1、第六讲 英国经济,Chapter 6:The Economy 英国经济,I. Recent History of British Economy1. Britain was the first industrialized nation and has remained an economic giant for the past two centuries.2. By the 1880s, the British economy had achieved global dominance, producing one third of the worlds manufactured good
2、s, half its coal, iron and cotton.,3. Group of Seven: USA, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Later, Russia joined in the group, and thus changed into the Group of Eight.4. Great difficulty and decline in economy (British Disease) for the following reasons: A. Britain suffered great
3、losses in the two World Wars.B. by the mid-20th century, the era of the British Empire was over.,Cost of the WW II,1. 357,000 people were killed and 500,000 were wounded or missing.2. the navy was 30% smaller before the war.3. it had exhausted reserves of gold, dollars and oversea investment, deeply
4、 in debt to the USA,C. Britain was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of the 1960s, and as a member of the UN Security Council(联合国安理会), Britain had to make substantial financial contributions.D. Britain failed to invest in industry after World
5、War II. While some of its competitors, especially Germany and Japan, could modernize using the latest equipment and means of production, so that they catch up with and even overtake Britain.,5. The Evolution of the British Economy since the WarThe evolution of the British economy since WWII falls in
6、to three periods:二战后英国经济发展可分为三个阶段:,(1) Steady development in the 50s and 60s: The British economy in this period is characterized by slow but steady growth (the average growth was 2.6%, while the growth rate for the whole capitalist world was 5.6%), low unemployment and great material prosperity wit
7、h rising standards of consumption.战后50-60年代平稳发展时期。其主要特点是经济缓慢而持续增长,失业率低,物质丰富,人民消费水平不断增长。,The economic policy it pursued was based on the theory of John M. Keynes, he suggested that the government should use fiscal (财政的) and monetary policy to achieve full employment, while using prices and income pol
8、icies to suppress inflation.,(2) Economic recession in the 70s: In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest growth rate and the highest inflation rate, and the high record of trade deficits. 70年代经济滞胀。在70年代,英国在所有的发达资本主义国家中,始终保持最低经济增长率,最高的通货膨胀率,和最高的贸易赤字纪录。,Measures taken
9、by Mrs. Thatchers government to improve the economyMrs. Thatchers government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade, using both macroeconomic and microeconomic policies.撒切尔政府运用宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,采取许多措施提高经济效益。,Background of Thatchers measures,1. In 1973 and
10、1977 , the oil crisis impaired the fall of the Pound;2. the British Currency had very high inflation rates;3. the economy remained stagnant (停滞)between 1973 and 1979, GDP growth averaged 1.4% per year and the rate of inflation 15.6%,British Currency,British Currency:1便士(Pence),2便士,5便士,10便士,20便士,50便士
11、,1英镑(pound),2英镑等,1) Macroeconomic measures were directed towards bringing down the rate of inflation and achieving price stability.To apply a tight control on the exchange rate and the regulation of money growth宏观经济政策直接针对降低通货膨胀率和维持物价稳定。,(2) Microeconomic policies were aimed at working with the grain
12、 of market forces by encouraging enterprise, efficiency and flexibility.Privatization Labor legislation: 1980 Employment Acts, 1984 Trade Union Act 微观经济政策旨在通过鼓励实业,效率和灵活性共同努力提高市场竞争力。,Biggest changes in British economic policy,1. Thatchers government privatized state-owned industries and promoted a mo
13、re competitive spirit.2. In terms of social welfare, Thatchers government reduced old age pensions (救济金), shortened the period of unemployment benefits and cut child benefits.3. The government curbed(约束) the power of the trade union.,(3) Economic recovery in the 80s: An outstanding feature of the ec
14、onomic recovery in the 80s was its length, lasting seven years. Another was the improved financial position of the government, with stronger current account of the balance of payments.80年代经济复苏。一个显著特点是时间长,复苏持续了7年。另一个特点是国际收支大大盈余,政府金融地位最高。,Negative aspects of Thatchers measures,1. a rapid increase in u
15、nemployment. In 1982, three million people were out of work. In 1989, 40% of the labor force in London went on strike.2. a vast increase in inequality between rich and poor3. in 1990, she lost in the election because of the unpopular poll tax (人头税) her government had levied (征收),II. Current British
