1、2006 M 11 11 (9 183 ) LUBRICATIONENGINEERINGNovnull2006Nonull11 (serialNonull183)l : 2006- 03- 31T e : , p V , V Y “ d nullEnullmai:l huangxwmailnulltsinghuanulledunullcnnull . 2 Z 1null f 1null ; ? 2null 2(1null b v ? S E L i null 100084; 2null Y v # null 710049)K 1 : $ . 2 n , s “ - . 2 C Z , 4 ?
2、Z , “ d + V h “ . 2 b1 o M : ; “ d ; ; . 2 m s | : TB123null D S M : Anull c I | : 0254- 0150 (2006) 11- 194- 4State ofArt in Antinullbrakenullsqueal ofAutomotiveHuang Xuewen1null Zhang Jinhuan1null DongGuangneng2null Xie Youbai2(1. StateKeyLaboratoryofAutomotiveSafety andEnergy, TsinghuaUniversity,
3、 Beijing100084, China;2. TheoryofLubrication andBearing Institute, Xinull an JiaotongUniversity, Xinull an Shaanxi710049, China)Abstract: Thetheoreticalinvestigation andpracticalmeasurestosuppressorelmi inatebrakesquealwerereviewed. Theprogress in antinullbrakenullsquealofautomotivewassummarizedanda
4、nalyzed. Considering theorigination ofbrakesquea,l denullveloping advanced frictionalmaterialswith highperformancewaspointed out tobean effectmethod ami ingatelmi inatingbrakesquea.lKeywords: friction; tribonullsystem; brake; squealnull ! 9 a M V ? H 3 b(2) / f / ? 3 U : “ T H ; | ; + S ; # B a A f
5、/ b(3) “ 6 , y h l , W ( , U ? 3 b(4) + T , U q + , O U ? 3 100 / b(5) . 2 “ d . 2 ? 3 , Y . 2 3 y bNishiwaki2 . 2 y T d o “ d 7 P “ d ? 9 v 0 b D 11 4 V ? . 2 , s Y : T null a1 null a nullM 1 “ | q b D 7 4 6 . 2 ,s Y nullM 1 “ | q a1 null a nullM 1 “ | q 1 null T a 1 a= s a; b “ - $ v s “ d 1 , . 2
6、 ? q 7 “ d C , V 7 3 1 b9 , . 2 + # 8 8 T 1 b3null . 2 Z D 12 h “ . 2 K Z E hl , A , h l r q , V | by N - # T T m h l . 2 bFosberry Holunullbecki13Y V 9 F v W W E D a M , + , Z E h l . 2 ; T 7 , F E D a9 F ah l 6 ZE bMillnerN14? C T w q . 2 3 Y , + h l . 2 ; , # T V h l T . 2 bNishiwaki15 Y V 9 F “
7、4 , h “ B H q / 1 . 2 bHulten16 V : T “ d 4 , 2 o V 3 B o , o V “ d , V h “ . 2 b E D 9 B . 2 r o bHoffman C T17LewisTM18 L T (E D ) V r v w bRajendraSingh199 T e . 2 bf Y a5 20 ) T L E D h . Z E , Z E ? B , . 2 bFlintJ21 NossierTA22 ? C Y V v M v W Z E 9 B r T bP CBrooks23 ! 9 v a , H , P % q M E .
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