainment plan with their quote for further consideration.供应商没有拿到 ISO/TS16949 认可的,或者供应商制造或者采购的设备没有获得认可的,为长远考虑,他们必须在报价时附上一个体系认可计划。3. China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Supplier Requirements:CCC 认证要求It is the suppliers responsibility to contact China Q

12、uality Certificate Centre (CQC)for CCC activities and ensure all CCC related parts meet the China Compulsory Certification requirements (reference CNCA-02-063:2005). All saleable parts shall have a CCC marking after proper authorization. The GM math data or parts specific drawing Supplier Quality St

13、atement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 2 of 18 GM1927-03general notes will have “Part Must Be China Compulsory Certification Compliant”. Supplier shall update and maintain their specific duns code to the CCC China Compulsory Certification requirements in GQTS (Global Quality Tracking System) Sup

14、plier Certification. A copy of the certificate for the part should be sent to GM Engineering before PPAP or when saleable status is attained also email to SQ_C (must include the duns code). Web-site: http:/ 供应商承担 CCC 强制性认证责任,所有的零件不需满足 CCC 认证。4. General Motors Procedures and Reference Documents: 通用程序

15、以及参考手册Suppliers are to adhere to the requirements contained in the following documents.PROCEDURE DOCUMENTAdvanced Product Quality Planning or, formally commitments to have processes, procedures and controls in place that meet QSB requirements by the Programs Supplier Gate Review #3 if awarded the bu

16、siness. 在投标阶段,供应商必须提供 TR 技术分析,证明其符合通用汽车的 QSB 质量体系基础要求。或正式的承诺具体的过程,方法,控制手段去达成 QSB 要求,在质量阀#3 开阀之前。The required documentation shall include:要求的文件需包含: Supplier currently meets the QSB requirements:供应商目前符合 QSB 要求的状态:- A copy of the most recent (Passed) QSB audit performed. 最近通过 QSB 审核的复印件- Plan and attai

17、nment of (Passed) status of QSB version March 2009. QSB 2009 版,计划与目标达成状态- GM SQ will track those suppliers that have (Passed) QSB in GQTS (2009) / Creativity Team Bid list (Planned 2010)。GM SQE 将在 GQTS 上追朔这些供应商是否通过了 QSB 审核/供应商投标清单。 A new supplier or a supplier that doesnt meet QSB requirements:新供应商或

18、供应商没有符合 QSB 标准: A formal action plan, including timing, signed by the suppliers senior leadership to implement the QSB elements into the suppliers processes, procedures and controls by APQP Gate 3.一个正式的行动计划,包含时间计划,由供应商总经理签字,以确保其有能力符合 QSB 要求,在 APQP 质量阀 3 之前。6. Quality Control Requirements:质量控制要求: Lay

19、ered Audits: 分层审核 A documented layered audit plan shall exist with a minimum frequency of once per shift or as agreed per the GM SQE. Non-conformities shall be addressed immediately and corrective action shall be documented. Audit plan shall include multiple levels of management. Site leadership sha

20、ll conduct and verify compliance to the documented plan. (Refer to QSB Strategies)分层审核,每班一次。不符合项需出具行动计划,审核计划需包含多个管理层。 Containment: 政策 All non-conforming and suspect material must be controlled. Method must be clearly defined. Visual controls should be implemented. All non-conforming material must be

21、 segregated and identified. GP12 shall be implemented during launch. Upon request of GM, additional levels of proactive containment may be required. When a problem is reported it is expected that all suppliers implement effective and immediate containment and comply fully with GP-5 requirements othe

22、rwise controlled shipping may result. (Refer to QSB Strategies)不符合项以及可疑物料必须得到控制,控制方法,探测方法清晰定义,不符合材料必须隔离并标识,GP12 必须实施,如果 GM 有要求,前瞻性的措施也应当实施。当一个问题报告了,就说明该问题已得到有效控制,符合 GP5 的要求,再发生缺陷,将导致受控发运。 Quality Performance Metrics:质量指数 Each Suppliers Senior Management shall commit to maintain and continuously impr

23、ove quality. GQTS (Global Quality Tracking System) monitors performance data for PPM, Supplier Quality Statement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 5 of 18 GM1927-03PRRs, Controlled Shipping Level I and II, Major Assembly Plant Disruptions, ISO/TS16949 and ISO14001 Certifications. Suppliers shall mo

