1、典范英语6-13第 1 页共 4 页The Ghost Ship1 - The ghost shipOneday Erniewas latefor school. He ran upSchool Hilland slipped through theholein thefence. He hopedthe Head wouldnt seehim.Wow!Ernie gasped. There was a ghost ship floating about in theplayground. Itwas much likean ordinary ship, but whiteand see-th
2、rough. Heknew that itcouldntbereal.Theghost ship was tied to oneof thenetball posts (柱子)Astrange glow camefrom it, .andit rocked(摇晃)upand down as ifit was riding invisible(看不见的)waves.Aghost seagull flew around it. Ahoy there, ghost ship!Ernie cried bravely. Aghosts head popped out(从窗边探出头来)from awind
3、ow. Whosaid that? theghost asked. I did!said Ernie. But youre notsupposed tobe ableto see me! theghost gasped. Then theghost thought again. Are you sureyou can see me? theghostasked. Quitesure,Ernie said.Thewindowslammed(哐的一声)shut. Ispoke to aghost!Ernie shouted. MrsWiggins, thecaretaker, heard Erni
4、e shout.Shecame running outto theplayground. Isp-sp-spoketo a ghost!Ernie stuttered. Shhh!Dont tellanyone,said Mrs Wiggins.Whynot?Ernie asked.Idontwant you upsettingthe smallones inClass One!Mrs Wiggins said.But the ghost ships parked (停车)in theplayground,Erniesaid. Theyll see itwhenthey comeout at
5、break.Not everyone can see it,said Mrs Wiggins.Well,I can,Ernietold her. Then that makes two ofus,sighed Mrs Wiggins.Mrs Wiggins marched upto theghost ship.Shipahoy!called Mrs Wiggins.Thewindowpopped open,and outlooked the sameghost as before.Ahoy, there, Mrs Wiggins,the ghost said, politely.Captain
6、 Pegleg!Mrs Wiggins scolded. Youpromised that nooneelse but mecould see you. But oneof thechildren from ClassFour justhas!Havent you, Ernie?Yes,Erniesaid, Ijust have.典范英语6-13第 2 页共 4 页Well,it can happen, you know,theCaptain said, sounding upset. Not often,butsometimes it happens.You cant keep sailin
7、gin here if peoplecan see you!Mrs Wiggins said, firmly.Icant help sailing in here,theCaptain told her. Whynot?Ernie asked.Theresjust meonboard! saidtheCaptain. Icant sail her alone, so Ihave togo where sheblows. I justwish shedblowinhere moreoften. Then Icould hunt formytreasure.The Captain went on,
8、Im doomed to sail theseas forever untilI findmylost treasure. I knowits here because thatswhat itsays onmymap.Youdbetterfind it thistime, orelse!warned Mrs Wiggins. Thewindowsnapped shut.Ghost treasure!said Ernie. Waittill Itellthis to Class Four!2 - We cant see it!Everyone had to wait until break t
9、imeto see theghost ship. They rushed outofclass and intotheplayground. There it is!Ernie shouted, pointing at theghost ship.Everyone took agood look. They saw thebins and thefence, but they couldnt seeanyship. Wecant seeit,said Louie. But thereIS a ghost ship! Erniesaid, lookingat it,and through it,
10、 bothat the sametime. Theghost ship was see-through and fuzzy.Theresnoghost ship here!said Louie. Theghost seagull flew down andlanded onLouies head. Aghost seagull justlanded onyour head! Ernietold Louie.Oh noit didnt!said Louie, who couldnt see it, orfeel it.OHYES IT DID!Ernie shouted. OHNO IT DID
11、NT!roared everyone else.They laughed at Erniefor making upstories about ghost seagulls and ships.Thenthey ran offto play.Along came Jade, thesmallest and cleverest girl in ClassFour. Whats thatghost shipdoing here? sheasked Ernie. Youcan se ittoo! Erniegasped. Of courseIcan,said Jade.No one elsecan,
12、 but meand Mrs Wiggins, Erniesaid. Its Captain Peglegsship andhesdoomed tosail thesea forever, untilhefinds his lost treasure. He thinksheleft it around here.Wecould help him to find it, said littleJade. How?Ernieasked.典范英语6-13第 3 页共 4 页My dadhas books about treasure hunting,said Jade. Well look inh
13、is booksandfind out what to do.Ghost treasurehunt starts right now!shouted Ernie. Ghost treasurehunt startswhenweve looked at Dads books!said Jade.The bell went for the start of lessons. After school! Jade told him. After school,andnomucking about! 3 - The treasure huntAfter school, they went to Jad
14、es house andgot outher dads booksabouttreasurehunting. Thatshow well doit!said Jade, showing Ernie apage inone ofthebooks.But we havent got oneof those, Erniesaid, pointingat themetal detector.My dadhas,Jade said. He uses it whenhehunts for old coinsand things onthebeach. Thatswhy hehas all these bo
15、oks about treasurehunting.They ran back upSchool Hillto theschool. Erniewas carrying a spade 铁锹)andJade (had abig bag,with themetal detector in it.Captain Pegleg!Ernie called. The Captain was ondeck. You again!saidCaptain Pegleg. Can you stillsee me?Yes,Ernie said.Weknowyou cant stop sailingtillyou
16、find your ghost treasure,Jade toldtheCaptain.Wewant to help you find it,Ernieadded. But first we want to look at yourmap,said Jade. The map was ripped and torn, with lotsof holes init.The ghost seagull got at it! Captain Pegleg said.It says: XMarks thetreasureonthemap,said Jade, but Idontsee any X.T
17、he ghost seagull pecked out myX. Icantremember where it was, sighedCaptain Pegleg. I cant even find Treasure IslandBut Imsure thisis where itusedtobe.It is!said littleJade, andshegrinned. Treasure Island is here, where werestanding!典范英语6-13第 4 页共 4 页Howdoyou know?asked Ernie. Look!Jade said, and she
18、drew on thebackoftheCaptainsmap. The bitsticking upisSchool Hill!she toldErnie. Whereourhouses are now, used tobe under thesea, years ago. Mydad told me.Westill dont knowwhere tolook! Erniesaid. Wecould digall day and neverfind thetreasure.Well usemy dads metal detector, explained Jade. Itllgo pingw
19、henwere near thetreasure.If metal detectors work(有效,适用)on ghost gold! muttered Ernie.Well,it might work,said Jade. At least we can try.Sothey looked forthetreasure But they didnt find itsothey lookedagain and again They looked again andagain Then PING PING PINGwent themetal detector. It was the trea
20、sure!They dugupCaptain Peglegs ghost treasure chest 箱子)filled withgold. It wasghost (gold, so itwasnt as heavy as real gold. They started to carry itback to theship.At least, thats what they started to do.But as they were walking back towardstheschool, theghost treasurechest began fading away. Capta
21、in Pegleg began fading,too. Goodbye, Captain Pegleg,Jade whispered.The ghost ship faded away because wefound Captain Peglegs treasure, ErnietoldClass Four thenextday. There never was aghost ship,said Louie.Oh yes, thereWAS!shouted Ernie. Oh no,there WASNT! shouted everyoneelse. Somewhere else,somewhere far away, a ghost seagull cried. But nobodyheard it,except ErnieandJade andMrs Wiggins.