16、EconomyThe following table shows the British economic situation today,1. Agriculture,1) small proportion of population and high degree of mechanization: 1% of the countrys labor force, meets 60% of the national demands2) favorable environment for agriculture and stock raising (畜牧业)3) Important crops
17、: wheat, barely, sugar beet and potatoes, leading exporter of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and fish.,4) Specialization: six farming types in Britain: arable farming (适于耕种的):crop production, dairy farming: milk production, stocking farming: rear livestock for meat, mixed farming: cattle-raising and cr
18、op-growing, hill farming: raise sheep and cattle, and market gardening: growing of vegetables and fruit.,2. Energy production,1) coal mining: most of the coalfields are located in Central Scotland, Central England and South Wales. Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle.Carry coal to Newcastle2
19、) oil industry: North Sea, the worlds sixth largest producer. One of the top ten British companies, three are from the energy sector: Shell, British Petroleum and British Gas. 3) nuclear Power: 16 nuclear power plants,3. Manufacturing Industry,1) Britains manufacturing sector remains important. Arou
20、nd 30% of manufactured goods are exported, accounting for some 60% of Britains total exports.2) British companies are active in all major fields, strong in pharmaceuticals (医药品) (GlaxoSmithkline:葛兰素史克公司:世界上最大的医药公司,2000年12月由葛兰素威康和史克必成公司合并成立)。Do more, feel better, live longer,3) Chemicals (ICI: Imperi
21、al Chemical Industries): the second largest paint producer in the world.帝国化学工业公司,英国最大的化学公司,创建于1926年,主要经营药品、油漆、塑料和石油化工产品。 2007年被荷兰阿克苏诺贝尔公司收购。,4) aerospace, the third largest in the world, electronics industry, the fifth largest in the world. Automobile industry, mostly foreign-owned, the most famous
22、brand is Rolls Royce:世界顶级豪华轿车厂商或其出产的轿车品牌名 5) British Steel Corporation (BSC) is the fourth largest steel manufacturer in the world.,4. Service Industry,1) decline in agriculture, industrial sector, and a sizable expansion of the service sector (retailing, banking, tourism and public service)2) finan
23、cial sector employs about one million people and produce about 6% of the nations wealth3) London: one of the three financial centers of the world, with the other two being _ and _. The world largest foreign exchange market. Bank of England founded in 1694 and nationalized in 1946.,4)Bank of England英
24、格兰银行大楼位于伦敦市的Threadneedle(针线)大街,因此它有时候又被人称为“针线大街上的老妇人”或者“老妇人”。,5)London Stock Exchange,伦敦证券交易所(英语:London Stock Exchange,缩写:LSE,简称“伦敦证交所”)是世界四大证券交易所之一。(其他三个分别是:东京、纽约和纳斯达克)作为世界上最国际化的金融中心,伦敦不仅是欧洲债券及外汇交易领域的全球领先者,还受理超过三分之二的国际股票承销业务。伦敦的规模与位置,意味着它为世界各地的公司及投资者提供了一个通往欧洲的理想门户。在保持伦敦的领先地位方面,伦敦证券交易所扮演着中心角色。伦敦证交所运
25、作世界上国际最强的股票市场,其外国股票的交易超过其它任何证交所。,6)Tourism,1. It employs 1.8 million people in hotels, restaurants, pubs, travel agencies and museums. The income makes up about 5% of the world total income. About 25 million people visit England every year.2. England is rich in countryside view, including Dorset and
26、 East Devon Coast, the Lake District, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle and beautiful university towns such as Oxford and Cambridge.,Dorset and East Devon Coast位于英格兰西南部,2001年被评为世界遗产,Lake District:英格兰西北部的一个风景区,因为这里有许多诗人和作家在此生活过而闻名,尤其是19世纪诗人华兹华斯。,Stonehenge (巨石阵):英国南部索尔兹伯里平原上的一组史前遗迹。,Windsor Castle 温莎堡,英国王室住
27、所之一,位于伦敦附近的温莎城。,Oxford town,Cambridge Town,5. Foreign Trade,1)Trade plays a very important role, in 2009, its exports reached 250.5 billion, the principal exported goods are manufactured goods, fuel, chemicals, food, beverages and tobacco.2) Britain is responsible for 10% of the worlds export of ser
28、vices, including banking, insurance stock brokerage (股票经纪业), consulting and computer programming.3) Britains most important trade partners are the United States, France and Germany.,New Industries,New industries include microprocessors and computers, biotechnology and other high-tech industries. The
29、re are three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth: (1).the area between London and South Wales, (2).the Cambridge area of East Anglia and (3).the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland. The third area is the most spectacular of the three and is now often referred to as the “Silicon Glen”. By the end of 1985 half of Britains microchip output was estimated to have come from Scotland.,