1、西式婚礼现场布置 the layout of western-style wedding site,成员:,婚宴大厅整体布局 the layout of the wedding hall,大厅顶部 the top of the hall,婚礼舞台 the wedding stage,红地毯,红地毯 red carpet 鲜花 flowers Red carpet covering from the door to the stage And besides the red carpet are the flowers,香槟塔champagne tower,酒杯 wine glass 玫瑰花瓣
2、roseleaf 白色百合花 white lily 黄色玫瑰花yellow rose 巴西叶 白色桌布white tablecloth,餐桌鲜花布置,酒杯wine glass 餐巾纸napkin 餐具tableware 白色蜡烛white candle 白玫瑰white rose 黄玫瑰yellow rose,椅子装饰,白玫瑰white rose 黄玫瑰yellow rose 白色丝绸white silk 肾蕨tuber fern,新人酒杯,酒杯wine glass 黄色玫瑰yellow rose 黄丝带yellow riband 郁金香tulip 勿忘我forget-me-not,糖果盒,糖
3、果盒bonbonniere 喜糖wedding candies 盘子plate Put the bonbonnieres with wedding candies on the plates,鲜花拱门arch,黄色丝绸yellow silk 百合花lily 玫瑰花rose 非洲菊African daisy,签到台sign in desk,椅子chair 白色桌布white tablecloth 签到簿attendance book 钢笔pen 非洲菊African daisy 玫瑰花rose 康乃馨carnation,婚礼引导牌 guiding licence,百合花lily 玫瑰花rose 巴西叶 文竹asparagus fern 白纱white gauze 牌子sign 支架support,价目表,