24、nitor their quality performance, on-line, through GQTS. (Refer to QSB Strategies)每个供应商质量负责人必须致力于保证并持续改进产品质量,在 GQTS 上在线监视 PPM 值,PRR ,受控发运等级,关键总成零件突发事件,ISO/TS16949,ISO14001 证书等。 Production Quality: 产品质量 All suppliers are required to have effective manufacturing practices and procedures to ensure a con

25、tinuous flow of defect free parts into GM production facilities. (Refer to QSB Strategies)所有供应商需确保具备一个经实践证明的,安全可靠的生产物流线路,来确保没有缺陷样品发送到 GM造车工厂。 Current Product Improvement Process (CPIP): 在产零件改进程序 Suppliers shall actively participate in the timely resolution of problems identified by GMs CPIP. Supplie

26、rs shall provide appropriate corrective action documentation and project status updates as requested. (Refer to QSB Strategies)供应商应积极参加 GM的 CPIP 活动,并提供适当的行动计划,更新,以满足要求。7. Capacity Planning and Manufacturing System Requirements:产能规划以及制造系统要求 Supplier shall have the ability to design and install adequa

27、te capacity to meet the daily contract requirements in one production day while operating under normal operating conditions and under total customer load.供应商必须设计并安装足够的产能去满足每天的合同产量以及最大的顾客需求量。 Supplier must comply with all requirements of GP9 Run at Rate process including completion of the GM1927-35 r

28、un at rate workbook.供应商必须满足 GP9 审核的要求,并完成 GM1927-35 工作表。 Suppliers are required to demonstrate their ability to meet GM contractual requirements through both system capacity analysis (Shared Capacity Sheets, Manufacturing System Capacity Estimate) and actual RR production to verify accuracy of the a

29、nalysis.供应商必须有能力证明其完全满足 GM 的合同要求量,通过产能分析及制造系统分析以及重复再现性生产去验证该产能的准确性。 Supplier shall confirm in writing that all subcontractors supplying parts or services meet all quality and contractual requirements for the manufacturing of the GM contracted components to the GM Tier 1 or VAA/Sequencing.GM 的一级供应商需书

30、面确认其分供方的的产品质量,产能等满足 GM 的生产要求。8. GM-Specific PPAP Requirements:GM PPAP 要求 Compliance with International Material Data System (IMDS) is required for approved PPAP status.IMDS 需得到批准 “GM3660 Commodity Validation Sign-Off” is required for approved PPAP status when supplier is responsible for validation.

31、GM3660 需得到批准 Compliance with GMW15862 “Bar Code Content, Format, and Label Requirements for Part Identification, Verification, and Traceability” is required when applicable. CG2503 “Bar Code Label Validation Content and Format Form” is required for approved PPAP status for all new PNs when a 2-dimen

32、sional bar code is specified on the part drawing (effective September 1st, 2011).条形码以及二维码符合要求 GM1411 PPAP Worksheet is required when submitting for less than approved PPAP status (non-saleable or saleable status).GM1411 PPAP 工作表提交,如果不能完全满足 PPAP 状态 Refer to “GM Specific Instructions for PPAP 4th Edit

33、ion” for more information (included in TS16949 Customer Specifics document located at AIAG website). GM PPAP 第 4 版的要求 These requirements are in addition to the standard AIAG PPAP requirements. 这些要求是 AIAG PPAP 之外的特殊要求9. Advance Problem Solving Requirements: 高级问题解决要求Suppliers are required to demonstra

34、te their capability to solve complex problems using advanced problem solving techniques such as the “Red X” system at GM. (Refer to QSB Strategies) 供应商需证明其具备解决复杂问题的能力,Supplier Quality Statement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 6 of 18 GM1927-03使用高级问题解决技巧例如“RED X”系统(参考 QSB 策略)10. Production Support

35、 Requirements:生产支持要求 On-Site support during pre-production and launch: 试生产以及前期造车在线支持 Upon request of SQ or GM Plant, Supplier will provide on-site support during all pre-production build phases and production launch activities. 按照 SQE 或者 GM 工厂的要求,前期造车许安排在线服务人员。 Supplier contacts for all shifts: 每个班次

36、供应商联系人 Supplier shall designate a specific supplier representative that will support each of the GM Plants shifts. At a minimum the supplier designate should have the responsibility to:供应商许指定在线服务人员,对应 GM 工程的每个班次,许承担以下职责: Implement immediate countermeasure to contain discrepant parts and to confirm t

