1、null?%anull冷凝水闪蒸汽的回收利用孙增理* ,王进军, 葛建培(河南永银化工实业有限公司,河南舞阳 462400)null null 1oM E a;?; ; lKnull1s r a?“di? y,YVZ, e 7A, l , M V n97. 01bms | TQ114. 268null null DS Bnull null cI| 1008- 133X(2010)12- 0028- 03Recycleof flash steam of condensateSUN Zengli, WANG Jinjun, GE Jianpei(HenanYongyin ChemicalIndus
2、try Co., Ltd., Wuyang 462400, China)Keywords: diaphragm caustic soda; evaporation; condensate; recycle offlash steamAbstract: Causes of high steam consumption in evaporation in threenulleffect downstream evaporationsystem ofcaustic sodawere analyzed. Afterworking outplans of improving process, contr
3、olling levelofflash tank and recycling flash steam of condensate, steam cost could be reduced by 970. 1 thousandnullRMB per year.null null 2 LD , e u 7B 951Db , # n30b3nullrT (1)/, M V 8B n:20. 6 null8 000 null4. 2null 69. 2()b(2) “ -y X P 9,BQ 1 /,4a5 ?“da b/,h gl b, bI :T(上接第 29页)null null9 i“ 7 ,
4、 s ,V7?“d h bnullrF “d9F 7byK, 7 j 5A9, j 5A m5 D , A ,rT Xb4null/6rm1 g, P a? 3 ? s , ?“d h,H hbN/ /Z L g, rT EsAbnull 3. 80 t/t3. 45 t/,t/ 0. 35t/,t N109/ta a 1. 6t/a9 , n1. 6 null 0. 35 null109= 61. 04 (/ab)null“d 7 ? 10 t , as? 330 d/a9 ,n10null330 null109null10 000= 35. 97(/a)b 61. 04+ 35. 97=
5、97. 01(/a)b5null/i5nullr? ?“d9F0 b L T j A9A U m5 D eA,/F i ,?r qb0 ; , eb6nullN/Z L ,r ah 3 “S, L ?h 1il,M1iB 1,1BF =85 ,/ /, ! ! .?, P 3h/,V74? 3 6 b ID1 W. a?C# ?/yp J. oa, 2010, 46(1): 22- 29. I :=31第 12期 null null null null null null null null null null null null null 王null 庆:蒸汽冷凝水的回收null null null null null null null null null?%a