37、hat defective parts are not shipped to GM Plant.遏制缺陷零件发运到生产线上 Approve GM Plants/SQEs requests for rework and sort.按照 SQE 或 GM 工厂的要求返修以及筛选零件 Coordinate and provide resources to rework and sort parts.协调并提供资源返工及筛选零件 Provide sub-assemblies / components for required repair, related to quality issues.根据相关

38、质量问题,提供返修零件 Provide clear information regarding any defective parts in-route to GM Plant (how to identify defect, disposition guidelines).提供缺陷零件清晰信息给 GM 工厂(例如如何定义缺陷零件,处置方案) Coordinate special delivery of certified OK parts.协调并快递合格零件 Quality data:质量数据 Supplier must provide quality-related data (e.g.

39、historic inspection, first time quality, and reject data) to GM upon request. This data may be required to determine trends and to root cause quality problems at the GM Manufacturing or Assembly Plant. (Refer to QSB Strategies)供应商需提供质量数据(例如以往检测数据,首次质量问题,报废率)给 GM,该数据用以确认问题的方向以及问题产生根源。(参考 QSB 策略)11. T

40、ier 1 Responsibilities (including suppliers of complex systems/sub-assemblies):一级供应商职责 The tier one supplier is responsible for implementing or enforcing compliance to AIAG & GM requirements for all components of the assembly including directed buy parts unless otherwise specified by a written agree

41、ment from GM Purchasing.一级供应商需承担贯彻并实施 AIAG&GM 要求的责任,包括所有分零件以及总成零件以及 DB 件,免除条款需有 GM 采购的书面同意。 GM may choose to assign an SQE to work along with the tier one on selected sub-supplier components.GM 会指派一名 SQE 与一级供应商一起协同工作。12. Value Added Assembler Responsibilities: VAA 分装商职责 The Value Added Assembler is

42、responsible to control and record breakpoint changes resulting from EWOs, PPAP level and quality level changes of all incoming material. The Value Added Assembler is responsible to assure that the correct PPAP and design level part is used for the given manufacturing build event (MCB, MVNS, MVS, SSF

43、, SORP, etc).分装商承担由EWO 引起的所有来料断点以及管控职责,并保证正确的PPAP零件提供给GM造车。 The Value Added Assembler is not responsible for the PPAP of the individual components, but is responsible for control of those within their facility. 分装商不承担 单个独立零件的PPAP认可,但对装配设备负责。13. Powertrain Suppliers:动力总成供应商Powertrain suppliers must a

44、dhere to the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements Powertrain Addendum.Supplier Quality Statement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 7 of 18 GM1927-0314. Systems and Procedures Access 系统以及程序通道 Suppliers shall have internet access to effectively communicate with General Motors. GM Supplier Quali

45、ty procedures and systems can be accessed through the GM SupplyPower web page () and also GQTS (Global Quality Tracking System) web page link below. (https:/ GQTS 帐号并保持与 GM 的有效沟通。 Suppliers shall have access to the Global Analytical Report Tools (GART) warranty reporting system as appropriate.供应商应适当

46、的链接 GART 售后报告系统,了解售后状态。 Information regarding Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) documents can be found at the following websites. 美国汽车工业行动小组 AIAG 文件可在以下网站下载General AIAG www.aiag.orgEurope A IQA www.iqa.org.br15. Required Quality Information at Global APQP Technical Review (Task #2) TR 资料里对质量信息

47、的要求。 Please gather the following information in a binder or envelope marked “Quality” and submit it with your bid package. If you have any questions relative to the required information, please contact your GM Supplier Quality Engineer for clarification. All information must relate to the manufactur

48、ing site that the product will be manufactured and must reference the RFQ number and part numbers. All listed information is required in your Quote Package. Be prepared to answer questions during the Technical Review Meeting.请搜集以下信息,作为一个捆绑文件,并注明 “质量 ”二子,打包放在 TR 投标资料里,如果有任何问题不明确的,可以联系 GM 的 SQE 澄清。 No

49、te: Referenced GM 1927 documents indicate required formats as specifiedSupplier Quality Statement of RequirementsRevised 06-Apr-2011 8 of 18 GM1927-03Required Information要求内容Explanation解释说明Reference参考Submitted是否提交EngineeringEngineering & Technical Support工程技术支持Identify where the engineering and technical s


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